

单词 pale
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abbreviate〕the abbreviated pale beige uniforms of air hostesses 空姐穿的浅米色短衣短裙制服英汉大词典〔alternate〕alternating dark and pale stripes 深浅条纹相间牛津高阶〔average〕a colour averaging a pale purple 一种浓淡适度的浅紫色英汉大词典〔beyond the pale〕conduct that was beyond the pale 越轨行为韦氏高阶〔blend in〕a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending into the sky.几乎和天空融为一体的一片绵延不绝的浅灰色柯林斯高阶〔blossom〕pale pink blossoms 淡粉色的花朵朗文当代〔bottom〕to bottom the cloth with a pale shade of indigo用浅靛蓝染料给布打底色21世纪英汉〔confection〕a confection of floating feathers and pale blue satin 一件羽饰飘拂的淡蓝色缎子高级女装英汉大词典〔coppery〕pale coppery leaves.浅铜色的叶子柯林斯高阶〔coppery〕pale coppery leaves淡棕色的叶子外研社新世纪〔cuff〕a pale blue shirt with white collar and cuffs.有白色衣领和袖口的浅蓝色衬衫柯林斯高阶〔cuff〕a pale blue shirt with white collar and cuffs有白色衣领和袖口的淡蓝色衬衫外研社新世纪〔deadly〕deadly pale 死一般地苍白英汉大词典〔diaphanous〕a diaphanous dress of pale gold浅金色的薄纱连衣裙外研社新世纪〔disc〕the pale disc of the moon苍白的月轮外研社新世纪〔do ... out〕to do out the room in pale blue把房间重新漆成淡蓝色21世纪英汉〔exquisite〕an exquisite pale yellow Ming vase 明代制作的精巧的淡黄色花瓶英汉大词典〔flesh〕the pale pink flesh of trout and salmon浅粉色的鳟鱼和鲑鱼肉外研社新世纪〔freckle〕pale skin that freckled in the sun在日光照射下生出雀斑的苍白皮肤外研社新世纪〔ghastly〕look ghastly pale 病态地苍白英汉大词典〔ghostly〕ghostly pale 煞白麦克米伦高阶〔green〕a room decorated in pale blues and greens 用浅蓝色和浅绿色装修的房间朗文当代〔hibernal〕the pale hibernal sun 冬日微弱的太阳文馨英汉〔neckline〕a dress with pale pink roses around the neckline.领口周围饰有淡粉色玫瑰花的裙装柯林斯高阶〔neckline〕a dress with pale pink roses around the neckline领口有一圈浅粉色玫瑰花的连衣裙外研社新世纪〔noonday〕the pale blue of the noonday sky 正午天空的淡蓝色麦克米伦高阶〔paleness〕a pale blue sailor dress.浅蓝色水手服柯林斯高阶〔paleness〕a soap opera against which other soaps pale into insignificance.让其他同类剧相形见绌的肥皂剧柯林斯高阶〔pale〕pale blue curtains 淡蓝色的窗帘朗文当代〔pale〕pale blue eyes 淡蓝色的眼睛牛津高阶〔pale〕pale blue eyes 淡蓝色的眼睛麦克米伦高阶〔pale〕pale wine 白葡萄酒文馨英汉〔pale〕pale winter sunlight 冬天惨淡的日光剑桥高阶〔pale〕pale with fear 害怕得脸色苍白牛津高阶〔pale〕pale yellow 淡黄色文馨英汉〔pale〕a pale blue sports shirt 浅蓝色的运动衫英汉大词典〔pale〕a pale complexion 惨白的面容牛津高阶〔pale〕a pale face.苍白的脸色。牛津同义词〔pale〕a pale protest 微弱的抗议文馨英汉〔pale〕conduct that is beyond the pale 越轨的行为英汉大词典〔pale〕outside (within) the pale of the law 在法律范围之外(之内)英汉大词典〔pale〕the pale gray dawn 昏暗的黎明朗文当代〔pale〕the pale light of dawn 黎明微弱的光线韦氏高阶〔pale〕the pale moon 暗淡的月亮文馨英汉〔pale〕within [outside, beyond] the pale of his jurisdiction 在他管辖的范围内[外]文馨英汉〔pink〕pale pink roses 淡粉色的玫瑰牛津高阶〔plain〕a shy, rather plain girl with a pale complexion.肤色苍白、相貌平平的害羞女孩柯林斯高阶〔radiate〕green leaves with radiating veins of pale yellow 带淡黄辐射脉的绿叶 英汉大词典〔ribbon〕a bundle of letters tied with pale blue ribbon 一捆用淡蓝色丝带捆好的信朗文当代〔shade〕a pale shade of blue.淡蓝色。牛津同义词〔shadowy〕a tall, shadowy figure silhouetted against the pale wall灰白的墙上映出一个高大而模糊的人影外研社新世纪〔suspicion〕large blooms of white with a suspicion of pale pink.一朵朵略带淡粉色的大白花柯林斯高阶〔suspicion〕large blooms of white with a suspicion of pale pink一朵朵略带淡粉色的大白花外研社新世纪〔trace〕put a trace of pale lipstick on one's mouth 往嘴上抹一点淡淡的唇膏英汉大词典〔unblemished〕her pale unblemished skin 她那白皙光洁的皮肤牛津高阶〔unhealthy〕an unhealthy pale complexion 苍白的病容朗文当代〔washed-out〕a very pale washed-out blue 水洗蓝韦氏高阶〔winter〕the pale winter sunshine 苍白的冬日阳光麦克米伦高阶〔worsted〕a pale grey worsted suit 浅灰色的精纺毛料西装剑桥高阶〔yellow〕pale yellow flowers 淡黄色的花朵牛津高阶




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