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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anything〕The book wasn't anything like as good as her first one.这本书远远不如她的处女作。牛津高阶〔anything〕The exam wasn't anything like as hard as I expected.考试一点也不像我以为的那么难。麦克米伦高阶〔as like as not〕Like as not the crime will never be solved.这起罪案很可能永远侦破不了。韦氏高阶〔as like as not〕He was, like, gorgeous.他,嗯,好极了。韦氏高阶〔as like as not〕Her father is, like, a scientist or something.她父亲是,嗯,科学家之类的人吧。韦氏高阶〔as like as not〕I need to, like, borrow money.我需要,嗯,借点钱。韦氏高阶〔as like as not〕I think it costs, like, 20 dollars.我想,这大概要花20美元。韦氏高阶〔attend〕We'd like as many people as possible to attend.我们希望出席的人越多越好。牛津高阶〔bad〕The damage caused by the storm was nowhere near as/nothing like as bad (= not as serious) as we'd feared it might be.暴风雨造成的破坏远远没有我们原来想象的那样可怕。剑桥高阶〔fey〕They are no longer anything like as fey and reserved as they once were.他们不再像从前那样羞怯矜持了。柯林斯高阶〔fey〕They are no longer anything like as fey and reserved as they once were.他们不再像从前那样羞怯矜持了。外研社新世纪〔like〕Like as not she'll change her mind.很可能她会改主意美国传统〔like〕It's not anything like as bad as it looks.它根本不像表面上看起来这样糟糕。外研社新世纪〔like〕She would be in bed by now, as like as not.这时候她很可能睡了。牛津高阶〔like〕The ambulance will be too late, as like as not.等救护车来很可能已经太晚了。朗文当代〔like〕The star lists his likes as "my new Porsche, my girlfriend, and staying up all night." 这个流行歌星说他的最爱是“我的保时捷新车、女友和彻夜狂欢”。剑桥高阶〔like〕They are (as) like as two peas (in a pod).他们非常相似。文馨英汉〔like〕They are as like as two siblings.他们象是亲兄弟美国传统〔like〕Twenty years ago travel was nothing like as easy as it is now.20 年前旅行根本不像现在这样方便。朗文当代〔like〕You'll find him sitting at the table, doing the crossword like as not.你会发现他坐在桌旁,很可能是在做填字游戏。麦克米伦高阶〔person〕What is she like as a person? 她的人品怎么样?牛津高阶〔person〕What's she like as a person? 她为人怎么样?牛津搭配〔premium〕I place a high premium on what someone is like as a person.我非常重视一个人的人品。柯林斯高阶〔premium〕I place a high premium on what someone is like as a person.我非常看重一个人的人品。外研社新世纪〔really〕Everyone seems to have admired Diana, but what was she really like as a person? 每个人好像都很羡慕戴安娜,但她到底是个什么样的人呢?麦克米伦高阶〔subtle〕She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present.她不断隐隐暗示喜欢什么样的礼物。牛津高阶He'll come tomorrow (as) like as not (= probably) .他很可能明天来。剑桥国际The pop-star lists his likes as ‘my new Porsche, my girlfriend and staying up all night’.该歌星列举他的爱好为“我新的‘保时捷’车、女朋友和玩个通宵”。剑桥国际




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