

单词 overcome
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕I have overcome this problem by placing a sheet of polythene over the top of the container.我在容器上盖了一片聚乙烯塑料薄膜,解决了这个问题。柯林斯高阶〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕It took guts and determination to overcome such a severe handicap. 要克服如此严重的残疾需要勇气和决心。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕I've always wanted to overcome my fear of spiders. 我一直想克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。朗文写作活用〔DISADVANTAGE〕Like many other black families, his family had to struggle to overcome social and economic disadvantage. 与许多其他黑人家庭相似,他们一家不得不苦苦挣扎来克服社会和经济上的不利条件。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕Suddenly, I was overcome by a feeling of panic. 突然间我心中充满了恐惧感。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕When Diana met the starving children she was overcome with pity and outrage. 黛安娜见到挨饿的孩子时心中充满了怜悯与愤慨。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕I know there are some big problems ahead of us, but I'm sure we can overcome them. 我知道前头有很大的困难,可我确信我们能克服它。朗文写作活用〔JEALOUS〕For a moment, she was overcome by jealousy. 她一时炉火中烧。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕In order to overcome their addiction, they have to learn to take one day at a time. 为了戒毒,他们得学会一步一步来做。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕Women often have to work twice as hard to overcome the chauvinist attitudes of their male colleagues. 女性工作时常不得不加倍努力,以克服其男性同事的大男子主义态度。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕He was overcome with grief when his wife died. 妻子死的时候,他悲痛欲绝。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕Rimes, who is rarely at a loss for words, was overcome with emotion as she received her award. 莱姆斯是一个很少会因为激动而说不出话的人,领奖的时候也难以自持。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕She had to overcome a lot of obstacles to finally make it to drama college. 她克服了许多障碍,最后终于考入戏剧学院。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕She managed to overcome her shyness, and stepped forward to introduce herself. 她克服了自己的腼腆,走上前介绍自己。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕They have suffered more than their fair share of adversity and managed to overcome it every time. 他们经受苦难之多非同一般,而每一次都设法克服了过去。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕The goal was just what the team needed, at the end of a game in which they had laboured hard to overcome Chelsea. 在球队为战胜切尔西队而拼命的这场比赛快结束时,这个进球正是他们所需要的。朗文写作活用〔agonistic〕Striving to overcome in argument; combative.好争议的:努力争取在争论中获胜的;好战的美国传统〔any〕I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear.我要克服所有的软弱、绝望和恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔application〕With repeated applications of weedkiller, the weeds were overcome.经过反复施用除草剂,杂草得以彻底根除。柯林斯高阶〔august〕Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.如此靠近威严的女皇, 他心中充满了敬畏。外研社新世纪〔august〕Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.如此靠近威严的女皇,他心中充满了敬畏。柯林斯高阶〔aversion〕People can be helped to overcome their aversion to snakes.可以帮助人们克服对蛇的厌恶情绪。牛津搭配〔base〕Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions.爱的力量能战胜邪念。外研社新世纪〔base〕Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions.爱能够战胜邪念。柯林斯高阶〔bashfully〕I was overcome with bashfulness when I met her.遇到她时我显得极其羞怯。柯林斯高阶〔bashfulness〕I was overcome with bashfulness when I met her.遇见她时, 我羞怯得不得了。外研社新世纪〔boggle〕To cause to be overcome, as with fright or astonishment.吓倒,使为难:使为难,如因害怕或惊吓美国传统〔centre〕When working with patients, my efforts are centred on helping them to overcome illness.在治疗过程中,我的主要精力是帮助病人战胜疾病。柯林斯高阶〔collapse/fall (etc.) in a heap〕Overcome by heat exhaustion, he collapsed/fell in a heap.由于中暑虚脱,他突然昏倒在地。韦氏高阶〔conciliate〕To overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease.安抚:克服厌恶或敌对情绪;平息美国传统〔coughing〕He was then overcome by a terrible fit of coughing.接着他便控制不住地剧烈咳嗽了一阵。柯林斯高阶〔coughing〕He was then overcome by a terrible fit of coughing.接着他爆发出一阵剧烈的咳嗽。外研社新世纪〔counselling〕She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.她需要医疗帮助和心理咨询来克服惨剧带来的影响。外研社新世纪〔cover〕Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服焦虑。外研社新世纪〔crisis management〕Today's NSC is overcome by day-to-day crisis management.如今的美国国家半导体公司每天穷于应付危机。柯林斯高阶〔defection〕He was overcome by a sudden defection of courage.他突然失去了勇气。英汉大词典〔desire〕He was overcome with desire for her.他对她有强烈的情欲而不能自持。韦氏高阶〔despair〕I was overcome by despair at being unable to find them.我找不到他们,绝望不已。韦氏高阶〔despair〕I was overcome with a feeling of utter despair.我一时万念俱灰。牛津搭配〔despair〕To be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat.断念:被徒劳无功或失败打倒了美国传统〔desperation〕She felt overcome by desperation.她感到万分绝望。韦氏高阶〔determination〕He has overcome his difficulties with courage and determination.他的勇敢和决心帮他克服了困难。麦克米伦高阶〔detriment〕These difficulties have been overcome without detriment to performance.这些困难都已在不影响业绩的情况下得到了克服。柯林斯高阶〔difficulty〕I think we've managed to overcome most of the practical difficulties.我认为我们已经设法克服了大部分的实际困难。牛津搭配〔director〕The film's director has skilfully overcome the difficulties of adaptation.那部电影的导演已巧妙地克服了改编的困难。英汉大词典〔disability〕She has overcome her disability to become an artist.她克服身体缺陷,成了一名艺术家。牛津搭配〔disappointment〕He couldn't help Anita overcome her disappointment.他无法帮助安妮塔克服沮丧之情。牛津搭配〔disarm〕To overcome or allay the suspicion, hostility, or antagonism of.消除…的疑虑、敌意或对抗美国传统〔distress〕Archaic To constrain or overcome by harassment.【古语】 抑制:通过骚扰(扰乱)来约束或征服美国传统〔distrust〕Great efforts were made to overcome public distrust.为消除公众的疑虑付出了大量努力。牛津搭配〔emotion〕Mary was overcome with emotion.玛丽激动得不能自持。牛津高阶〔emotion〕My mother was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.我母亲控制不住自己的感情,泪如雨下。剑桥高阶〔emotion〕She was overcome with/by emotion at the news of her friend's death.听到朋友的死讯时,她的情绪失控了。韦氏高阶〔enable〕Aeronautics enables us to overcome great distances.航空学使我们能征服远距离。21世纪英汉〔escape velocity〕The minimum velocity that a body must attain to overcome the gravitational attraction of another body, such as the earth.逃逸速度,脱离速度:一个物体为了摆脱另一物体万有引力的作用而必须具有的速度,例如地球的第二宇宙速度美国传统〔face away〕Sarah was overcome with embarrassment. She faced away to hide her blushes.萨拉羞愧万分,她转过头去不让人们看到她脸红。21世纪英汉〔face〕Only by facing your problems can you hope to overcome them.只有面对自己的问题,你才有希望解决它们。韦氏高阶〔fatigue〕We were overcome by fatigue after the long journey.长途旅行之后,我们精疲力竭。韦氏高阶〔fear〕I've been trying to overcome my fear of flying.我一直在努力克服自己对飞行的恐惧。韦氏高阶〔fear〕London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders.伦敦动物园正在举办催眠治疗活动, 以帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。外研社新世纪〔fear〕London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders.伦敦动物园正在搞催眠活动,帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕She eventually managed to overcome her fear of the dark.她最终设法克服了对黑暗的恐惧。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕She managed to overcome her fear.她设法克服了恐惧。牛津搭配〔fight〕He fought hard to overcome his disability. 他努力克服自身的残疾。牛津搭配〔formidable〕They had to overcome formidable obstacles.他们得克服重重障碍。牛津高阶〔fumes〕Several residents of the area were overcome by toxic fumes.该地区有几位居民被毒气熏倒。麦克米伦高阶〔gas〕To overcome, disable, or kill with poisonous fumes.以毒气攻击:用毒气制服,使残废或杀人美国传统〔get〕To prevail against; overcome.胜过;超越美国传统〔gospel〕Not a few who yield themselves to Paul's gospel are left feeling like a traveller overcome by vertigo.不少听从保罗训言的人结果却觉得自己像是晕头转向的旅行者。外研社新世纪〔grief〕Charles was overcome with grief.查尔斯悲痛欲绝。朗文当代〔grief〕She was overcome with/by grief.她十分悲伤。韦氏高阶〔gun〕To pursue relentlessly so as to overcome or destroy.追逐,搜捕:全力追逐以便征服或毁灭美国传统〔handicap〕He lost his leg when he was ten, but learnt to overcome his handicap.他10岁的时候失去了一条腿, 但他学会了克服自身的残疾。外研社新世纪〔handicap〕She has managed to overcome her physical handicaps.她设法克服了身体上的残疾。牛津搭配〔hate〕They have been unable to overcome their hates and fears.他们一直无法克服他们的仇恨和恐惧心理。韦氏高阶〔hearing-impaired〕Some hearing-impaired children may work harder to overcome their handicap.一些有听障的儿童可能需要花更大的力气来克服这一缺陷。柯林斯高阶〔height〕Dave was trying to overcome his fear of heights.戴夫在努力克服恐高心理。麦克米伦高阶〔hurdle〕Getting a work permit was the first hurdle to overcome.取得工作许可证是要解决的第一道难题。剑桥高阶〔hurdle〕There are many hurdles to overcome in life.人生有很多障碍要克服。牛津同义词〔hurdle〕You have already overcome the first major hurdle by passing the entrance exam.通过入学考试你就已经越过了第一大难关。牛津搭配〔hysteria〕By now, she was screaming, completely overcome with hysteria.现在她正在尖叫,完全处于癔病发作状态。柯林斯高阶〔inadequacy〕Clear legislative reform is needed to overcome the inadequacies of the current situation.为了克服当前局势的种种不利,需要进行明确的立法改革。牛津搭配〔indomitable〕Incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished; unconquerable.不屈不挠的:不能被打倒的、不屈服的或不能被克服的;不可征服的美国传统〔inertia〕The forces for change are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.变革的力量不足以克服官僚主义惰性。牛津搭配〔inhibition〕Try to overcome your inhibitions.想法克服顾虑。牛津同义词〔invincible〕Incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable.不可战胜的:无法克服或战胜的;不能征服的美国传统〔inviolability〕The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented.该比赛有一个规则不可违背:必须跳过而不能绕过障碍物。柯林斯高阶〔irresistible〕I was overcome by an irresistible urge to cry.我控制不住想大哭一场。朗文当代〔isolationism〕The government had to overcome isolationist opposition to the plan.政府必须要克服孤立主义者对该计划的反对。柯林斯高阶〔isolationist〕The government had to overcome isolationist opposition to the plan.政府必须克服孤立主义者对该计划的反对。外研社新世纪〔knock〕Slang To kill or overcome.【俚语】 杀,战胜美国传统〔limitation〕I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.我意识到,要超越自己的局限、取得超乎自己想象的成就是完全有可能的。柯林斯高阶〔live〕To overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.洗心革面:在一段时间后克服或减轻了(如罪行)带来的耻辱美国传统〔minority〕The plan was designed to help women and minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace.这一计划旨在帮助女性和少数群体克服在工作场所受到的歧视。剑桥高阶〔minor〕Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome.西方官员称这个问题并不严重, 应该很快就能解决。外研社新世纪〔minor〕Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome.西方官员称这个问题并不严重,应该很快就会解决。柯林斯高阶〔momentum〕The conference will develop a momentum that will overcome the obstacles.会议将产生克服障碍的动力。英汉大词典〔monument〕His life is a monument to what people can endure and overcome.他的人生就是个典范,说明了什么是人能够忍受和克服的。韦氏高阶〔nausea〕I was overcome by waves of nausea.一阵阵的恶心使我很不舒服。牛津搭配〔nausea〕I was overcome with a feeling of nausea.我觉得想吐。柯林斯高阶〔nerve〕The groom was overcome by nerves before his wedding.这位新郎在婚前极度紧张。韦氏高阶〔obstacle course〕A situation full of obstacles that must be overcome.必须克服所有障碍物的情况美国传统〔obstacle〕He was determined to overcome all obstacles in his way.他决心克服阻挡他的一切障碍。牛津搭配〔obstacle〕So far, we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path.到目前为止,我们已设法克服了我们路上的一切障碍。牛津高阶〔obstacle〕They must overcome a number of obstacles before the restaurant can be opened.他们必须克服一些障碍,饭店才能开业。韦氏高阶〔obstacle〕To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles.必须学会克服困难才能成功。柯林斯高阶〔odds〕She struggled against terrible odds to overcome her illness.她奋力与可怕的困境抗争去战胜疾病。牛津搭配〔oppose〕These verbs are compared as they mean to set someone or something in opposition to another, as in an effort to overcome or defeat.这些动词表示把某事或某物放在相反位置上以求取胜时,意思是有区别的。美国传统〔outface〕To overcome with a bold or self-assured look; stare down.压倒:用大胆或自恃的目光压倒…;盯得…局促不安美国传统〔outmaneuver〕To overcome (an opponent) by artful, clever maneuvering.智胜:在机智、谋略上胜过(对手)美国传统〔overcame〕He made a long pause, plainly overcome by the thought.他停顿了很长时间,显然陷入了沉思。21世纪英汉〔overcome〕Overcome with/by emotion, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.她激动得难以自持,有好几分钟说不出话来。剑桥高阶〔overcome〕Charles was overcome with grief.查尔斯悲痛欲绝。朗文当代〔overcome〕Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.她终于克服了上课时的羞怯。剑桥高阶〔overcome〕Find a way to overcome your difficulties.找出办法战胜困难。柯林斯高阶〔overcome〕Find a way to overcome your difficulties.找到方法克服困难。外研社新世纪〔overcome〕Government troops have finally overcome rebel forces in the north.政府军最终制服了北部的反叛武装。麦克米伦高阶〔overcome〕He was overcome with astonishment [grief].他不胜惊愕[悲伤]。文馨英汉〔overcome〕Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral.在葬礼上她的父母悲痛欲绝。牛津高阶〔overcome〕Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying.莫莉已经努力克服了对飞行的恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔overcome〕Several firefighters had been overcome by smoke and fumes.有几位消防员被烟气熏倒了。牛津搭配〔overcome〕She was almost overcome by a tide of relief.强烈的解脱感使她几乎不能自持。牛津搭配〔overcome〕The dead woman had been overcome by smoke.这个女人是被烟呛死的。牛津高阶〔overcome〕The engineer was working on the freezer when he was overcome by gas.工程师在修理冰柜时被煤气熏倒了。朗文当代〔overcome〕The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.考试前的晚上, 恐惧和绝望让我内心无比惊慌。外研社新世纪〔overcome〕The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.考试前的晚上,恐惧和绝望让我内心无比惊慌。柯林斯高阶〔overcome〕The residents were trying to escape from the fire but were overcome by smoke.居民试图逃出火海, 却被烟雾熏倒在地。外研社新世纪〔overcome〕The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue.两个政党设法弥合了在这个问题上的分歧。牛津高阶〔overcome〕Therapy helped her to overcome her fear.治疗帮助她战胜了恐惧。牛津搭配〔overcome〕These problems were never entirely overcome.从未完全克服这些困难。牛津搭配〔overcome〕Two men died when they were overcome by fumes from the fire.两个人被大火的浓烟熏死了。麦克米伦高阶〔overcome〕We tried to overcome their objections to the original plan.我们试图消除他们对原计划的异议。外研社新世纪〔overcome〕What can I do to overcome my fear of rejection? 我怎样才能克服对遭到拒绝的恐惧?麦克米伦高阶〔overpower〕To overcome or vanquish by superior force; subdue.制服:以较强力量征服或打败;压制美国传统〔panic-stricken〕Overcome by panic; terrified.受到惊吓的:被突然的恐惧所征服的;害怕的美国传统〔perform〕The opportunity to perform a favourite song soon enabled him to overcome his uncertainties.因为有机会演唱最喜爱的歌曲, 他很快克服了自己的忐忑心理。外研社新世纪〔perseverance〕It took perseverance to overcome his reading problems.由于坚持不懈他才得以克服阅读问题。朗文当代〔phobia〕Hypnotherapy is often used to overcome phobias.催眠疗法经常被用于治疗恐惧症。牛津搭配〔poor〕The rebels' defences were poor and they were quickly overcome.叛乱者的防御很差,很快就被打败了。麦克米伦高阶〔prejudice〕It takes a long time to overcome these kinds of prejudices.战胜这些偏见需要假以时日。朗文当代〔prejudice〕We've been working hard to overcome prejudice against women in politics.我们一直在努力克服对女性参政的偏见。麦克米伦高阶〔problem〕They still have some serious problems to overcome .他们仍有一些严重问题需要解决。朗文当代〔prostrate〕Physically or emotionally incapacitated; overcome.崩溃的:身体或感情上没有能力的;被征服的美国传统〔prostrate〕To lay low; overcome.使屈服美国传统〔pull〕Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.(牵引时所用的)力量:在拉时所施的力或要克服的阻力美国传统〔push forward〕You overcome your reluctance to push yourself forward.你得克服不愿意表现自己的问题。外研社新世纪〔rally around〕If we rally round, we can overcome our present troubles.如果我们同心协力,就能克服我们当前的困难。21世纪英汉〔repugnance〕She was trying to overcome her physical repugnance for him.她努力克制对他非常强烈的反感。牛津高阶〔reserve〕Overcome your reserve and join in.别那么拘谨,来参加呀。牛津同义词〔resolute〕Their resolute opposition to new working methods was difficult to overcome.他们坚决反对新的工作方法,很难说服他们。剑桥高阶〔rivalry〕She had never overcome her feelings of sibling rivalry (=rivalry between brothers and sisters) .她一直没有克服和兄弟姐妹较劲的那种心理。朗文当代〔scruples〕It took time to overcome my scruples.我花了一些时间才克服了自己的顾虑。外研社新世纪〔scruples〕Some persuasion would be required to overcome her scruples.要想打消她的顾虑得劝说她一番才行。牛津搭配〔sense〕I was overcome by a sense of failure.我被一种失败感击垮了。外研社新世纪〔setback〕He is struggling to overcome the latest setbacks.他正努力战胜新近遇到的挫折。牛津搭配〔shyness〕He was suddenly overcome with shyness.他突然害羞起来。牛津搭配〔shyness〕I tried to overcome my shyness.我试图克服自己的羞怯。外研社新世纪〔stigma〕She had to overcome the stigma attached to mental illness.她必须战胜精神疾病给她带来的耻辱感。牛津搭配〔sting〕He'll eventually overcome the sting of being rejected.他终将抹去被拒绝的伤痛。韦氏高阶〔strength〕Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty.某种东西给我了战胜困难的力量。外研社新世纪〔subdue〕He forced himself to subdue and overcome his fears.他强迫自己克制并战胜恐惧心理。外研社新世纪〔subdue〕He forced himself to subdue and overcome his fears.他强迫自己克制并战胜恐惧心理。柯林斯高阶〔subscribe to sth〕Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.弗兰克坚信人类的善良能够战胜邪恶。剑桥高阶〔surge〕He was overcome by a sudden surge of jealousy.他突然妒火中烧。外研社新世纪〔surmount〕To overcome (an obstacle, for example); conquer.克服(例如,障碍);战胜美国传统〔teething troubles〕As the director of the project explains, there are still a few teething troubles to overcome.正如项目主任解释的,仍有几个初期问题有待解决。柯林斯高阶〔understanding〕Kevin had treatment on the understanding that he would attempt to overcome his drinking problem.凯文接受了治疗,但条件是他要努力克服自身的酗酒问题。柯林斯高阶〔use〕They used simple behavioural methods to help them overcome their fear.他们采用了简单的行为疗法帮助他们克服恐惧。外研社新世纪〔wave〕He was overcome by waves of anger/fear.一腔怒气/一阵恐慌涌上他的心头。韦氏高阶〔wave〕They were overcome by a wave of horror at the news.听到这个消息后,他们感到一阵恐惧。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕There are a number of ways to overcome this problem.解决这个问题有许多途径。牛津搭配〔weakness〕He can't overcome his weakness for fatty foods.他无法抵挡高脂肪食物的诱惑。牛津搭配〔win〕To overcome difficulties and attain a desired goal or end.克服困难并达到既定目标或结果美国传统〔wise〕The teacher wised him to overcome the difficulties in his study.老师劝导他克服学习中的困难。21世纪英汉〔your〕I then realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations.然后我意识到人克服自身局限的可能性到底有多大。外研社新世纪〔your〕I then realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations.那时我才意识到,人克服自身局限的可能性到底有多大。柯林斯高阶Overcome with/by emotion, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.她过分激动,发现自己有几分钟不能说话。剑桥国际A speech therapist helped him overcome his stammer.一个语言治疗专家帮他克服了口吃的毛病。剑桥国际As she sensed danger, she was overcome with primordial feelings of panic and terror.当她感到危险时,她被害怕、恐慌这些基本感情压倒了。剑桥国际He was overcome by the heat. 他热得受不了。译典通I believe truth will overcome. 我相信真理将会获胜。译典通I tried to overcome my shyness. 我试图克服我的胆怯。译典通I want you to overcome your fastidiousness. 我要你克服你的爱挑剔的毛病。译典通I was suddenly overcome with an uncontrollable desire to hit him.我突然被一种要揍他的欲望左右了。剑桥国际It's taken me a while but at last I've managed to overcome my fear of public speaking.虽然花了些时间,但是最后我成功地克服了在众人面前讲话的胆怯。剑桥国际Many inhabitants were overcome by fumes from the burning factory and had to be carried out of their houses.许多居民被从那家燃烧工厂冒出的烟雾熏倒,不得不被抬出家门。剑桥国际Methadone is often given to heroin addicts as a way of helping them to overcome their addiction problem.美沙酮经常被给于海洛因瘾君子,作为一种帮助他们克服毒瘾的方法。剑桥国际My parents were overcome by/with emotion at our wedding.我的父母在我们的婚礼上万分激动。剑桥国际Several bottlenecks need to be overcome before we can solve our problem. 在解决问题之前,我们必须克服一些瓶颈。译典通She felt a wave of wild fury overcome her.她觉得一阵狂怒涌了上来。剑桥国际She had to overcome strong resistance from within her own political party.她不得不克服来自她自己政党内部的强烈抵抗。剑桥国际She was overcome by a vehement desire to punch him.她心怀猛打他一拳的强烈欲望。剑桥国际She was overcome with grief. 她悲不自胜。译典通The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome. 第二语言学习者有许多障碍要克服。译典通There are a lot of difficulties that have to be overcome. 有许多困难必须克服。译典通There have been times when I've been so overcome with grief and rage that I've doubted my sanity.有几次我被悲哀和愤怒的情绪左右,以致我怀疑自己是否神态正常。剑桥国际We certainly hope that the programme will overcome its difficulties/problems and fulfil its aims.我们当然希望这个计划能克服种种困难而达到其目的。剑桥国际We have overcome every objection and completed the mission on time. 我们排除了各种障碍,并按时完成了任务。译典通You'll have to overcome your squeamishness if you want to become a nurse.如果你想成为护士的话,你必须克服你的神经质。剑桥国际




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