

单词 associate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AA.〕Associate in Arts.文科准学士美国传统〔AAS.〕Associate in Applied Sciences.应用科学准学士美国传统〔Astarte〕A Near Eastern goddess traditionally associated with love and fertility.阿斯塔蒂:近东地区传统上主管爱情和生育的女神美国传统〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality. 顾客们往往把某些品牌和高质量联系在一起。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕The group tours schools, talking to kids about drug abuse and its associated problems. 该组织巡回探访各校,给孩子们讲述吸毒及其带来的问题。朗文写作活用〔Caucasian〕The disease is largely associated with Caucasians.这种病主要与白种人有关。韦氏高阶〔DISLIKE〕Most people have a natural aversion to anything associated with death or dying. 大多数人对任何与死亡有关的事物都有一种与生俱来的厌恶感。朗文写作活用〔Diana〕The virgin goddess of hunting and childbirth, traditionally associated with the moon and identified with the Greek Artemis.黛安娜(月亮和守猎女神):狩猎和分娩女神,传统上同月亮有关系并且与希腊阿耳忒弥斯(月亮和狩猎女神)是一致的美国传统〔Dixieland〕A style of instrumental jazz associated with New Orleans and characterized by a relatively fast two-beat rhythm and by group and solo improvisations.迪克西兰爵士乐:以新奥尔良城为代表的乐器爵士乐,以较快的两拍节奏及团体和个人的即兴演奏为特征美国传统〔Easter egg〕A dyed or decorated egg, traditionally associated with Easter.复活节彩蛋:染色的或装饰上彩的蛋,传统上同复活节有联系美国传统〔Holy See〕The authority, jurisdiction, and governmental functions associated with the papacy.教廷权利,教廷判决,教廷功能:和教廷相联系的权利、判决及政府功能美国传统〔INCREASE〕We must increase public awareness of the health risks associated with sunbathing. 我们必须提高公众对于日光浴给健康带来危险的认识。朗文写作活用〔Josephson effect〕The radiative effect associated with the passage of electron pairs across an insulating barrier separating two superconductors.约瑟夫森效应:在电子对通过分开两超导体的绝缘势垒时所产生的电磁辐射效应美国传统〔Junker〕A member of the Prussian landed aristocracy, a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism.容克:普鲁士贵族地主中的成员,先前与政治上的极端保守主义和军国主义联系在一起的阶级美国传统〔LESS〕Law firms aren't hiring as many associates this year. 今年,律师事务所雇的人没以往的多。朗文写作活用〔Prairie style〕A style of decorative arts associated with this school, characterized especially by strong horizontal and vertical elements.草原风格:与草原学派有关的装饰风格,特别着重于强烈的垂直或水平元素美国传统〔SAD〕Mild symptoms of anxiety and depression are often associated with social difficulties. 轻度的焦虑和抑郁往往和社交困难有关。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Most doctors agree that a suppressed libido is often associated with emotional and psychological problems. 大多数医生都认为性压抑往往与情绪问题和心理问题有关。朗文写作活用〔Third Order〕A confraternity of laypersons associated with a religious order.第三教团:与宗教教规相联系的一种信徒团体美国传统〔Tin Pan Alley〕A district associated with musicians, composers, and publishers of popular music.廷潘小巷:一个与流行音乐家、作曲家和出版商联系在一起的地区美国传统〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕The public soon learned to associate the catchphrase ‘Ooh, you are awful’ with the inimitable Dick Emery. 民众很快就把那句时兴话“噢,你真糟”同风格独特的迪克·埃默里联系起来。朗文写作活用〔Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome〕A syndrome consisting of Wernicke's encephalopathy in the acute phase and followed by Korsakoff's syndrome, usually associated with severe alcoholism.魏尼凯及科尔萨科夫症候群:为症候群的一种,在急性期为魏尼凯脑疾,接续则是科尔萨科夫氏精神病,常与严重酗酒有关美国传统〔X-chromosome〕The sex chromosome associated with female characteristics, occurring paired in the female and single in the male sex-chromosome pair.x染色体:携带雌性因子的性染色体,通常在雌性性染色体对中有一对,而在雄性性染色体对中只有一个美国传统〔adjunct〕A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity.助手,副手:以从属或辅助身份与他人发生联系的人美国传统〔advise〕She advised with her associates.她与同事商量美国传统〔after-market〕The demand for goods and services, such as parts and repairs, associated with the upkeep of a previous purchase.修配用零部件市场:对商品和服务的需求,如零部件及维修工作,通常与对前次购买商品的维修有关美国传统〔agonal〕Associated with or relating to great pain, especially the agony of death.痛苦的:关于或与巨大痛苦有关的,尤指死亡的痛苦美国传统〔angina pectoris〕Severe paroxysmal pain in the chest associated with an insufficient supply of blood to the heart.心绞痛:由于心脏供血不足引起的胸部突出性疼痛美国传统〔angiocardiography〕Examination of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.心血管造影术:注射射线不能穿透物体后用X射线检查心脏和有关血管美国传统〔arcus〕Corneal arcus is frequently associated with early coronary artery disease.老年环是冠状动脉疾病早期常见病症。剑桥高阶〔assistant professor〕A college or university teacher who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor.助理教授:职位在讲师之上副教授之下的学院或大学教师美国传统〔associate ... with〕Never associate with bad companions.别和坏人交往。21世纪英汉〔associate ... with〕One usually associates poverty with misery.人们一说到贫穷,常常就联想起悲惨的境遇。21世纪英汉〔associate oneself in〕They associated themselves in the company.他们是本公司的股东。21世纪英汉〔associated with〕There are health problems that are often associated with poverty.有些健康问题经常与贫穷有关。韦氏高阶〔associated〕Associated Newspapers 联合报业牛津高阶〔associated〕She was prepared to take on the job, with all its associated risks.她愿意接受这份工作,尽管其伴有各种各样的风险。剑桥高阶〔associated〕These symptoms are particularly associated with migraine headaches.这些症状尤其与偏头痛相关。柯林斯高阶〔associates herself〕She associates herself with some pretty strange people.她结交了一些很怪异的人。韦氏高阶〔associate〕At the conference I met many friends from associate organizations.在那次会议上我遇到兄弟单位的许多朋友。英汉大词典〔associate〕Bloodshed is an associate to war.流血和战争是形影相随的。英汉大词典〔associate〕Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.肺癌被认为与吸烟有关。21世纪英汉〔associate〕He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies.在公众的心目中,他总是和恐怖电影紧密联系在一起。牛津高阶〔associate〕I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.一闻到烘烤食物的味道,我就想起了童年。牛津高阶〔associate〕I have no wish to associate myself with them.我无意和他们为伍。外研社新世纪〔associate〕I haven't been associated with the project over the last year.我去年一直没有参与那个项目。柯林斯高阶〔associate〕I no longer wish to be associated with people like him.我再也不愿意和他这样的人打交道了。韦氏高阶〔associate〕Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute.林先生是研究所的副所长。柯林斯高阶〔associate〕People associate the company with televisions but it also makes computers.说到这家公司,人们就会联想到电视机,其实它也制造计算机。韦氏高阶〔associate〕Rainfall is associated with humidity.下雨和湿度有关。英汉大词典〔associate〕Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.说唱组合一直被禁止参加大型音乐活动, 因为人们会把他们同破坏捣乱联系在一起。外研社新世纪〔associate〕She associated herself with her father in banking.她跟她父亲一起从事银行业。英汉大词典〔associate〕She applied for associate membership last year.她去年申请成为准会员。外研社新世纪〔associate〕The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement.新闻界感到有必要对绿色运动表示支持。外研社新世纪〔associate〕They prefer to associate with friends their own age.他们更喜欢与同龄的朋友交往。英汉大词典〔associate〕We associate the name of Mao Zedong with Chinese revolution.我们把毛泽东的名字同中国革命联系在一起。21世纪英汉〔associate〕We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.我们在思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。英汉大词典〔associate〕While she was in Paris, she associated with many well-known artists.她在巴黎的时候结识了许多知名艺术家。麦克米伦高阶〔assort〕To associate with others; keep company.陪伴:与他人联系;陪伴美国传统〔avascular〕Not associated with or supplied by blood vessels.无血管的:不与血管相关或不由血管供应的美国传统〔bivalent〕A pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes associated together during meiosis.二价染色体:在成熟分裂时联在一起的一对同源、联会染色体美国传统〔black box〕They were part of the black box associated with high-flyer management development.它们是与储备主管培训相关的神秘体系的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔booster〕A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.皮尔斯先生的一个前合伙人是这个计划的热心支持者之一。柯林斯高阶〔botanica〕A shop that sells herbs, charms, and other religious or spiritual items, especially those associated with Santeria.神物小铺:出售药草、符咒以及其它宗教物品或灵魂物品的商店,尤指同桑泰里厄教相关的各类物品美国传统〔brain trust〕Often Brain Trust Such a group associated with the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the development of the New Deal. 常作 Brain Trust 罗斯福智囊团:协助富兰克林·D·罗斯福执政和推行新政的一个小组美国传统〔bring oneself to〕I could never bring myself to associate with such a woman.我从来不敢与这样的女人交往。21世纪英汉〔business〕I had lunch with some business associates.我和几个生意伙伴一起吃的午饭。韦氏高阶〔callose〕A complex branched carbohydrate commonly associated with sieve areas of sieve elements.胼胝质:一种枝条繁杂的碳水化合物,与筛网元素的筛网区域相配合美国传统〔collectable〕Anything associated with him is a collectable item.与他相关的任何东西都值得收藏。外研社新世纪〔commonly〕The kangaroo is commonly associated with Australia.人们通常把袋鼠与澳大利亚联系在一起。韦氏高阶〔companion〕A person who accompanies or associates with another; a comrade.同伴;同事:陪伴或伴随他人的人;同志美国传统〔conciliate〕He conciliated the respect of his associates with his cooperativeness.他以合作态度赢得了同事的尊敬。英汉大词典〔conclave〕A meeting of family members or associates.家庭会议:家庭或相关成员的进行的会议美国传统〔conjoint〕Of, consisting of, or involving two or more combined or associated entities; joint.共同的:两个或多个联合或关联实体的、与之有关的或由其组成的;联合美国传统〔connotation〕Advertising works largely by connotation, by attempting to associate the product with ideas such as 'coolness' and 'status'.广告主要通过暗示起作用, 即试图把产品和诸如“酷”、“地位”等概念联系起来。外研社新世纪〔converse〕Archaic To be familiar; associate.【古语】 熟悉;联系美国传统〔corporative〕Of, relating to, or associated with a corporation.法人的:法人的,与法人有关的美国传统〔correspond〕The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.英国的讲师职位大致相当于美国的副教授。牛津高阶〔cortical〕Of, relating to, associated with, or depending on the cerebral cortex.大脑皮质的:大脑皮质的,与大脑皮质有关的或取决于大脑皮质的美国传统〔crankcase〕The metal case enclosing the crankshaft and associated parts in a reciprocating engine.曲柄轴箱:在往复式发动机内将曲柄轴和相关部件包住的金属箱子美国传统〔cytogenetics〕The branch of biology that deals with heredity and the cellular components, particularly chromosomes, associated with heredity.细胞遗传学:研究遗传和细胞成分的生物学分支,特别是与遗传有关的染色体美国传统〔danger〕Here is a list of possible dangers associated with the procedure.这是与此程序相关的潜在危险清单。韦氏高阶〔denotation〕The most specific or direct meaning of a word, in contrast to its figurative or associated meanings.直接意义:一个词最特定的或最直接的意义,与它的喻意或相关意相对美国传统〔dichromatic〕Zoology Having two distinct color phases not associated with season, sex, or age, as do certain species of birds.【动物学】 二色变异:有两种与季节、性别、年龄无关的独特的色相的,如某些种类的鸟美国传统〔dignity〕The respect and honor associated with an important position.高位:与重要的职位有关的尊敬和荣誉美国传统〔dilatation〕Dilatation of blood vessels is always associated with increased blood flow and increased blood pressure.血管扩张总是跟血流量增加和血压升高有关联。剑桥高阶〔director〕He became associate director of California Ballet in 1983.他在 1983 年出任加利福尼亚芭蕾舞团的副导演。牛津搭配〔dominical〕Of or associated with Jesus as the Lord.主的,基督的美国传统〔double-cross〕Often double cross An act of betraying an ally, a friend, or an associate. 常作 double cross 叛变:叛变联盟、朋友、伙伴等的行为美国传统〔dubious〕He has been associated with some dubious characters.他曾经与一些可疑人物有交往。剑桥高阶〔dysphasia〕Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury.难语症,诵读困难症:语言或文字理解能力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的美国传统〔embryonic membrane〕Any of the membranous structures closely associated with or surrounding a developing vertebrate embryo, including the amnion, chorion, allantois, and yolk sac.胚膜:任何与发育中的胚胎相关或包围胚胎的膜状结构,包括衣胞、绒膜胚囊、尿膜和卵黄囊美国传统〔enterotoxin〕A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.肠毒素:由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻并导致食物中毒美国传统〔environmental〕Of, relating to, or associated with the environment.环境的:环境的,有关环境的美国传统〔extern〕A person associated with but not officially residing in an institution, especially a nonresident physician on a hospital staff.不住院的医生:与一机构联合但不正式住在其中的人,尤指医院职员中不住院的内科医生美国传统〔fall away〕He associated with bad company,and soon fell away.他结交坏朋友,很快就堕落了。21世纪英汉〔familiar〕A close friend or associate.好友:亲密的朋友或伙伴美国传统〔fashionable〕Associated with or frequented by persons of fashion.时髦人士的:与时髦人士有联系或经常为时髦人士光顾的美国传统〔fiercely〕He has been fiercely denounced by his former associates.他受到昔日同僚的严厉指责。韦氏高阶〔fraternity〕A body of people associated for a common purpose or interest, such as a guild.兄弟会:为共同的目的或利益而联合的人们的团体美国传统〔furfur〕An epidermal scale, as that associated with dandruff.头皮屑:一种与头垢有关的表皮鳞屑美国传统〔gangsta rap〕A style of rap music associated with urban street gangs and characterized by violent, tough-talking, often misogynistic lyrics.痞子饶舌音乐:一种饶舌音乐,结合街头帮派特色,以暴力、冷酷的对话为其特色,通常是一些厌恶女性的歌词美国传统〔gastroenterology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.胃肠病学:医学的一分支,致力于使胃、肠和有关器官感染的疾病的研究美国传统〔gearing〕A system of gears and associated elements by which motion is transferred within a machine.传动装置:一组齿轮和连在一起的部件,通过它们实现运动在一机器内传送美国传统〔gerontology〕The scientific study of the biological, psychological, and sociological phenomena associated with old age and aging.老人学:与年老或老年人有关的生物、心理和社会现象的科学研究美国传统〔glossolalia〕Fabricated and nonmeaningful speech, especially such speech associated with a trance state or certain schizophrenic syndromes.捏造的空话:捏造的无意义的言语,尤指恍惚或精神分裂综合症状态下的言语美国传统〔hardware〕Computer Science A computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communications functions.【计算机科学】 硬件:计算机及其它直接参与数据处理或信息交流的物理设备美国传统〔holy〕Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred.神的,神圣的:属于、源于或有关神的力量的;神圣的美国传统〔iconography〕A set of specified or traditional symbolic forms associated with the subject or theme of a stylized work of art.与某一风格固定的艺术作品的主题或描述对象相联系的特殊或传统的一系列象征形式美国传统〔indeed〕I am happy, indeed proud, to be associated with this project.能参与这个项目我很高兴,甚至感到骄傲。剑桥高阶〔institution〕Informal One long associated with a specified place, position, or function.【非正式用语】 与某一指定地方,位置,或作用有长期关系的人美国传统〔insufficiency〕Pancreatic insufficiency is associated with excess fat in stool.胰功能不全和粪便中脂肪过多有关联。剑桥高阶〔iridology〕The study of the iris of the eye, especially as associated with disease.虹膜学:对虹膜的研究,尤其是与疾病有关的研究美国传统〔kleptomania〕An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need, usually arising from an unconscious symbolic value associated with the stolen item.偷窃狂:一种不考虑经济需要的持续的要去偷窃的神经冲动,通常由与被偷窃的物品相关的无意识的象征性价值引起美国传统〔libido〕The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives.利比多:与本能的生物欲望有关的生理的或情感的能量美国传统〔loosely〕Lust now seems to be associated with casual sex and loose morals.色欲如今似乎与性生活随便和道德放纵联系在一起了。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕Lust now seems to be associated with casual sex and loose morals.色欲如今似乎与性生活随便和道德放纵联系在一起了。外研社新世纪〔lunacy〕Archaic Intermittent mental derangement associated with the changing phases of the moon.【古语】 月汐性精神错乱:与月亮的变化周期有关的间歇性的精神错乱美国传统〔lymphadenopathy〕A chronic, abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually associated with disease.淋巴结病:淋巴结的慢性、异常的肿大,通常与疾病有关美国传统〔made payable to〕Make your check payable to “Therapy Associates Inc.” 你的支票应写明是付给“医疗联合公司”的。韦氏高阶〔magician〕Arthur is associated with Merlin the magician.亚瑟与巫师梅林有交情。外研社新世纪〔make〕She associated with men on the make.她与追名逐利之辈为伍。英汉大词典〔marasmus〕A progressive wasting of the body, occurring chiefly in young children and associated with insufficient intake or malabsorption of food.消瘦:身体逐渐变瘦,主要见于儿童,往往与食物摄入不足或消化不良有关美国传统〔maternity〕The feelings or characteristics associated with being a mother; motherliness.母性,母爱:母亲的感受或特征;慈母心美国传统〔mate〕Either of a pair of animals or birds that associate in order to propagate.一方:鸟或兽的为了繁殖的配偶中的一只美国传统〔mess together〕They live in barracks, mess together, and associate little.他们住军营, 在食堂集体就餐, 很少和外界交往。外研社新世纪〔metrorrhagia〕Bleeding from the uterus that is not associated with menstruation.子宫出血:与月经无关的子宫出血美国传统〔name〕I do not want my name associated with these products.我不想让我的名字和这些产品联系在一起。牛津搭配〔neutropenia〕Neutropenia is frequently associated with the use of chemotherapeutic drugs to treat cancer.中性白细胞减少症常常与肿瘤化疗有关。剑桥高阶〔nonstandard〕Linguistics Associated with a language variety used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups.【语言学】 非标准语的:由未受教育的说话者或社会不赞成的群体用的与一种语言异体有关的美国传统〔obviate〕The new treatment obviates many of the risks associated with surgery.新疗法避免了很多与外科手术有关的风险。韦氏高阶〔octuplet〕A group or combination of eight associated by common properties or behavior.由八部分组成的事物:因共同特质或行为组成的八部分团体或组合美国传统〔organicism〕The theory that all disease is associated with structural alterations of organs.器官决定理论:是关于所有的疾病都同组织的结构变化有关的理论美国传统〔organic〕Having properties associated with living organisms.有机的:拥有同活的有机体相联系的性质的美国传统〔orientalia〕Things, especially decorative objects, produced in or associated with eastern Asia.东方文物:尤指那些产于或者与东部亚洲有关的装饰性物品美国传统〔outbuilding〕A building separate from but associated with a main building.附属的房屋:与主要建筑物相关连但却独立的房屋美国传统〔paragenesis〕The order in which a formation of associated minerals is generated.共生次序:相关矿物生成时的顺序美国传统〔parenchyma〕Anatomy The tissue characteristic of an organ, as distinguished from associated connective or supporting tissues.【解剖学】 实质,主质:某一器官区别于有关结缔组织或支撑组织的有特性的组织美国传统〔pastor〕He was the associate pastor at a church in Portland.他是波特兰某教会的副牧师。牛津搭配〔plage〕A bright and intensely hot area in the sun's chromosphere, usually associated with a sunspot.谱班:太阳黑子区附近出现的明亮和极热的区域,通常是与黑子联系在一起美国传统〔popularly〕She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性。外研社新世纪〔power train〕An assembly of gears and associated parts by which power is transmitted from an engine to a driving axle.动力传动系:传动装置及相关部件的总合,它将动力从发动机传给驱动轴美国传统〔procure〕He was accused of procuring women for his business associates.他被指控为其生意合伙人招妓。21世纪英汉〔psychometry〕The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it.触物占卜术:通过触摸或靠近一个物体来预测与该物相关联的人或事件的情况的能力或技艺美国传统〔puisne〕One of lesser rank than another, especially an associate judge.尤指助理法官等比另一人等级低的人美国传统〔pyelography〕X-ray photography of the pelvis of the kidney and associated structures after injection with a radiopaque dye.肾盂照相术:有关肾盂以及相连组织,在注射了一种辐射不透明的染料后而进行X射线拍照的技术美国传统〔pyrenoid〕A proteinaceous structure found within the chloroplast of certain algae and hornworts. It is considered to be associated with starch deposition.淀粉核:在某些海藻和角苔中的叶绿体中找到的蛋白质结构一般被认为与淀粉沉淀物有关美国传统〔quadruplet〕A group or combination of four associated by common properties or behavior.四个构成的一组:因共同的财产或行为而联系在一起的四人小组或联盟美国传统〔quintuplet〕A group or combination of five associated by common properties or behavior.五件一套:由共同性质或行为联系在一起的五个(事物)的组合或群体美国传统〔rap〕Slang A negative quality or characteristic associated with a person or an object.【俚语】 缺点:与某人或某物有关的反面的性质或特点美国传统〔recruitment〕His responsibilities as associate provost will include faculty recruitment.作为大学里的副院长,他的职责中包括招聘教职工。牛津搭配〔related〕Being connected; associated.有关的;相关的美国传统〔remote〕Here the ideal society is associated with a not too remote future.在这里, 理想的社会并不是遥远的未来才有的事情。外研社新世纪〔risk〕I'm aware of the risks associated with this treatment.我明白这种治疗伴随的各种风险。韦氏高阶〔robotics〕The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots.机器人学:与机器人的设计、制造、原理和应用相联系的科学或技术研究美国传统〔rubredoxin〕An electron-carrying protein associated with oxidation-reduction reactions in anaerobic bacteria and eukaryotic cells.红氧还蛋白:一种含电子的蛋白质,在某些厌氧菌和真核细胞中发生氧化还原反应美国传统〔satellite〕Genetics A short segment of a chromosome separated from the rest by a constriction, typically associated with the formation of a nucleolus.【遗传学】 随体:由于收缩,从染色体本身分离出来的一段短的部分,与细胞的形成尤为相关美国传统〔sell out〕Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism.迪伦在格林尼治村的许多朋友都认为他已经向商业主义屈服了。柯林斯高阶〔sporting〕Of or associated with gambling.赌博的或与赌博相关的美国传统〔stage fright〕Acute nervousness associated with performing or speaking before an audience.怯场:在观众面前表演或演讲时表现出来的特别紧张的情绪美国传统〔steer〕She steered clear of being associated with such people.她避免与这种人交往。英汉大词典〔sunspot〕Any of the relatively cool dark spots appearing periodically in groups on the surface of the sun that are associated with strong magnetic fields.黑子:周期性地成群出现在太阳表面的温度相对较低的暗点,与强磁场有关美国传统〔take〕To associate with and support a particular faction, group, cause, or person.支持,站在…一边:和某一特定的派别、集团、事业或个人有联系或支持某一特定的派别、集团、事业或个人美国传统〔thrombophlebitis〕Inflammation of a vein caused by or associated with the formation of a blood clot.血栓性静脉炎:由血栓形成引起或与血栓有关的静脉感染美国传统〔thunderhead〕The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud, usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm.雷雨云砧,雷暴云砧:雷云上部通常与雷暴的发展有关系的膨胀部分美国传统〔thyroid〕An artery, a vein, a nerve, or another part associated with the thyroid gland or thyroid cartilage.甲状物:与甲状腺或甲状软骨相联系的动脉、静脉、神经或其它部分美国传统〔traditional〕The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.黑色历来是和哀悼相关联的。朗文当代〔transvestite〕A person who dresses and acts in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex.易装癖者:一个以一种通常与异性相关的风格或方式穿着和行动的人美国传统〔trio〕A group of three people or things joined or associated.三个(或人)一组,三件套:相互联系或相连接的三个人或物美国传统〔troop〕To consort; associate.陪伴;交往美国传统〔trough〕Meteorology An elongated region of relatively low atmospheric pressure, often associated with a front.【气象学】 低气压槽:气压较低的细长地带,常与锋联系在一起美国传统〔unaffiliated〕Not associated with another or others as a subordinate, subsidiary, or member; independent.非附属的:不作为下属、分支或成员与另一或其它实体发生联系的;独立的美国传统〔unsavoury〕The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.这项运动长期以来都与非法赌博及黑道人物联系在一起。外研社新世纪〔unsavoury〕The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.这项运动长期以来都与非法赌博及黑道人物联系在一起。柯林斯高阶〔uvular〕Of, relating to, or associated with the uvula.悬雍垂的:悬雍垂的,和悬雍垂有关的美国传统〔vanity〕Sabrina had none of the vanity so often associated with beautiful women.萨布丽娜没有一点漂亮女人经常会有的那种虚荣。朗文当代〔videotape〕A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.录像磁带:一种比较宽的磁带,用来记录图像和对应的声音以进行复放或者播放美国传统〔volcanism〕The phenomena associated with volcanic activity.火山现象:与火山活动有关的现象美国传统〔vulgar〕Of or associated with the great masses of people; common.平民的,普通的:大众人民的,与大众人民有关的;普通的美国传统〔whoremaster〕A man who associates with or pays for sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.嫖客:与妓女交往的男子,为与妓女发生性关系付钱的男子美国传统〔whore〕To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.嫖妓,宿娼:与妓女有交往,与妓女有性关系美国传统〔working〕The company has always been associated with iron workings.这家公司一向与铁矿有联系。英汉大词典〔world〕Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world.在古代,狗也与治病有关。柯林斯高阶A Hong Kong court acquitted Graham Sykes and five associates of fraud charges.一个香港法院宣判格雷厄姆·赛克斯和他的五个同伴未犯欺诈罪。剑桥国际Both politicians have for some time been closely associated with the movement.这两个政客与这个运动有密切的联系都已经有一段时间了。剑桥国际He associates with all sorts of people. 他与各种各样的人交往。译典通He has been associated with some dubious characters.他与一些可疑的人物有联系。剑桥国际He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin--inability to sleep, anxiety, sweating and fever.他正在经受所有与戒海洛因有关的典型不适症状----失眠,烦躁,盗汗以及发烧。剑桥国际His name will always be associated with the building of the new cathedral, poised so imaginatively next to the ruins of the old.他的名字将永远与这座新大教堂联系在一起,因为他极富想象力地把它建在贴近旧教堂废墟的地方。剑桥国际I'd rather not associate myself with extremist political statements.我并不想使自己与极端主义的政治言论有何联系。剑桥国际In some culture, a crow is associated with badness. 在某种文化中,乌鸦是不吉祥的象征。译典通It is certainly true that the risks associated with pregnancy increase with age.因怀孕而担的风险会随着年龄而增长, 这倒是真实的。剑桥国际Job creation schemes can be associated with high deadweight costs.创造就业计划可以与高额的净损失成本联系起来。牛津商务Moreno's whereabouts are unknown, although associates have said he was planning a trip to Guatemala.莫雷诺的行踪无人知道,虽然同事们说过他计划去危地马拉旅行。剑桥国际Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍。译典通Some MBA students are summer associates at the company.一些 MBA 学生暑期在公司兼职。牛津商务Tartan is mainly associated with Scotland.格子呢常让人联想起苏格兰。剑桥国际The terrorists’victim was not associated with any paramilitary group.受恐怖分子袭击者并不与任何准军事组织有联系。剑桥国际Tina's party was very boring--it was full of her business associates.蒂娜的聚会十分乏味----去的都是她生意场上的熟人。剑桥国际You are wooing trouble if you associate with him. 你和他交往会招来麻烦。译典通




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