

单词 a large amount of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕Thieves stole a large amount of cash, and jewellery worth £50,000. 小偷偷了大笔现金,还有价值50,000英镑的珠宝。朗文写作活用〔No amount of〕We have any amount of available resources. = We have a large amount of available resources.我们有大量可用资源。韦氏高阶〔amount〕He lost a large amount of money.他损失了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔amount〕There were a large amount of mistakes.有大量错误。韦氏高阶〔any〕The recipe uses a large amount of pepper, and not just any pepper, but a special blend imported from India.这个菜谱要用很多胡椒,不是随便哪种都行,而是印度进口的特混胡椒。韦氏高阶〔block〕Printing A large amount of text.【印刷术】 印版,字模:大量不同的版本美国传统〔bomb〕Chiefly British A large amount of money.【多用于英国】 一大笔钱美国传统〔capital〕A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches.一大笔资金投入了各分公司。柯林斯高阶〔chouse〕She was choused out of a large amount of money by her boy friend.她被男朋友骗去一大笔钱21世纪英汉〔crowd〕To spread a large amount of sail to increase speed.扬帆加速:张起众多的风帆以加速行驶美国传统〔data〕We have amassed a large amount of raw data for analysis.我们已经收集了大量的原始数据用以分析。牛津搭配〔deposit toward〕They deposited a large amount of money toward the purchase of the car.他们预付了一大笔钱作为购买那辆汽车的定金。21世纪英汉〔discharge〕Smokestacks of power plants discharge a large amount of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.发电厂的大烟囱向大气排出大量的二氧化硫。英汉大词典〔ebonite〕A relatively inelastic rubber, made by vulcanization with a large amount of sulfur and used as an electrical insulating material.硬橡胶:一种用大量硫磺硬化而成的相对无弹性的橡胶,用作绝缘材料美国传统〔high-energy〕Yielding a large amount of energy upon undergoing chemical reaction.通过化学反应产生大量能量的美国传统〔import from〕China imports a large amount of grains from overseas.中国从国外进口大量粮食。21世纪英汉〔inject〕A large amount of money will have to be injected into the company if it is to survive.如果要挽救这家公司就必须注入大量资金。剑桥高阶〔large cap〕Of or relating to large corporations that have considerable retained earnings and a large amount of common stock outstanding.巨头的:与高获利或发行大额普通股票的公司有关的美国传统〔large〕The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.该团伙最后携大量现金和珠宝逃之夭夭。柯林斯高阶〔large〕The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.这个团伙最后带着大量的现金和珠宝逃走了。外研社新世纪〔large〕We've made good progress, but there's still a large amount of work to be done.我们已经取得了一些进展,但仍有大量的工作要做。剑桥高阶〔line〕Somewhere along the line a large amount of money went missing.有一笔巨款在某一环节上不翼而飞。牛津高阶〔material〕The revised edition includes a large amount of new material.修订版增加了大量的新资料。韦氏高阶〔move in on〕They moved in on a large amount of cultural relics during the period of the Second World War.在第二次世界大战期间,他们掠夺了大量的文物。21世纪英汉〔of〕We got a large amount of rain.我们这里下了很大的雨。韦氏高阶〔oligotrophic〕Lacking in plant nutrients and having a large amount of dissolved oxygen throughout. Used of a pond or lake.贫营养的:缺乏植物养料并含大量溶氧的,用于池塘或湖美国传统〔public〕The company went partially public and acquired a large amount of liquid capital to put to good use.这家公司发售了部分股票,因而得到一大笔很有利用价值的流动资本。英汉大词典〔rain〕It's raining hard/heavily (= a large amount of rain is falling).正下着瓢泼大雨。剑桥高阶〔redware〕Earthenware made from clay containing a large amount of ferrous oxide, giving it a red color.红土陶:一种陶器,由含有大量的氧化铁的陶土制成,让它呈现红色美国传统〔shortness of breath〕A large amount of fluid around the lungs may cause pain and shortness of breath.肺部大量积液会造成疼痛和呼吸急促。剑桥高阶〔squander〕A large amount of money was squandered by him on gambling.在过去一段时间,他把大量的金钱挥霍在了赌博上。21世纪英汉〔waste〕The system wastes a large amount of water.这套系统浪费了大量的水。柯林斯高阶〔yardstick〕By any yardstick, that's a large amount of money.用任何标准衡量,那都是一大笔钱。牛津搭配A computer crash can be very costly, especially if it happens toward the end of processing a large amount of data.计算机死机,尤其是快要处理完大量数据时死机,会造成惨重的损失。剑桥国际An old masonry wall collapsed, sending a large amount of debris crashing down onto the courtyard.一垛老式的砖墙轰然倒塌,许多碎片随之掉落到了院子里。剑桥国际It's a long book/report/letter/film (= it has a lot of pages or information and takes a large amount of time to read/watch, but it can be any shape) .这书/报告/信/影片篇幅很长。剑桥国际It's raining hard (= a large amount of rain is falling).天下着大雨。剑桥国际Scientists have found a large amount of lead in the sediment in the North Sea.科学家们在北海的沉积物中发现了大量的铅。剑桥国际The company has lost a large amount of money in speculative deals/activities.这家公司在投机买卖/活动中亏了很多钱。剑桥国际The government has borrowed a large amount of money to finance its post-war reconstruction.政府借了一大笔钱以提供战后国家重建的资金。剑桥国际The jacket is very generously cut (= is made from a large amount of cloth).这外套是用很多面料裁制的。剑桥国际The shovel (= part for picking up and holding material) of the earth-moving machine is capable of moving a large amount of earth in one go.铲运机的铲斗能一次运走大量的泥土。剑桥国际There is a large amount of forged money in circulation.有大量的假币在流通。牛津商务We've made good progress, but there's still a large amount of work to be done.我们有了很大进步,但还有许多工作要做。剑桥国际Whisk your egg-whites until they are light (= have a large amount of air in them) and fluffy.搅拌蛋白直至其呈泡沫状。剑桥国际With all these problems it has been the longest day/month/year I can remember (= it seemed to last for a large amount of time because of the difficulties) .由于问题如此之多,这显得是我有生以来最长的一天/一个月/一年。剑桥国际




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