

单词 occasions
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔UNUSUAL〕a book of recipes for every day and special occasions too 日常及特殊场合均可使用的一本菜谱朗文写作活用〔anniversary〕gifts for all occasions from birthdays to anniversaries, new babies, and house-warming parties适合在生日、周年纪念日、宝宝出生、乔迁派对等各种特别的日子送出的礼物外研社新世纪〔casual〕family parties and other casual occasions 家庭聚会和其他非正式场合牛津高阶〔ceremonial〕ceremonial occasions 礼仪场合牛津高阶〔festive〕on festive occasions 在节庆场合英汉大词典〔name〕one of those rare occasions in history when a political leader risked his own power in the name of the greater public good.历史上少有的例子之一,政治领袖为更大的公共利益,甘冒丢官弃职的风险柯林斯高阶〔occasion〕occasions Archaic Personal requirements or necessities. occasions 【古语】 个人的要求或必需品美国传统〔occasion〕birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions 生日、周年纪念及其他特殊时节韦氏高阶〔occasion〕go about one's lawful occasions 从事合法的业务英汉大词典〔pageantry〕the pageantry of royal occasions 王室庆典的盛况牛津高阶〔rare〕on rare occasions 很少,不常文馨英汉〔save〕save one's best clothes for grand occasions 把自己最好的衣服留着在盛大场面上穿英汉大词典〔solemn〕funerals and other solemn occasions 葬礼以及其他肃穆的场合麦克米伦高阶〔state〕a crown worn only on state occasions 仅在国事场合中佩戴的王冠韦氏高阶〔state〕music for state occasions (=special public events) 隆重仪式上使用的音乐朗文当代




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