

单词 likened
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕Critics have likened the new city hall building to a barn. 批评家把新建的市政厅比作谷仓。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕He likened today's stockmarket to that of the 1920s. 他将现在的股市比作20世纪20年代的样子。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕Morris has often been likened to Bobby Kennedy. 莫里斯常常被人比作博比·肯尼迪。朗文写作活用〔Procrustean〕He employed such Procrustean methods that modern historians have even likened him to Adolf Hitler.他使用了如此残忍的强迫方法,以致现代史学家甚至把他比作阿道夫·希特勒。英汉大词典〔dart〕An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.外形似镖的事物:物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体美国传统〔deck〕A platform or surface likened to a ship's deck.平台:象船甲板一样的层面美国传统〔dollhouse〕A house so small that it is likened to a toy house.小房子:被比作玩具小屋的小房子美国传统〔doo-doo〕Fecal matter or something likened to it.粪便或类似物美国传统〔entr'acte〕An interval likened to the one occurring between two acts of a drama.短暂间歇:和幕间休息一样的短暂间歇美国传统〔gulag〕A place or situation of great suffering and hardship, likened to the atmosphere in a prison system or a forced labor camp.艰苦磨难:引起痛苦和艰难的地方或局势,类似监狱或者劳改集中营内的气氛美国传统〔liken sb/sth to sb/sth〕She's been likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor.人们说她很像年轻时的伊丽莎白‧泰勒。剑桥高阶〔liken to〕Life is often likened to sea voyage.人生常被比做海上航行。21世纪英汉〔liken to〕She likened her trip to a pilgrimage.她把那次旅行比作朝圣。韦氏高阶〔liken〕Critics have likened the new theater to a supermarket.批评人士称新的剧院就像是一个超级市场。朗文当代〔liken〕Life is often likened to a journey.人们常把人生比作旅程。牛津高阶〔liken〕The heart can be likened to a pump.心脏好比一个水泵。21世纪英汉〔liken〕The pain is often likened to being drilled through the side of the head.这种疼痛常被比作在头的一侧钻孔。外研社新世纪〔liken〕The pain is often likened to being drilled through the side of the head.这种疼痛常被比作钻头钻入头部的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔moutonnée〕Rounded by glacial action into a shape likened to a sheep's back. Used of a rock formation.羊背石的:由于冰川作用而使之形似羊背般圆的。用于岩石的形成美国传统〔stew〕A mixture likened to this dish.混杂物:象这种菜的混合物美国传统〔swath〕Something likened to a swath; a strip.长而宽的地带:类似于刈幅宽的东西;一条美国传统〔wart〕One that resembles or is likened to a wart, especially in unattractiveness or smallness.讨厌的人:像或被比作肉赘的人,尤指因丑陋或矮小美国传统〔work of art〕Something likened to a fine artistic work, as by reason of beauty or craft.精美物品:像精美的艺术品的东西,如由于美或工艺的原因美国传统Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination. 人生就好比一场不知终点的旅行。译典通She likened the experience to (= said it was like) sinking into a warm bath. 她把那次经历比作洗了一个热水澡。剑桥国际She's been likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor.她被比作为年轻时的伊丽莎白·泰勒。剑桥国际Someone likened his voice to the croaking of a bull-frog. 有人把他的声音比作牛蛙的叫声。译典通




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