

单词 of one's own
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔arbitrator〕make oneself the arbitrator of one's own destiny 使自己成为命运的主人英汉大词典〔architect〕the architect of one's own fortunes 本人命运的设计者英汉大词典〔artificer〕the artificer of one's own fortune 自己命运的创造者英汉大词典〔assort〕assort with people of one's own age 与自己的同龄人交往英汉大词典〔blend〕tea of one's own blend 自己配制的混合茶英汉大词典〔dub〕dub up out of one's own pocket 自掏腰包付帐英汉大词典〔enamo(u)r〕be very enamo(u)red of the sound of one's own voice 十分欣赏自己的嗓音英汉大词典〔engagé〕be engagé in the political process of one's own time 积极参与当代的政治活动英汉大词典〔flesh〕flesh out proposals of one's own 使自己的提议充实完善英汉大词典〔manner〕a manner of one's own 自成一家的风格英汉大词典〔manner〕develop a manner of one's own 自成一家[一派]文馨英汉〔net〕try to free oneself from the net of one's own lies 满口谎言又企图自圆其说英汉大词典〔overestimate〕excessive overestimation of one's own importance.对自身重要性的极度高估柯林斯高阶〔overestimation〕excessive overestimation of one's own importance对自身重要性的过分高估外研社新世纪〔pocket〕pay out of one's own pocket 自己掏腰包付钱英汉大词典〔precocious〕a precocious child with a mind of one's own 有独立思考能力的早熟儿童英汉大词典〔safety〕the safety of one's own home.自己安全的家中柯林斯高阶〔skin〕take care of one's own skin 保全自己不受损伤英汉大词典〔utter〕utter disregard of one's own well-being 对于自己安康的全然不顾 英汉大词典〔victim〕a victim of one's own scheming 机关算尽反害了自己的人英汉大词典〔will〕a will of one's own 固执英汉大词典




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