

单词 overcome
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔READ〕a society struggling to overcome poverty and illiteracy 正在努力克服贫穷和文盲的社会朗文写作活用〔coloured〕overcome one's coloured beliefs 克服自己带有偏见的信念英汉大词典〔defeat〕overcome is to prevail over, often by persevering: Overcome 指胜过,经常是通过坚持不懈的努力: 美国传统〔defeat〕overcome a physical handicap. 克服身体上的残疾 美国传统〔defeat〕overcome an enemy; 战胜敌人;美国传统〔defeat〕overcome temptation; 克服诱惑;美国传统〔democracy〕the need to overcome political apathy and advance on the road to democracy 克服政界的淡漠以及推动民主进程的需要牛津搭配〔difficulty〕overcome the difficulty of meeting strangers 克服见生人时的腼腆英汉大词典〔diffidence〕overcome one's diffidence 克服缺乏自信的怯态英汉大词典〔disability〕athletes who overcome a physical disability克服生理缺陷的运动员外研社新世纪〔disability〕athletes who have overcome a physical disability to reach the top of their sport.克服身体残疾从而攀上职业巅峰的运动员们柯林斯高阶〔enmity〕tried to overcome his animosity toward governmental control.试图克服他对政府控制的憎恶积怨。美国传统〔fatigue〕overcome with fatigue.疲劳不堪。牛津同义词〔fear〕be overcome with (或by) fear 恐惧万分英汉大词典〔fumes〕to be overcome by smoke and fumes 被浓烟熏倒牛津高阶〔hurdle〕overcome a language hurdle 克服语言上的障碍英汉大词典〔intrepidity〕these perils they had overcome by sheer intrepidity 他们以大勇所克服的那些危难文馨英汉〔legacy〕a programme to overcome the legacy of inequality and injustice created by Apartheid.旨在消除种族隔离政策所遗留的不平等与不公正问题的项目柯林斯高阶〔mountain〕overcome a mountain of difficulties 克服重重困难英汉大词典〔overcame〕to overcome one's competitor战胜对手21世纪英汉〔overcame〕to overcome temptations经受住各种诱惑21世纪英汉〔overcome〕overcome a fault 克服缺点英汉大词典〔overcome〕overcome by the heat.热得受不了。牛津同义词〔overcome〕overcome the enemy 打败敌人英汉大词典〔overcome〕overcome the objections to the original plan 压服对原计划的反对意见英汉大词典〔overcome〕a fireman overcome by smoke 被烟熏倒的消防队员英汉大词典〔overcome〕be overcome with (或 by) liquor 醉倒英汉大词典〔overcome〕methods designed to overcome these problems 用于克服这些难题的方法牛津搭配〔overcome〕to overcome a problem.解决问题。牛津同义词〔overcome〕to overcome an opponent.战胜对手。牛津同义词〔overcome〕to overcome difficulties/obstacles/problems/resistance 克服困难/障碍/难题/阻力剑桥高阶〔overcome〕tried to overcome the obstacles of poverty.尽量克服贫穷的障碍美国传统〔overcome〕trying to overcome my fear of flying试图克服我对飞行的恐惧外研社新世纪〔perception〕a marketing strategy to overcome negative public perception of the company 一种消除公众对该公司负面看法的营销策略牛津搭配〔remedy〕natural remedies to help overcome winter infections.有助于治疗冬季传染病的自然疗法柯林斯高阶〔sinew〕to sinew someone to overcome himself鼓励某人去战胜自我21世纪英汉〔sloth〕overcome one's habitual sloth 克服自己积习已深的懒散英汉大词典〔spirit〕the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties 人类克服困难的精神力量牛津高阶〔think〕think up ways to overcome a difficulty 想出克服困难的办法英汉大词典〔timidity〕overcome one's timidity 克服胆怯英汉大词典〔transgender〕a three-year-project designed to overcome prejudice towards gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.为期三年旨在克服对男女同性恋者、双性恋者和跨性别者所持偏见的项目柯林斯高阶〔will〕lacked the will to overcome the addiction.缺乏戒除毒瘾的自制力美国传统〔win〕struggled to overcome the handicap and finally won.努力克服困难最后终于成功美国传统〔withdrawal〕vitamins to help addicts overcome the first stages of withdrawal帮助毒瘾者度过戒毒最初阶段的维生素外研社新世纪tactics to overcome sales resistance 克服销售抵制的策略牛津商务




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