

单词 molasses
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Indian pudding〕A pudding consisting of milk, cornmeal, egg, and molasses baked for several hours in a heavy casserole.印第安布丁:一种由牛奶、玉米粉、鸡蛋、糖蜜制成的布丁,须用大蒸锅烘烤几个小时美国传统〔a bit〕There's a bit of both brown sugar and molasses in these cookies.这些饼干里有少许红糖和糖蜜。韦氏高阶〔anadama bread〕A loaf of bread made of white flour, cornmeal, and molasses.酵母面包:用白面粉、玉米粉和糖浆制成的一种面包美国传统〔arrack〕A strong alcoholic drink of the Middle East and the Far East, usually distilled from fermented palm sap, rice, or molasses.烧酒,亚力酒:中东和远东地区的一种烈性酒精饮料,通常从发酵的棕榈汁,大米或糖蜜中提取美国传统〔bonnyclabber〕Thick, soured milk eaten with cream and sugar, honey, or molasses.酸奶:和着乳脂和糖、蜂蜜或糖浆一起食用的稠酸奶美国传统〔brown bread〕A steamed bread usually made of cornmeal, flour, and molasses.糖蜜馒头:通常由玉米粉、面粉和糖蜜制成的馒头美国传统〔brown sugar〕A commercial product made by the addition of molasses to white sugar.红糖:在白糖上裹上糖蜜而制成的糖制品美国传统〔brown sugar〕Unrefined or incompletely refined sugar that still retains some molasses, which imparts a brownish color to it.赤砂糖:没有(完全)精制的糖,含糖蜜,呈棕色美国传统〔constipation〕Molasses is especially recommended for relief of constipation.特别推荐用糖浆来缓解便秘。外研社新世纪〔flow〕The molasses flowed slowly.糖浆慢慢地流动。英汉大词典〔gingerbread〕A dark molasses cake flavored with ginger.姜味糕点,蛋糕:一种有生姜味的黑糖蜜糕点美国传统〔gingerbread〕A soft molasses and ginger cookie cut in various shapes, sometimes elaborately decorated.姜饼:一种软的糖蜜生姜饼干,切成各种形状,有时加以精致的修饰美国传统〔gingersnap〕A flat, brittle cookie spiced with ginger and sweetened with molasses.姜饼:一种薄而脆的饼干,用姜汁调味并加糖蜜使之甜美国传统〔hermit〕A spiced cookie made with molasses, raisins, and nuts.小甜饼:加有糖浆、葡萄干和核桃的香料调味的饼美国传统〔laxative〕Molasses are mildly laxative and something of a general tonic.糖蜜有些许通便作用,兼具强身功能。柯林斯高阶〔laxative〕Molasses are mildly laxative.糖浆有些许的轻泻作用。外研社新世纪〔melt〕Add the melted butter, molasses, salt, and flour.加入化开的黄油、糖浆、盐和面粉。柯林斯高阶〔melt〕Add the melted butter, molasses, salt, and flour.加入化开的黄油、糖浆、食盐和面粉。外研社新世纪〔molasses〕I used to be a fast runner, but now I'm slow as molasses.我过去跑得快,现在却慢得很。韦氏高阶〔molasses〕People have complained that the legislature is moving/working slower than molasses.人们对立法机关工作拖拖拉拉怨声载道。韦氏高阶〔rum〕An alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented molasses or sugar cane.朗姆酒,糖蜜酒:从发酵的糖蜜或甘蔗中提取的一种含酒精的液体美国传统〔shoofly pie〕A pie with a filling of molasses and brown sugar.驱蝇馅饼:用糖蜜和红糖作馅的馅饼美国传统〔tafia〕A cheap rum distilled from molasses and refuse sugar in the West Indies.塔非西亚酒:一种产于西印度群岛的用糖蜜和糖浆渣滓酿成的劣质朗姆酒美国传统〔toffee〕A hard, chewy candy made of brown sugar or molasses and butter.太妃糖:一种用红糖或糖蜜和奶油做成的硬而难嚼的糖美国传统〔treacle〕Chiefly British Molasses.【多用于英国】 糖蜜美国传统Mother poured milk and molasses into a bowl. 母亲将牛奶和糖蜜倒进碗里。译典通Sugars are made from molasses. 糖都是由糖蜜做成的。译典通




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