

单词 mysteries
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕They discovered a mutual love of mysteries and thrillers. 他们俩发现双方都爱好侦探小说和惊险小说。朗文写作活用〔Eleusis〕An ancient city of eastern Greece near Athens, site of the Eleusinian mysteries.艾琉西斯:希腊东部的一座古代城市,位于雅典附近,是艾琉西斯秘密仪式的所在地美国传统〔Orphic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the dogmas, mysteries, and philosophical principles set forth in the poems ascribed to Orpheus.俄耳甫斯教教义的:关于或属于俄耳甫斯诗歌中的教义、奥义和哲理的或以之为特征的美国传统〔SOLVE〕We are only just beginning to unravel the mysteries of the human brain. 揭开人类大脑之谜,我们还只是刚刚起步。朗文写作活用〔START〕He tried to initiate her into the mysteries of Chinese cooking. 他尝试让她领略到中国烹饪的奇妙之处。朗文写作活用〔a (quick/brisk) trot through sth〕In this book, John Pemble takes a brisk trot through the history and mysteries of Venice.在这本书中,约翰‧彭伯简单回顾了威尼斯的历史和神秘之处。剑桥高阶〔adventure〕That network has access to four percent of the prime time for adventure and mysteries.那家电视台播放的冒险和疑案节目可占去黄金时间的4%。英汉大词典〔be one/another of life's great mysteries〕It really is one of life's greatest mysteries why that awful restaurant is busy every night.那家很糟糕的餐厅每天晚上生意都很好,真令人费解。剑桥高阶〔escape〕Mysteries belong to the vast category of escape fiction.疑案故事属于消遣小说这个大范畴。英汉大词典〔fasten on〕The discovery has fastened public attention on the possibilities of DNA analysis for resolving mysteries.这一发现将公众注意力集中到了用DNA分析解开谜团的可能性上。外研社新世纪〔fasten〕The discovery has fastened public attention on the possibilities of DNA analysis for resolving mysteries.这一发现将公众的注意力集中在用 DNA 分析技术来解开谜团的可能性上。柯林斯高阶〔fathom〕For years people have been trying to fathom (out) the mysteries of the whale's song.多年来人们一直试图弄清鲸鱼歌声之谜。剑桥高阶〔fathom〕They were unable to fathom the mysteries of the London Underground.他们无法弄清伦敦地铁的奥秘。外研社新世纪〔hierophant〕An ancient Greek priest who interpreted sacred mysteries, especially the priest of the Eleusinian mysteries.古希腊祭司:古希腊解译秘密宗教仪式的祭司,特指依洛西斯秘密宗教仪式的祭司美国传统〔hierophant〕An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge.圣师:解释宗教神秘含义或传授宗教知识的人美国传统〔initiate〕The book was written to initiate outsiders in(to) the mysteries of the trade.写这本书是为了让外行初步了解这一行业的奥秘。英汉大词典〔initiation〕My initiation into the mysteries of home brewing was not a success.我初学自家酿酒并不成功。剑桥高阶〔mere〕These mysteries can't be solved by mere mortals like us.这些奥秘不是我们这些凡夫俗子可以揭开的。韦氏高阶〔mystery〕He is the author of several murder mysteries.他写有几部凶杀推理小说。牛津搭配〔mystery〕How life began on Earth is one of the great mysteries of science.地球上的生命是如何开始的是一大科学谜团。朗文当代〔mystery〕How the disease started is one of medicine's great mysteries.这种病的起因是医学上的一大未解之谜。牛津搭配〔mystery〕I don't know how he got the job – it's one of life's little mysteries .我不知道他是怎么得到那份工作的 — 那永远是个小小的谜。朗文当代〔mystery〕I enjoy murder mysteries.我喜欢凶杀奇案作品。牛津高阶〔mystery〕I really enjoy murder mysteries.我很爱看谋杀推理作品。剑桥高阶〔mystery〕It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century.这是本世纪尚未解开的大奥秘之一。牛津高阶〔mystery〕She has written many adventure novels and murder mysteries.她写了很多冒险小说和凶杀悬疑小说。韦氏高阶〔mystery〕The book tries to explain some of the mysteries of life.该书试图解释一些生命之谜。剑桥高阶〔mystery〕You'll learn all about the mysteries of the darkroom and printing processes.你将学会所有关于暗房和冲印程序的秘诀。麦克米伦高阶〔mystic〕Of or relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and practices.秘传的;秘法的:属于或关于宗教秘密仪式或神秘的仪式和实践的美国传统〔penetrate〕Scienc e can penetrate many of nature's mysteries.科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。牛津高阶〔penetrate〕Science has penetrated the mysteries of nature.科学已揭开了大自然的奥秘。朗文当代〔philosophization〕They spend their time philosophizing about the mysteries of life.他们用很多时间探讨生命的奥秘。21世纪英汉〔philosophy〕Annie's work reflects her philosophy that life is full of mysteries.安妮的作品反映了她的人生哲学,即生活充满神秘色彩。柯林斯高阶〔plumb〕Psychologists try to plumb the deepest mysteries of the human psyche.心理学家试图探究人类心理最深层的奥秘。朗文当代〔plumb〕She spent her life plumb ing the mysteries of the human psyche.她毕生探索人类心灵的奥秘。牛津高阶〔probe〕The article probes (= tries to describe and explain) the mysteries of nationalism in modern Europe.这篇文章探索了现代欧洲民族主义的奥秘。剑桥高阶〔rich〕One of the mysteries of our times is why some oil-rich countries have so many poor living in them.我们这个时代的谜团之一是为什么一些盛产石油的国度里生活着这么多穷人。剑桥高阶〔subliterature〕Writings, such as romance novels and mysteries, that appeal to popular tastes and are considered inferior in style and content to more artistic literature.通俗文学(作品):迎合大众口味的,形式与内容被认为是低于标准文学的作品,例如传奇小说和神秘小说美国传统〔unlock〕A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson's disease.已发现一种化学物质,这可能是解开帕金森氏病之谜的钥匙。剑桥高阶〔unreel〕All the mysteries of the city are unreeling before us.那座城市的奥秘在我们面前一一展露。英汉大词典〔with〕With the development of space research, many mysteries of Mars will soon be resolved.随著太空研究的发达,有关火星的种种神秘将很快地被揭开。文馨英汉A few anatomic mysteries remain unsolved. 一些结构上的疑点仍未解答。译典通His disappearance remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of recent times.他的失踪仍是当代重大的悬而未决的谜之一。剑桥国际I really enjoy murder mysteries.我喜欢看凶杀推理作品。剑桥国际Professor Hake has been trying to fathom (out) the mysteries of the whale's song.黑克教授一直在努力弄清鲸鱼的歌声之谜。剑桥国际Psychoanalysts plumb the deep mysteries of the human mind. 精神分析家探索人脑的奥秘。译典通The article probes (= tries to describe and explain) the mysteries of nationalism in modern Europe.这篇文章探索了现代欧洲民族主义的奥秘。剑桥国际The book tries to explain some of the mysteries of creation/life.该书试图解释一些创世/生命之谜。剑桥国际The final chapter in one of the great Hollywood murder mysteries has just unfolded in a California court house.好莱坞最大的凶杀迷案之一的最后一章刚刚在加州的一个法院里揭开。剑桥国际There are paperback mysteries on the bookshelf. 书架上有平装的神秘小说。译典通This chemical could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkison's disease.这种化学品可能是解开帕金森症之谜的关键。剑桥国际




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