

单词 attache
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕In many countries there is still a strong social stigma attached to homosexuality. 在许多国家,同性恋仍被社会认为是一种奇耻大辱。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕I've attached the latest spreadsheet for you to look at. 我已附上最新的电子数据表给你审阅。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Before you accept the loan you'd better make sure that there are no strings attached. 接受贷款以前,你最好确认一下贷款没有任何附加条件。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕The references and diagrams were attached to the document. 参考书目和示意图都附在文件上。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕Casey had become quite attached to the comforts of his London home. 伦敦的家舒适温暖,凯西变得非常依恋。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕We've grown quite attached to you, Annie, and we'll be very sorry to see you leave. 我们都很喜欢你,安妮,看到你离开我们会非常难过的。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕I would be grateful if you would sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to me. 敬请在本函所附的文件上签字后寄还给我。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕He attached the paper to the wall with special adhesive tape. 他用一种特殊的胶带把纸贴在墙上。朗文写作活用〔acrodont〕Having teeth attached to the edge of the jawbone without sockets.边齿的,端生齿的:长有颌缘牙的,端生的,颌缘的美国传统〔acromion〕The outer end of the scapula to which the collarbone is attached.肩峰:肩胛骨的尾端,与锁骨相连美国传统〔affirmation〕The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.投票人数之多证明了选民对这次选举的重视。外研社新世纪〔apoenzyme〕The protein component of an enzyme, to which the coenzyme attaches to form an active enzyme.主酶,脱辅基酶蛋白:一种酶的蛋白质成分,辅酶加入该酶可构成活性酶美国传统〔atom〕A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom attached to four hydrogens.1个甲烷分子由1个碳原子与4个氢原子构成。外研社新世纪〔atom〕A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom attached to four hydrogens.甲烷分子由1个碳原子与4个氢原子构成。柯林斯高阶〔attach ... to〕He attached an aerial (或 antenna) to the radio.他把收音机装上天线。21世纪英汉〔attach ... to〕He attached himeself to our group.他参加我们组。21世纪英汉〔attach ... to〕He is ardently attached to his wife.他热切地爱着妻子。21世纪英汉〔attach ... to〕She was attached to the Chinese Embassy.她隶属中国大使馆。21世纪英汉〔attach ... to〕The blame for this accident attaches to the man who destroyed the signal.这个事故的责任归于那个破坏信号的人。21世纪英汉〔attach oneself to〕She has attached herself to the company.她已参加那家公司了。21世纪英汉〔attach to sb/sth〕Great honour attaches to winning this award.获得该奖是莫大的荣誉。剑桥高阶〔attached〕George is obviously very attached to you.乔治显然非常喜欢你。牛津搭配〔attached〕He grew up with dogs and was attached to them.他和狗一起长大, 因而很喜欢狗。外研社新世纪〔attached〕He is attached to the Democrats.他属于民主党。文馨英汉〔attached〕He is deeply attached to his mother.他深爱他的母亲。文馨英汉〔attached〕He is very attached to his daughter.他十分喜欢他的女儿。英汉大词典〔attached〕He's sentimentally attached to the house.他感情上对这所房子很依恋。麦克米伦高阶〔attached〕Make sure all the wires remain firmly attached.确保所有的电线都连接牢固。牛津搭配〔attached〕The ball was attached to a chain.这个球连在一条链子上。牛津搭配〔attached〕The research unit is attached to the university.这个研究单位附属于大学。牛津高阶〔attached〕To take advantage of this offer please complete the attached forms.要想利用这个报价,请填写附加表格。麦克米伦高阶〔attached〕We both became very attached to the cat.我们俩都变得很喜欢这只猫。韦氏高阶〔attachment〕Something, such as a tie, band, or fastener, that attaches one thing to another.连接物:能使一物与另一物相连的物体,如绳、带子或钩扣美国传统〔attachment〕The act of attaching or the condition of being attached.联接:联接的行为或被连接的状态美国传统〔attach〕A proviso attaches to the contract.这个合同附带一项限制性条款。英汉大词典〔attach〕A young man from Canada had attached himself to Sam.一个加拿大来的小伙子缠着萨姆。朗文当代〔attach〕He attached a colour printer to his computer.他给自己的计算机连上了一台彩色打印机。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕He was attached to the foreign affairs department of a Japanese newspaper.他在一家日本报社的外事部门工作。朗文当代〔attach〕I am attached to my family.我对我的家依依不舍美国传统〔attach〕I've attached an application to the brochure for you.我在给你的宣传册里附了一份申请。韦氏高阶〔attach〕It's easy to become attached to the children you work with.很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们。朗文当代〔attach〕Many major issues are attached to this legislation. They gained influence by attaching themselves to prominent city institutions.许多重要事务同这项立法相联系。他们通过与卓著的城市机构之间的联系而获得威望美国传统〔attach〕Natasha attached herself to the film crew filming at her orphanage.娜塔莎紧紧缠着在孤儿院拍摄电影的工作人员不放。柯林斯高阶〔attach〕No blame attaches to her.她无可指责。21世纪英汉〔attach〕Please fill in and return the attached reply slip.请填好所附的回条并把它寄回。朗文当代〔attach〕Please find attached a copy of my CV.请参见本人所附的简历。外研社新世纪〔attach〕She attached herself to the cause.她全身心地投入到这项事业中。韦氏高阶〔attach〕She is a writer to whom the label ‘feminist' is often attached.她是个作家,常被人称为“女权主义者”。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕She is now attached to the American Embassy in Beijing.她现在被派到美国驻北京大使馆工作。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕The Food Ministry is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture.粮食部隶属于农业部。朗文当代〔attach〕The abalone attached itselfto rocks.鲍鱼是附着在岩石上的。英汉大词典〔attach〕The authorities attached much significance to his visit.当局非常重视他的访问。柯林斯高阶〔attach〕The handle attaches here on the top.这顶部有个把手。韦氏高阶〔attach〕The licence renewal had two special conditions attached.执照换新有两个特别附加条件。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕The officer attached his signature to the document.这名官员在这份文件上签了名。21世纪英汉〔attach〕The personnel office attached him to the advertising department when he first joined the firm.他刚来这家商行时,人事室派他在广告部工作。英汉大词典〔attach〕There was a message attached to the flowers.随花一起送来一封信。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕There will be considerable prestige attached to his new position.他的新职位将很有影响力。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕There's inevitably an element of risk attached to sports such as skiing.在诸如滑雪之类的运动中不可避免地存在着危险。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement(= said that the conditions must be part of the agreement).他们在协议上附加了一些条件。牛津高阶〔attach〕They soon attached themselves to a group of women discussing the next day's activities.很快他们就和一群妇女在一起讨论第二天的活动。麦克米伦高阶〔backhoe〕An excavator whose bucket is rigidly attached to a hinged pole on the boom and is drawn backward to the machine when in operation.反铲挖土机:铲叶牢固地连在吊杆上的铰链孔中的一种挖土机,当它处于工作状态时,铲叶被向后拖向机器美国传统〔banner〕A piece of cloth attached to a staff and used as a standard by a monarch, military commander, or knight.旗,旗帜:君主、将领或骑士当做旗帜绑于旗杆上的一块布美国传统〔bargeboard〕A board, often ornately carved, attached along the projecting edge of a gable roof.山墙封檐板:常做装饰性雕刻的木板,与三角屋顶突出来的边相连美国传统〔basifixed〕Attached by the base, as certain anthers are to their filaments.基部的:附着于底部的,如雄蕊之花粉囊到花丝美国传统〔beam〕The main horizontal bar on a plow to which the share, colter, and handles are attached.车辕、犁柄:犁上主要的横棍,用以固定犁铧、犁刀和柄美国传统〔bilbo〕An iron bar to which sliding fetters are attached, formerly used to shackle the feet of prisoners.带有足枷的长方形铁镣:一种带有滑动脚镣的长条形铁条,以前用于束缚犯人的脚美国传统〔bola〕A rope with weights attached, used especially in South America to catch cattle or game by entangling their legs.流星锤:一头系重物的绳子,尤用于南美洲捕牛或套腿的狩猎美国传统〔bowstring〕The cord attached to both ends of an archer's bow.弓弦:连系弓两端的弦美国传统〔buckle〕A clasp for fastening two ends, as of straps or a belt, in which a device attached to one of the ends is fitted or coupled to the other.搭扣,搭钩,扣子:用来扣住皮带的两端美国传统〔bungee jumping〕The sport of jumping usually head-first from a great height while attached to a bungee cord.蹦极:身上绑有弹跳绳并从极高处头朝下跳跃的运动美国传统〔casual〕A soldier temporarily attached to a unit while awaiting permanent assignment.暂编人员,分遣员:暂时编入某一单位等候固定任命的军士美国传统〔chaplain〕A member of the clergy attached to a branch of the armed forces.随军牧师:从属于某一支军队的牧师美国传统〔chassis〕The rectangular steel frame, supported on springs and attached to the axles, that holds the body and motor of an automotive vehicle.底盘:连于车轴上且用弹簧支撑的长方形钢架,用以固定机动车辆的车身及发动机美国传统〔chelate〕A chemical compound in the form of a heterocyclic ring, containing a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions.螯合物:杂环化学复合物,由一个金属离子与两个或两个以上非金属离子构成配位键美国传统〔clamper〕One that clamps, especially a spiked plate attached to the sole of a shoe to prevent slipping on ice.防滑钉片:钳制的东西,尤指附在鞋底的防止在冰上打滑的带钉平板美国传统〔clog〕A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.重物,坠脚:一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动美国传统〔cooling tower〕A large tower or similar structure typically attached to a power plant through which water is circulated to lower its temperature by partial evaporation.冷却塔:大的塔或相似的结构。通常是连接到发电厂,从那里借着蒸发,水会被循环来降低温度美国传统〔coupon〕Fill in and return the attached coupon.填写所附上的参赛表并寄回。牛津高阶〔crankpin〕A bar or cylinder in the arm of a crank to which a reciprocating member or connecting rod is attached.曲柄栓:一种在曲柄上用以连接往复式发动机部件或连杆的长棒或圆筒美国传统〔crank〕A device for transmitting rotary motion, consisting of a handle or arm attached at right angles to a shaft.曲柄:一个传递转动的部件,包括一个手柄或把手与一个轴直角相连美国传统〔crosspiece〕The carpenter attached a crosspiece to each side of the frame to give extra support to the roof.木匠给房屋框架的每一面都加了一根横梁以更加牢固地支撑房顶。韦氏高阶〔crupper〕A leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward.牵鞍兜带:穿过马尾下面的一皮革圈套,用来扣紧马具或马鞍以防止它向前滑动美国传统〔divaricate〕Relating to a separation of two bones normally adjacent or attached but not located in a joint; diastatic.分开的,脱臼的:与通常邻近或附着在一起,但并不在同一关节里的两骨分开有关的;脱臼的美国传统〔dock〕The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.卡车驶离装货月台时塑料水龙带还连在上面。柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.那辆卡车水龙带还连着就驶离装运月台了。外研社新世纪〔doctrinaire〕A person inflexibly attached to a practice or theory without regard to its practicality.教条主义者:不顾实际而一味坚持某一经验和理论的人美国传统〔doorstop〕A rubber-tipped projection attached to a wall to protect it from the impact of an opening door.防撞门器:固定在墙上防止门撞墙的带胶头的突出物美国传统〔epipetalous〕Borne on or attached to the petals or corolla, as the stamens of the petunia.花冠上生长的:长于或附着于花瓣或花冠上的,如矮牵牛属植物的花蕊美国传统〔explanatory〕He had attached an explanatory note.他附上了一条说明。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕An ornamental cascade of lace or trimming attached to a dress, usually at the collar.装饰的项饰:装饰性花边或衣服领后的下垂物美国传统〔fire escape〕A structure or device, such as an outside stairway attached to a building, erected for emergency exit in the event of fire.太平门,安全出口:一种为在火灾中提供紧急出口而设的结构或装置,例如建筑物旁的外部楼梯美国传统〔flounce〕A strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain.荷叶边装饰:一种通常把材料收拢或折叠在一条边上的装饰性花边,如在一件衣服或一张窗帘上美国传统〔fringe〕A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.穗(缘饰):一种装饰性的边缘有垂吊的线穗或布条,常与单独的镶边连在一起美国传统〔front〕Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda.和房子前面连着的是一条宽大的走廊。外研社新世纪〔fuselage〕The central body of an aircraft, to which the wings and tail assembly are attached and which accommodates the crew, passengers, and cargo.机身:可承载机务人员、乘客和货物的配有机翼和尾翼的飞机的主机美国传统〔gaffer tape〕The cables should be attached to the floor with gaffer tape so that nobody trips over them.这些电线必须用结实的胶带固定在地板上,防止有人被绊倒。剑桥高阶〔gaff〕A large iron hook attached to a pole or handle and used to land large fish.手钩:一种用于把大鱼拉上岸的系在杆上或柄上的大铁钩美国传统〔gaff〕Nautical A spar attached to the mast and used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail.【航海】 桅上斜杆,圆桁:一种用于拉长纵帆上缘的系于桅杆上的圆木美国传统〔graft〕Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.移植物:通过外科手术联接或植入身体一部分用以替换受损部分或修补缺陷的材料,尤指活组织或活器官美国传统〔hang〕To be attached from above with no support from below.悬垂:被固定在上面,下面没有支撑美国传统〔headset〕A pair of headphones with a voice transmitter attached.一副附有传话器的耳机美国传统〔hobbyhorse〕A figure of a horse worn attached to the waist of a mummer, as in a morris dance.莫里斯舞中系于表演者腰间的马状物美国传统〔hydrofoil〕A winglike structure attached to the hull of a boat that raises all or part of the hull out of the water when the boat is moving forward, thus reducing drag.水翼:一个类似翅膀的结构,其与船身相连,当船前驶时有助于减小阻力使整个或部分船只浮出水面美国传统〔importance〕She attaches a lot of importance to personal possessions.她非常重视个人财产。剑桥高阶〔inboard〕A motor attached to the inside of the hull of a boat.舱内的马达:安装在船体内侧的马达美国传统〔jumper〕Often jumpers A child's garment consisting of straight-legged pants attached to a biblike bodice. 常作 jumpers 连衫裤童装:一种儿童穿的外套,直统裤腿的长裤和围裙似的上装连在一起美国传统〔jumping jack〕A toy figure with jointed limbs that can be made to dance by pulling an attached string.蹦蹦跳:一种肢体有接缝的玩偶,受细绳的牵动跳舞美国传统〔kick plate〕A protective sheet of metal attached to the bottom of a door.踢板:附在门的底部的一块保护性的金属美国传统〔lady〕A woman to whom a man is romantically attached.情妇:与男性有浪漫关系的妇女美国传统〔lateen〕Being, relating to, or rigged with a triangular sail hung on a long yard that is attached at an angle to the top of a short mast.有三角帆的:三角帆的、有关或装配有三角帆的,这种帆常悬挂在一支与短桅杆顶部系成三角状的长桁之上美国传统〔leader〕A short length of gut, wire, or similar material by which a hook is attached to a fishing line.接钩绳:一段较短的接钩线、金属线或类似材料,用于把钓钩连接到鱼线上美国传统〔leaf〕A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants.叶子:连接在茎上的结构,通常是绿色、扁平且侧生,在多数植物中是光合作用和呼吸的主要器官美国传统〔ledger〕A horizontal timber in a scaffold, attached to the uprights and supporting the putlogs.脚手架上的横木,横板:脚手架上的一条横木,附着于直柱之上,支撑脚手架跳板短横木美国传统〔legume〕A pod, such as that of a pea or bean, that splits into two valves with the seeds attached to one edge of the valves.豆荚:豆荚,如豌豆或蚕豆之类的,分成两个裂片,其果实附着在其中一片裂片之上美国传统〔link〕Computer Science An identifying term attached to an element in a system to facilitate connection to other identified elements.【计算机科学】 连接,链路:系统元件上的识别项目,可简化同其他被识别项目的连接美国传统〔liripipe〕A long scarf or cord attached to and hanging from a hood.长披巾:连接帽兜并悬挂下来的长披巾或绳子美国传统〔lister〕A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow, often having an attached drill for seed planting.双壁开沟犁:犁头后部有两块曲面铁板的犁,可翻开犁沟两边的泥土,常附有播种机美国传统〔living〕Chiefly British A church benefice, including the revenue attached to it.【多用于英国】 教产:教堂的圣俸,包括附带的税收收入美国传统〔lollipop〕A confection consisting of a piece of hard candy attached to the end of a small stick.棒糖:一种甜食,一根小棒末端有一块硬糖美国传统〔magazine〕Any of various compartments attached to machines, used for storing or supplying necessary material.附属仓库:附属于机器的部件,用来存放或提供必要的材料美国传统〔mesogastrium〕The portion of the embryonic mesentery that is attached to the early stomach.胃系膜:与早期胃部相连接的胚胎隔膜的一部分美国传统〔motto〕A sentence, phrase, or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object.题词:题写在或附在某事物上有着某种合适特性的字、短语或句子美国传统〔node〕Botany The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; a joint.【植物学】 节(茎上生叶处):茎上的点,此处长叶或有叶子;节点美国传统〔nosepiece〕The part of a microscope, often rotatable, to which one or more objective lenses are attached.换镜旋座:显微镜一部分,通常为可为围的,连接一个或多个物体透镜美国传统〔onlay〕Dentistry A cast, usually made of gold, attached to the occlusal surface of a tooth.【牙科学】 填补物:牙科学中所用的一种石膏,通常是金子制的,用来填牙齿损坏的部分美国传统〔outrigger〕A long, thin float attached parallel to a seagoing canoe by projecting spars as a means of preventing it from capsizing.舷外浮材,舷外浮体:一种又长又细的浮标,通过突出的圆材平行地连在航行的小船上,用作防止船翻的工具美国传统〔oxbow〕A U-shaped piece of wood that fits under and around the neck of an ox, with its upper ends attached to the bar of the yoke.牛脖套弓:安在牛脖子下面或周围的一块U形的木头,其上部末端与牛轭的两臂相连美国传统〔penthouse〕A shed or sloping roof attached to the side of a building or wall.斜棚:附着在建筑物边缘或墙上的棚或斜顶美国传统〔peplum〕A short overskirt or ruffle attached at the waistline of a jacket, blouse, or dress.细腰狭裙:装在夹克衫、衬衣或女服腰部的半短裙或二重裙美国传统〔periphyton〕Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment.固着生物:固着生物体,如海藻和小型甲壳动物,固着在突出淡水水底环境的表面上美国传统〔piety〕He had a profound piety which attached him to God.他对上帝的虔敬使他与上帝紧密相连。外研社新世纪〔plumb bob〕A usually conical metal weight attached to the end of a plumb line.铅锤,垂球:系在一根垂线末端的通常为圆锥形的金属重物美国传统〔pole lamp〕A lighting unit consisting of a usually spring-loaded pole extending from the ceiling to the floor and having attached lamp fixtures.长杆落地灯:一种照明器具,由从天花板延伸到地面的、通常装有弹簧的一根长杆和附在灯的部件组成美国传统〔radio collar〕A collar fitted with a small radio transmitter that when attached to a wild animal can be used in tracking the animal's movements by radio telemetry.无线电项圈:装有小型无线电发射器的项圈,当其附在野生动物身上时,借着无线电测距术可以用来追踪那只动物的动态美国传统〔reel〕A cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line.钩丝螺旋轮:装于鱼杆上用来放出或收回鱼线的卷筒状装置美国传统〔return〕Please complete the enclosed application form and return it in the envelope attached.请填好随信所附的申请表并用所附信封寄回。朗文当代〔rib cage〕The enclosing structure formed by the ribs and the bones to which they are attached.胸廓:由肋骨和连于其上的骨头形成的封闭结构美国传统〔rider〕America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid, to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories.美国按照惯例在对以色列的援助中提出了附加条款,大意是该援助不能用于被占领地区。柯林斯高阶〔ridgepole〕A horizontal beam at the ridge of a roof to which the rafters are attached.主梁:椽被附在屋顶边沿的横梁美国传统〔roller skate〕A shoe or boot with two or four wheels or casters attached to its sole for skating on hard surfaces.旱冰鞋:一种用于在坚硬地面上滑行的鞋子或靴子,鞋底有两个或四个轮子或小脚轮美国传统〔rotary press〕A printing press consisting of curved plates attached to a revolving cylinder that prints onto a continuous roll of paper.轮转印刷机:一种由与旋转的圆筒相连的变曲印版构成的印刷机,圆筒在一卷连续不断的纸张上印刷美国传统〔scooter〕A child's vehicle consisting of a long footboard between two small end wheels, controlled by an upright steering handle attached to the front wheel.踏板车:在两个小轮之间有一长踏板的儿童车,由附在前轮上的一垂直操纵把控制美国传统〔screw〕To become attached by means of the threads of a screw.旋紧:通过螺钉的螺丝使牢固美国传统〔sidecar〕A one-wheeled car for a single passenger, attached to the side of a motorcycle.边斗,跨斗:只能容纳一个乘客的单轮车,连接在摩托车的侧部美国传统〔silk cotton〕A silky fiber, such as kapok, attached to the seeds of certain trees.丝光木棉:一种附在某些树的种子之上的丝状纤维,如木棉美国传统〔skeg〕A series of timbers attached to the stern of a small boat, serving as a keel to keep the boat on course.船尾支撑木:小船尾部的一系列木条,用作航行中支撑船的龙骨美国传统〔slingshot〕A Y-shaped stick having an elastic strap attached to the prongs, used for flinging small stones.弹弓:一种Y形的棍子,其叉子上系有一根有弹性的带子,用于投掷小石块美国传统〔sling〕We attached the sling to the crane.我们把吊索挂在起重机上。韦氏高阶〔spur〕A gaff attached to the leg of a gamecock.距铁:斗鸡腿上拴的铁刺美国传统〔spur〕A short spike or spiked wheel that attaches to the heel of a rider's boot and is used to urge a horse forward.马刺,靴刺:骑马者靴后跟上的短刺或带刺的轮,用来驱马快跑美国传统〔status〕High social status is attached to the legal profession.法律界人士被赋予较高的社会地位。牛津搭配〔stigma〕She had to overcome the stigma attached to mental illness.她必须战胜精神疾病给她带来的耻辱感。牛津搭配〔stigma〕There is a social stigma attached to single parenthood.单身父母在社会上的名声不光彩。朗文当代〔stock〕The rear wooden, metal, or plastic handle or support of a rifle, a pistol, or an automatic weapon, to which the barrel and mechanism are attached.枪托:支撑步枪、手枪或自动武器的后部木制、金属或塑料柄,上面装有枪管和枪机美国传统〔storm window〕A secondary window attached over the usual window to protect against the wind and cold.外层窗:防风暴及寒气的加在普通窗户外面的另一层窗户美国传统〔stretch reflex〕A reflex contraction of a muscle in response to stretching of an attached tendon or of the muscle itself.拉伸反射:肌肉的反射性收缩作为腱受到击打或肌肉本身伸张时的反应美国传统〔string〕Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.应该无条件对发展中国家提供援助。外研社新世纪〔string〕The policy offers 15% interest with no strings attached.这份保单提供 15% 的利息,没有任何附带条件。朗文当代〔surveyor's level〕An instrument having a telescope and attached spirit level mounted on a tripod and rotating around a vertical axis.测量水准器:带有望远镜以及装在三脚架上的气泡水准仪并能绕一垂直中轴旋转的仪器美国传统〔swivel〕A pivoted support that allows an attached object, such as a chair or gun, to turn in a horizontal plane.旋转座架:有枢轴,能使与之相连的物体,如椅子或枪炮,在某一平面水平转动的支撑物美国传统〔sword bayonet〕A short sword that can be attached to the muzzle of a rifle for use as a bayonet.枪头剑,刺刀:可附在步枪的枪口上用作刺刀短剑美国传统〔tabard〕An embroidered pennant attached to a trumpet.附于小号上的刺绣三角旗美国传统〔tailskid〕A skid attached to the rear underside of certain airplanes to act as a runner.尾橇:一种附在某些飞机的尾部下侧用作滑行装置的起落橇美国传统〔tally〕Nautical A metal plate attached to a ship's machinery and bearing instructions for its use.【航海】 金属牌:附在一艘船的机构上的一块金属片,上有其使用说明美国传统〔thereto〕The lease entitles the holder to use the buildings and any land attached thereto.本租约持有人有权使用此建筑物以及所附属的土地。牛津高阶〔toggle joint〕A joint made of two arms attached by a pivot shaped like an elbow, allowing force to be exerted at the ends of the arms as the joint is expanded.肘接:一种由两个连接在一个轴上的臂组成,形状象臂肘,当肘节展开时可以在两臂末端施力美国传统〔training wheels〕A pair of small wheels attached to the rear axle of a bicycle so that beginning riders can ride without falling over.训练用轮子:安装于脚踏车后车轴的一对小型轮子,藉此初学骑脚踏车的人不至于翻覆美国传统〔tuft〕A short cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together.一簇,一丛:连在底坐上或长在一起的小簇细长物质,如毛线,头发或草美国传统〔umbilically〕Gibraltar is umbilically attached to one of the fastest-growing tourist areas in the world.直布罗陀紧密依附于全世界发展最快的旅游区之一。外研社新世纪〔veil〕A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face.面罩:附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物,穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部美国传统〔versatile〕Biology Capable of moving freely in all directions, as the antenna of an insect, the toe of an owl, or the loosely attached anther of a flower.【生物学】 能转动的:能自由移向各种方向的,如昆虫的触角、鸟的足趾或者松散附属的花药美国传统〔vestry〕A room in or attached to a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these robes and other sacred objects are stored; a sacristy.圣衣室,圣具室:在教堂里的或者与它相连的屋子,神父在这里穿戴他们的圣装并且这些圣衣和其它神圣的物件都保存在里面;圣器室美国传统〔visor〕A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.遮阳板:汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板美国传统〔vital signs〕The babies in this unit have various devices attached to them that monitor the vital signs.住在这个病房的婴儿都与各种仪器相连,这些仪器可以监控他们的生命特征。剑桥高阶〔weight〕After he was voted out of office, few people attached much weight to what he said.他落选下台以后,就没什么人重视他所说的话了。剑桥高阶〔whip〕An instrument, either a flexible rod or a flexible thong or lash attached to a handle, used for driving animals or administering corporal punishment.鞭子:一种用具,一个富有弹性的棍棒或是弹性好的系于一个手柄的皮带,用以驱赶动物或进行身体惩罚美国传统〔wing〕A structure attached to and connected internally with the side of a main building.侧厅,边厢:附属在主建筑上且与主建筑的一侧在内部相连的结构美国传统〔wood〕She attached a couple of planks of wood to the wall for shelves.她将一些木板固定在墙上当作架子。剑桥高阶〔wrest pin〕One of the pins to which the strings of a musical instrument, especially of a keyboard instrument, are attached and by turning which they are tuned.校音栓:附在乐器的弦上的一种调弦栓,尤指键盘乐器上的,并通过旋转调弦栓来调音美国传统Attached is a list of attendees at the conference.附上一份与会者名单。牛津商务A fully completed customs declaration must be attached to the package.填写妥当的报关单必须贴在包装上。牛津商务Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.做演员就有一些与之相联的名誉。剑桥国际Don't worry --it was an accident and no blame attaches to either of you.别发愁----这纯属意外,你们俩谁也没过错。剑桥国际FYI, I have attached our programme for next year.我已将明年的计划附上以供参考。牛津商务He attached himself to the expedition. 他参加了那个探险队。译典通I've got a mask with a snorkel attached.我有一个连着水下呼吸装置的面罩。剑桥国际In Britain, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning attached (to them) (=on them).在英国,香烟盒上印有政府的戒烟警告。剑桥国际It is clear that no blame attaches to the management of the operation (= the management was not faulty).很清楚操作管理没有错。剑桥国际Much importance is attached to the development of the individual self. 十分重视个人自身的发展。译典通Music blared from loudspeakers attached to cars.音乐由车内的音响发出。剑桥国际My son feels very attached to his old guitar, and he'd never sell it.我儿子很留恋他的旧吉他,始终舍不得卖掉它。剑桥国际She attaches a lot of importance to personal possessions.她非常重视个人财产。剑桥国际She attaches great value to being financially independent.她把经济上的独立视为极其可贵。剑桥国际The bank's agreed to lend me £1000 with no strings attached.银行同意我无条件贷款1000英镑。剑桥国际The blame for this accident attaches to the man who drove under the influence. 这起事故的责任应由酒后开车的那个人承担。译典通The reformers attached great importance to personal hygiene, industriousness and piety.改革者们极其强调个人卫生、勤奋和虔诚。剑桥国际There are tapes attached to the life jacket which you tie at the side.救生衣上装有系在你腰上的带子。剑桥国际This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 这个医院附属附近的那所医学院。译典通You will find attached hereto the text of the Treaty on European Union.你会看到在此附上的欧盟条约正文。剑桥国际




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