

单词 of family
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔audiotape〕an audiotaped recording of family members' discussions.家庭成员讨论的磁带录音柯林斯高阶〔battlefield〕the domestic battlefield of family life.家庭生活内部争论的主题柯林斯高阶〔battlefield〕the domestic battlefield of family life家庭生活中的矛盾外研社新世纪〔compromise〕a happy compromise between the needs of family and work 家庭需要和工作之间的愉快妥协朗文当代〔confines〕the confines of family life 家庭生活的范围牛津高阶〔connection〕the network of family connections in Italy 在意大利的家庭关系网朗文当代〔constraint〕the constraints of family life 家庭生活的约束朗文当代〔cosily〕the cosiness and solidity of family life.家庭生活的温馨与和睦柯林斯高阶〔cosiness〕the cosiness and solidity of family life家庭生活融洽团结的氛围外研社新世纪〔coziness〕the cosiness and solidity of family life家庭生活融洽团结的氛围外研社新世纪〔demonstrate〕an experiment intended to demonstrate the importance of family relationships 旨在说明家庭关系重要性的实验麦克米伦高阶〔destroyer〕a destroyer of family unity; a destroyer of our environment.家庭和睦的破坏者;我们环境的破坏者美国传统〔disruption〕the effects of family disruption during childhood 童年时期家庭破裂造成的影响牛津搭配〔dissolution〕a film about social hypocrisy and the dissolution of family ties一部反映社会伪善与家庭关系解体的电影外研社新世纪〔fabric〕the basic fabric of family life 家庭生活的基本结构牛津搭配〔grind〕the daily grind of family life 家庭生活中繁重的家务劳动牛津高阶〔idealized〕an idealized picture of family life 理想化了的家庭生活景象麦克米伦高阶〔identity〕the importance of family history within identity formation 认同感形成过程中家族历史的重要性牛津搭配〔intimacy〕the intimacies of family life 家庭生活中的亲昵言语麦克米伦高阶〔life〕traditional views of family life 传统的家庭生活观念朗文当代〔maintenance〕the maintenance of family traditions.家族传统的保持美国传统〔merriment〕the merriment, noise and chaos of family life家庭生活的欢乐、吵闹和纷乱外研社新世纪〔mindful〕always mindful of family responsibilities.See Synonyms at careful 对家庭责任时时牢记于心 参见 careful美国传统〔narrowing〕a narrow and outdated view of family life.对家庭生活狭隘过时的看法柯林斯高阶〔pressure〕the pressure of family anxieties 令人焦虑的家事困扰英汉大词典〔remembrance〕happier remembrances of family holidays.关于家庭假日的更愉快的记忆柯林斯高阶〔swing〕a swing away from traditional ideas of family life 脱离传统的家庭生活观念麦克米伦高阶〔trauma〕the distressing trauma of family breakup 家庭破裂的痛苦创伤英汉大词典




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