

单词 of price
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORSE〕Any talk of price rises now will only aggravate an already serious situation. 现在谈论物价上涨只会给已经严重的局面火上浇油。朗文写作活用〔advance〕An increase of price or value.涨价,增值:价格或价值方面的增长美国传统〔ahead〕Wages are still one step ahead of prices.工资仍稍稍领先于物价。英汉大词典〔buy up〕The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could.物价上涨的说法使老百姓都涌进商店大量抢购商品。柯林斯高阶〔buy up〕The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could.一提到涨价, 市民们都冲进商店里尽可能多买。外研社新世纪〔comparison〕In terms of price there's no comparison(= one thing is much more expensive than the other).在价格方面无法相比。牛津高阶〔descend〕The hotels are listed in descending order of price.旅馆按价格从高到低列出。朗文当代〔ending〕Officials have announced the ending of price controls.官员们已经宣布了物价控制的终止时间。麦克米伦高阶〔exorbitance〕Excessiveness, as of price or amount.过分:在价格或数量上的过分美国传统〔foreign〕The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools.价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。柯林斯高阶〔harden〕To rise and become stable. Used of prices.变稳定:上涨且变得稳定。用于价格美国传统〔hard〕High and stable. Used of prices.高而稳定的。用于价格美国传统〔impact〕We are trying to minimize the impact of price rises on our customers.我们正在努力使涨价对顾客的影响减至最低。牛津搭配〔lead〕The carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.碳排放税很可能会导致化石燃料价格翻倍。牛津搭配〔liberally〕These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.这些价格调控措施与信奉自由市场的自由主义者所倡导的经济原则完全背道而驰。柯林斯高阶〔liberal〕These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free-market liberals.这些价格控制措施与推崇自由市场的自由主义者的经济原则相悖。外研社新世纪〔order〕The leaflet gives details of all the hotels in the area in descending order of price.这份传单按价格递降的顺序提供了当地所有旅馆的详细介绍。朗文当代〔ordinarily〕Ordinarily I wouldn't pay that sort of price for a picture.一般情况下我不会为一幅画付那种价钱。麦克米伦高阶〔parity〕Equality of prices of goods or securities in two different markets.平价:商品或证券在两个不同市场上的价格相同美国传统〔precedence〕Control of prices takes precedence over every other consideration.控制物价比其他问题都更应优先考虑。英汉大词典〔price support〕Maintenance of prices, as of a raw material or commodity, at a certain level usually through public subsidy or government intervention.价格补贴:经常是利用公用补助金或政府干预的方式将初级原料或产品等的价格维持在一定的水平之上美国传统〔sort〕That's the sort of price I was hoping to pay.我希望出的差不多就是那样的价格。朗文当代〔sort〕What sort of price did you want to pay?(= approximately how much) 你想出什么样的价?牛津高阶〔spot〕A bright spot is the reduced rate of price increases, and thus inflation.令人振奋的是物价上涨速度的下降以及随之而来的通货膨胀的缓解。英汉大词典〔sticky〕Economics Tending to remain the same despite changes in the economy. Used of prices or wages.【经济学】 不动的:尽管经济的变化仍倾向于保持不变。用于价格或工资美国传统〔tariff〕A schedule of prices or fees.价格或收费的表格美国传统〔trade〕Companies are under pressure to trade off price stability for short-term gains.各公司都迫于无奈,要牺牲价格的稳定来换取短期的利益。朗文当代〔unbeatable〕These resorts remain unbeatable in terms of price.这样的度假胜地在价格方面仍具有绝对的优势。外研社新世纪〔unbeatable〕These resorts, like Magaluf and Arenal, remain unbeatable in terms of price.像马加拉夫和阿雷纳尔这样的度假胜地,在价格方面仍具有绝对的优势。柯林斯高阶〔variability〕Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable.购买决定可能会基于价格、送货日期、售后服务以及其他可变因素。柯林斯高阶Consumers make decisions on the basis of price and perceived value.消费者根据价格和认知价值作决定。牛津商务Contact your local sales office for a list of prices.与当地的营业部联系索取价目单。牛津商务Firms making similar products compete through a combination of price and product differentiation.生产同类产品的企业通过价格和产品差异化两者的结合来进行竞争。牛津商务The company sells new cars with a wide range of prices. 该公司销售价格差异很大的各种新车子。译典通




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