

单词 load
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amazon〕In China Grace Thompson observed the great variety of loads that were carried by 'slim, erect but muscular Amazons'.在中国,格雷丝·汤普森看见“苗条、挺直而强健的女人们”携带着各种物品。柯林斯高阶〔BAD〕I've never read such a load of garbage in my life. 我这辈子从未读过这么糟糕的东西。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕LOAD is a command which loads a new program from the file. “读取”是从文件中将新程序载入电脑的指令。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕The program can be encoded on the disk's surface and then loaded into the microprocessor. 该程序先在磁盘表面加密,然后载入微处理器中。朗文写作活用〔EQUIPMENT〕At 8.30 we loaded all our gear into the boat, and cruised out to a spot a few miles offshore. 8点30分,我们把所有装备都装到船上,然后朝着离岸几英里的一个地方驶去。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕We came back from the tour round the factory loaded down with free gifts. 我们参观了工厂之后,满载赠品而归。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕Loading the van was hard work. 给客货两用车装东西很累人。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Do you have time to help us load up the car? 你有空来帮我们把东西装上车吗?朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Trucks loaded with food and medicine waited at the border. 装载食物和药品的卡车在边境待命。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕The spare wheel was right at the back of the boot under a load of suitcases, so it took me ages to get it out. 备用轮胎放在车后面行李箱内的一大堆皮箱底下,所以我花了很长时间才把它取出来。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕Fortunately, Jorge appeared at that moment and was able to help us load things into the van. 幸好乔治在那时候出现了,他帮我们把东西搬上小货车。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries. 她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The donkey was plodding slowly along under its heavy load. 驴子驮着沉甸甸的东西,艰难缓慢地往前走。朗文写作活用〔air〕It's difficult carrying such heavy loads in the thin air of the mountains.山里空气稀薄,带着这么重的东西非常吃力。牛津搭配〔arm〕The crane's huge metal arm lifted the load into the air.起重机巨大的金属臂把货物提到空中。麦克米伦高阶〔articulated〕An articulated lorry has overturned on the southbound carriageway, shedding its load.一辆铰接式卡车在南行车道上翻车了,货物散落一地。剑桥高阶〔ball〕These guns are loaded with ball.这些枪装了实弹。文馨英汉〔baloney〕That's a load of baloney.那是一通胡说八道。外研社新世纪〔base〕The bases are loaded.满垒。文馨英汉〔bay〕The car reversed into the loading bay.汽车倒入装卸间。柯林斯高阶〔beast of burden〕An animal, such as a donkey, an ox, or an elephant, used for transporting loads or doing other heavy work.役畜:用于运输重物或做其他繁重工作的一种动物,如驴、牛或象美国传统〔bollocks〕That's a load of bollocks!那是一派胡言!外研社新世纪〔bollocks〕You know that's a load of bollocks.一派胡言麦克米伦高阶〔bomb bay〕The compartment in the fuselage of a combat aircraft into which bombs are loaded and from which they are dropped.(飞机上的)炸弹舱:战机机身中装载炸弹和投弹的机舱美国传统〔bootstrap loader〕A short program that loads other loaders in a computer.引导装入程序:计算机中一个装载其它装配程序的短程序美国传统〔break a sweat〕He loaded all five boxes without breaking a sweat.他把五只箱子全装上了,一点没出汗。韦氏高阶〔breechloader〕A gun or other firearm loaded at the breech.后膛枪,后膛炮:在后膛装弹药的枪或其它火器美国传统〔bunkum〕It's a load of bunkum.那是一派胡言。柯林斯高阶〔burn〕Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.大多数家用电器耗电量很大。朗文当代〔cab〕A Luton van has additional load space over the driver's cab.卢顿厢式货车的驾驶室上方有富余的装载空间。柯林斯高阶〔cab〕A Luton van has additional load space over the driver's cab.卢顿厢式货车的驾驶室上方有额外的载货空间。外研社新世纪〔carbo-loading〕Carbohydrate loading.碳水化合物填充美国传统〔cartridge〕A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a camera.暗盒:可直接装入照相机中,内放照相胶卷的防止光线进入的小盒子美国传统〔cobbler〕These guys talk an awful load of old cobblers.这些人纯粹是胡说八道。柯林斯高阶〔codswallop〕That is a load of codswallop.那是一堆废话。韦氏高阶〔codswallop〕This is a load of codswallop.这真是一派胡言。外研社新世纪〔collapse〕The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow.房顶在积雪的重压下突然坍塌了。韦氏高阶〔crap〕He came out with a load of crap about how he'd tried to call me yesterday.他说了一大堆谎话,说昨天他怎么想要给我打电话。朗文当代〔crap〕It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.那是一堆枯燥乏味、毫无幽默感的废话。柯林斯高阶〔crap〕You're talking a load of crap! 你这是一派胡言!牛津高阶〔dazzlingly〕The loading bay seemed dazzlingly bright.装货场明亮得让人头晕目眩。外研社新世纪〔dice〕The dice were loaded against them from the beginning.从一开始他们就被人做了手脚必败无疑。英汉大词典〔drivable〕He drove the load to the station.他开车把货物运往车站。21世纪英汉〔economical〕It is more economical to wash a full load.满缸洗衣更省钱。外研社新世纪〔ever〕A load of grief – that's all I ever get.一堆伤心事,这就是我所得到的。麦克米伦高阶〔fire ship〕A military vessel loaded with explosives and combustible material and set adrift among enemy ships or fortifications to destroy them.火攻船:一种载有炸药和易燃物质的军用船,放入敌船或防御工事中以摧毁之美国传统〔foist〕He foisted a load of bad fruit on us.他骗了我们,卖给我们的是一批坏水果。牛津同义词〔forklift〕A small industrial vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load to be lifted and moved.叉式升降机:一小工业用车,用一块可升降的自动的叉状铁板插在重物下方来提升或移动重物美国传统〔freight〕To load with goods to be transported.装货于:装载有待运的货物美国传统〔gunwale〕The car was loaded to the gunwales with gifts.车上塞满了礼物。韦氏高阶〔gun〕I loaded the gun with my last two bullets.我把最后两颗子弹装入枪膛。牛津搭配〔hand〕Can you give me a hand with loading the van? 你能帮我装车吗?牛津搭配〔heaviness〕It is difficult to assess the heaviness of the load simply by eye.仅凭肉眼很难估计负载的重量。外研社新世纪〔heavy-laden〕Loaded with great weight.负载沉重的美国传统〔hod〕A trough carried over the shoulder for transporting loads, as of bricks or mortar.灰浆桶,砖泥斗:背在肩上用以搬运砖头或石灰等的槽美国传统〔lading〕The act of loading.装货:装货的行动美国传统〔landing〕A site for loading and unloading passengers and cargo.登陆处:装卸旅客或货物的地方美国传统〔lighten〕By doing this you are lightening the load of hospital doctors.这样做你就能减轻医生的负担。外研社新世纪〔lighten〕If you are responsible for children, lighten the load by asking others to help.如果你对孩子们负责, 就请别人来帮忙以减轻负担。外研社新世纪〔lighten〕If you are responsible for children, lighten the load by asking others to help.如果你有抚养孩子的责任,可以请他人帮忙以减轻负担。柯林斯高阶〔live〕We had thought the guns were loaded with blanks, but the soldiers were actually shooting live bullets.我们原以为枪里装的都是空弹,但是士兵们射击的竟然是实弹。韦氏高阶〔load down〕He went back home loaded down with parcels and packages.他提着大包小包回了家。21世纪英汉〔load down〕She loaded me down with around a dozen cassettes.她塞给我十几盒磁带。柯林斯高阶〔load up on〕You can load up on pork, potatoes and onion at this excellent Estonian bistro.你可以在这个爱沙尼亚小酒馆里大吃猪肉、土豆和洋葱。外研社新世纪〔load up〕I've just loaded my truck up.我刚刚把我的卡车装满。外研社新世纪〔load up〕She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.她把他收藏的陈年佳酿装进板条箱里。外研社新世纪〔load up〕The couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.这对夫妇装满了他们的红色跑车开走了。外研社新世纪〔load up〕We loaded up carts with all the blankets, bandages, medication, water we could spare.我们把所有可以省下的毯子、绷带、药物和谁塞进推车。外研社新世纪〔loaded for bear〕She went into the interview loaded for bear.她做好了应对准备,开始接受面试。韦氏高阶〔loaded〕Alcohol is loaded with calories.烈酒卡路里含量很高。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕Carrying a load.负重的美国传统〔loaded〕Crisps are loaded with fat and salt.炸薯片脂肪和食盐含量很高。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕Fortunately the gun wasn't loaded.幸运的是, 这枪里没装子弹。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕He went to a bar after work and got loaded.他下班后去了一家酒吧,喝得烂醉。韦氏高阶〔loaded〕His parents are loaded.他的父母很富有。韦氏高阶〔loaded〕It seems that the report is loaded in favour of the developers.这篇报道似乎有些偏袒开发商。剑桥高阶〔loaded〕Let her pay—she's loaded.让她付钱吧,她钱多得很。牛津高阶〔loaded〕That's a loaded question.这是个诱导性的问题。柯林斯高阶〔loaded〕The dice are loaded in their favour.形势对他们有利。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕The investigation was loaded against me.该调查是冲着我来的。麦克米伦高阶〔loaded〕The justice system is loaded against people from ethnic minorities.该司法制度对少数民族人士不利。朗文当代〔loading〕He was carrying a very heavy load.他身上背着沉甸甸的东西。柯林斯高阶〔loading〕I've never heard such a load of nonsense.如此一派胡言,本人闻所未闻。柯林斯高阶〔loading〕She deposited the loaded tray.她把满满的托盘放下。柯林斯高阶〔loading〕She's taking some of the load off the secretaries.她在给秘书们减轻一些工作量。柯林斯高阶〔loading〕The back of the car drops to make loading less of a back-breaking exercise.汽车后部降低了一些, 这样装卸东西会省些力。外研社新世纪〔loading〕The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.笑咧咧的夫妻把东西装上他们的红色跑车后疾驰而去。柯林斯高阶〔loading〕We loaded up carts with all the blankets, bandages, medication, water we could spare.我们把所有可以省出来的毯子、绷带、药物和水塞进推车。柯林斯高阶〔loadmaster〕An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons.舱中理货员:主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员美国传统〔load〕Can you load the CD into the player, please? 请你把激光唱片放进唱机好吗?朗文当代〔load〕Can you help me load the dishwasher? 你帮我把碗碟放进洗碗机里好吗?牛津高阶〔load〕Coping with ill health was a heavy load to bear.克服病痛是个难以承受的重担。朗文当代〔load〕Don't load upon rich dairy products like butter and whole milk.不要多吃黄油和全脂奶一类的高脂肪乳制品。英汉大词典〔load〕Down at the docks, ships were loading and unloading.下面码头上,船舶正在装货和卸货。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕Genetic load.遗传负荷美国传统〔load〕Have some more food - there's loads.再吃点吧——有很多呢。剑桥高阶〔load〕He has a heavy teaching load this year.他今年的教学任务很重。牛津搭配〔load〕He lifted the load onto his shoulders.他把货物扛到肩上。韦氏高阶〔load〕He picked up a load of firewood and carried it into the house.他抱起一捆柴火搬到房子里去了。韦氏高阶〔load〕He wrote loads and loads of letters to people.他给人们写了很多很多的信。牛津高阶〔load〕His work load was limited to four hours a day owing to his illness.由于有病,他的工作量被限制为每天4小时。英汉大词典〔load〕I think their ideas are a load of garbage! 我认为他们的想法荒诞无稽。韦氏高阶〔load〕I usually took off my coat when I was loading.我装货时通常脱掉上衣。英汉大词典〔load〕It's a big load off my mind to hear you say that.听你这么一说我就大大放心了。英汉大词典〔load〕Jane felt loaded down with money worries.简因为钱的烦恼而心事重重。朗文当代〔load〕My camera is loaded with a colour film.我的相机里装着一卷彩色胶卷。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕My work load has doubled since Henry left.自从亨利走了之后,我的工作量加倍了。朗文当代〔load〕Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.人们正在把麻袋装上卡车。牛津高阶〔load〕Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program.几个中央处理器能够分担某一单一程序中的数据处理需求。外研社新世纪〔load〕She loaded my plate with grapes and plums.她在我的盘子里放了葡萄和李子。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕She drove back from the farm with a full load of hay.她开车从农场运回满满的一车干草。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕The bus stopped to load a few more passengers.这辆公共汽车又停下来载了几位乘客。韦氏高阶〔load〕The cart has a load of hay.两轮车上装载着一车干草。英汉大词典〔load〕The city council loaded the community (down) with taxes.市政会把沉重的赋税压在市民身上。英汉大词典〔load〕The computer couldn't handle the load and crashed.计算机应付不了负荷,死机了。朗文当代〔load〕The data can be loaded on a computer for processing.数据可以被加载在计算机上以供处理。外研社新世纪〔load〕The electrical system failed because it couldn't handle the load.电力系统因不堪重负而瘫痪了。韦氏高阶〔load〕The film didn't load properly.胶卷没装好。韦氏高阶〔load〕The manufacturer loaded his product with inferior materials.制造商用低劣材料搀入产品。英汉大词典〔load〕The program takes less time to load than it used to.这个程序的载入比过去快了。韦氏高阶〔load〕The table creaked under its heavy load.桌子不堪重负而咯吱作响。牛津搭配〔load〕The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck.三个人似乎已经把东西往卡车上装载完毕。外研社新世纪〔load〕There's loads to see in Paris.巴黎可看的东西太多了。朗文当代〔load〕They had a load of trouble.他们有很多麻烦。韦氏高阶〔load〕We loaded our luggage in/into the car and drove off.我们把行李装进车里,驾车离开。韦氏高阶〔load〕We finished loading and set off.我们装完货物就出发了。牛津高阶〔load〕We got a load of complaints about the loud music.很多人向我们抱怨音乐声太大。朗文当代〔load〕We need a computer that can cope with the load.我们需要一台可以应付这么大工作量的电脑。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕We're trying to spread the load by employing more staff.我们想通过雇用更多的员工来分担任务。牛津搭配〔load〕Were there any problems loading the cargo onto the boat? 把这些货物装到船上有困难吗?麦克米伦高阶〔load〕Will you help me load the dishwasher? 你帮我把碗碟放进洗碗机好吗?朗文当代〔load〕Workers were loading and unloading the ships as they came into port.船驶进港口时,工人们正在装卸货物。韦氏高阶〔load〕You look tired. Come in and take a load off.你看起来很疲惫。进来坐下歇歇。韦氏高阶〔load〕You must allow others to share your load.你应当允许别人来分担你的重担。麦克米伦高阶〔machine〕I have a load of laundry in the machine. [=in the washing machine] 我有一堆要洗的衣服在洗衣机里。韦氏高阶〔mate〕He's got loads of mates at school.他在学校里有很多朋友。牛津搭配〔mind〕I can't tell you what a load off my mind this is.我无法形容这让我的心情变得有多轻松。外研社新世纪〔moonshine〕Everything they said was just a load of moonshine.他们所说的都是一些无稽之谈。韦氏高阶〔obstruct〕A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct lorries loaded with logs.一些当地人因试图阻止满载原木的卡车通行而被逮捕。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.第一步,所有地址均输入数据库。牛津高阶〔patch〕Older machines will need a software patch to be loaded to correct the date.老些的机器需要下载软件补丁来修改日期。柯林斯高阶〔prepared〕Commercially prepared food is often loaded with saturated fat.为商业目的生产的食物往往含有饱和脂肪。牛津搭配〔quay〕A wharf or reinforced bank where ships are loaded or unloaded.码头:码头或经过加固的河岸,在此可往船上装货或卸货美国传统〔rot〕What a load of pompous, pseudo-intellectual rot.真是自命不凡的伪知识分子的一派胡言!柯林斯高阶〔rubbish〕His ideas are a load of (old) rubbish.他的想法真是一堆垃圾。剑桥高阶〔rubbish〕What he said was just a load of old rubbish.他所说的不过是些老掉牙的无稽之谈。牛津搭配〔rubbish〕You're talking a load of rubbish.你说的是一大堆废话。牛津高阶〔saturate〕To soak, fill, or load to capacity.浸透:使浸透、充满或装满容器美国传统〔semiautomatic〕Ejecting a shell and loading the next round of ammunition automatically after each shot has been fired; autoloading. Used of a firearm.(枪、炮)半自动的:自动发射且在每次发射后自动将子弹或炮弹从弹仓中装填入膛;自动装填的用于火器美国传统〔shed〕I can't avoid shedding the load.我可不敢保证途中不掉货。21世纪英汉〔sledge〕A vehicle mounted on low runners drawn by work animals, such as horses or dogs, and used for transporting loads across ice, snow, and rough ground.重型运输雪车:用役力动物(如马或狗)拉的一种装有低矮的滑行装置的车辆,用于在冰面、雪地或不平整的地面上运输货物美国传统〔stake〕A vertical post secured in a socket at the edge of a platform, as on a truck bed, to help retain the load.平台的桩杆:在卡车上立于平台边上的桩杆,为了防止货物滑落美国传统〔stick〕The old man was carrying a load of sticks.那个老人抱着一捆树枝。剑桥高阶〔strain〕He was straining under the load.他吃力地扛货物。文馨英汉〔talk〕Trevor talked me through loading the software.特雷弗向我仔细讲解了如何安装这个软件。朗文当代〔thing〕I've got loads of things to do today.今天我有许多事要做。牛津高阶〔tripe〕I've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life.我这辈子从没听过这样的一堆废话。外研社新世纪〔truck〕A wheeled platform, sometimes equipped with a motor, for conveying loads in a warehouse or freight yard.电动搬运车:装备有电动机的带轮平台,用于仓库或货场运送货物美国传统〔truck〕Any of various heavy motor vehicles designed for carrying or pulling loads.卡车:各种用于运载或搬运货物的重型机动车辆美国传统〔truck〕He loaded the boxes onto the truck and wheeled them into the building.他把这些盒子装在手推车上推进房子里。韦氏高阶〔try〕The programs take too long to load and try the patience of young pupils.这些程序下载时间太长,会让小学生不耐烦。朗文当代〔turf sth out〕I turfed out a load of old shoes last week.上周我扔掉了一堆旧鞋子。剑桥高阶〔twaddle〕Beata was talking a load of twaddle.贝娅塔废话连篇。外研社新世纪〔twaddle〕She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle/a load of old twaddle.她认为这些研究结果只不过是一堆废话,根本不予理睬。剑桥高阶〔twaddle〕What a load of twaddle! 那么多废话!麦克米伦高阶〔undercharge〕To load (a firearm) with an insufficient charge.未给…装足火药:给(火器)填充弹药不足美国传统〔verify〕Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.请在核实有足够的内存后再安装程序。牛津高阶〔vision〕The vision of the table loaded with food made our mouths water.我们看见满桌的食物垂涎欲滴。英汉大词典〔wharf〕A landing place or pier where ships may tie up and load or unload.码头:船只可以停泊并装卸货物的登陆处或码头美国传统〔who're〕I've got loads of friends who're unemployed.我有很多失业的朋友。柯林斯高阶〔winch〕A stationary motor-driven or hand-powered hoisting machine having a drum around which is wound a rope or chain attached to the load being lifted.绞车,起货机:一种装有卷筒的固定的电动机驱动或手动的吊升机械,卷筒周围缠绕着与提升的重物相连的绳索美国传统〔word〕She used loaded words like 'bully' when describing his actions.在描述他的行为时,她用的是一些像 bully (恃强凌弱)之类别有意味的词语。牛津搭配〔work〕Carrying heavy loads around all day is hard work.整天来回运送重物是个苦活儿。剑桥高阶Load the program into the computer.把这个程序安装到计算机上。牛津商务Loaded supermarket trolleys are often difficult to manoeuvre.满载的超市手推车有时很难掌握方向。剑桥国际Consumers have loaded up on credit-card debt.消费者欠了大量的信用卡负债。牛津商务Even with (= Whether or not you have) a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.即使有一车精巧的电子装置,你还是需要一些音乐才能才写得出成功的歌曲。剑桥国际Everything that journalist writes is a load of shit.那个记者写的东西全是狗屁。剑桥国际Front-end loading puts all the charges onto the early years of the policy. 保单的前端收费集中在最初几年收费。牛津商务Get a load of his new car! 嘿!好好瞧他那新车!剑桥国际Hay is baled before loading. 装车前,干草被打成一捆一捆的。译典通He hired more employees to lighten his load.他雇用更多的员工以减轻他的工作量。牛津商务He likes to give the impression that he's terribly popular and has loads of friends.他喜欢给人留下这样的印象,他很受欢迎而且有非常多的朋友。剑桥国际I don't know how to load (= put bullets into) a gun .我不知道怎样把子弹装进手枪。剑桥国际I got a load of bumf from my bank today.我今天收到了银行的一叠文件。剑桥国际I've got so much work to do, and I can't see any way of lightening the load.我要做的工作太多了,而且我找不到任何可以减轻工作负担的办法。剑桥国际In a field we saw a farmer loading his cart with food for the cattle.在田野里,我们看到农民往手推车里装牛饲料。剑桥国际It's just another film with a load of mindless (= stupid and meaningless) violence.这又是一部充斥着盲目暴力的影片。剑桥国际Let me help -- you're loaded down with shopping.让我帮你一把,你买的商品太多了。剑桥国际Men were loading up a truck with timber.工人正把木料装上卡车。牛津商务Sharing the load makes work less stressful.分担工作量使工作压力减轻。牛津商务She's bought a load of posters to do her room up with.她买了一大堆画把房间装扮起来。剑桥国际Someone had pasted a load of flyposters up on the wall during the night.晚上有人在墙上张贴了一大堆非法传单(或海报)。剑桥国际The 2% loading for using the card abroad has been removed.在国外使用信用卡收取 2% 额外费用的规定已被取消了。牛津商务The goods were loaded into the ship's hold.货物被装入轮船的货舱中。牛津商务The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.这部电梯最大载客人数为8人。剑桥国际The play was a load of (old) rubbish.这出戏里充满了(陈旧的)糟粕。剑桥国际The tankers were still loading.这些油轮仍在装货。牛津商务Wait for the program to load.等着程序载入。牛津商务You'll have to be quick off the mark with that job application--I bet loads of people are interested.你得赶快申请那份工作----我打赌许多人都对它感兴趣。剑桥国际




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