

单词 nutritive
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deutoplasm〕The nutritive substances or yolk in the cytoplasm of an ovum or other cell.滋养质:卵细胞或其他细胞的细胞质中的卵黄或营养物质美国传统〔endosperm〕The nutritive tissue within seeds of flowering plants, surrounding and absorbed by the embryo.胚乳:开发植物种子内部的营养组织,围在胚胎周围并被胚胎吸收美国传统〔fishmeal〕A nutritive mealy substance produced from fish or fish parts and used as animal feed and fertilizer.鱼粉:由鱼或其某些部位制出的一种用作动物饲料或肥料的粉状营养物质美国传统〔fuel〕Nutritive material metabolized by a living organism; food.食物:被生命组识消耗的营养物;食物美国传统〔gavage〕Introduction of nutritive material into the stomach by means of a tube.管饲法:通过一管子把营养物质送入胃中美国传统〔metaplasm〕Nonliving material in the protoplasm of a cell, such as pigment granules or nutritive substances.后生质:一个细胞细胞质内的无生命物质,如色素颗粒或营养物质美国传统〔nutritive〕Coconut milk has little nutritive value.椰奶的营养价值很低。外研社新世纪〔nutritive〕Coconut milk has little nutritive value.椰子汁没什么营养价值。柯林斯高阶〔nutritive〕Watermelon seeds contain highly nutritive oil.西瓜籽还有营养丰富的油脂。剑桥高阶〔parablast〕The nutritive yolk of a meroblastic egg.卵黄,蛋黄:不完全裂卵的营养卵黄美国传统〔perisperm〕The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed.外胚乳:包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织美国传统〔refine〕Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of the foods.大部分真正有营养价值的物质经精制加工实际上从食物中丧失了。英汉大词典〔tapetum〕Botany A nutritive tissue within the sporangium, particularly within an anther.【植物学】 绒毡层:一种位于孢子囊内的一层富含养分的组织,尤指位于花药里的美国传统Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of the foods. 在食品加工过程中很多真正有营养价值的物质实际上却丧失了。译典通




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