

单词 melodic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔absolute music〕Instrumental music that depends solely on its rhythmic, melodic, and contrapuntal structures.绝对音乐,纯音乐:仅靠节奏、旋律和对位结构来表意的器乐美国传统〔arioso〕A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation.咏叙调:一种用在歌剧和(宗教)清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同美国传统〔arioso〕A short vocal solo having the melodic style but not the form of an aria.有这种旋律风格的小独唱,但与咏叹调的形式不同美国传统〔arioso〕In a melodic style like that of an aria. Used chiefly as a direction.以类似于咏叹调的旋律风格的。主要用来演奏演唱指示美国传统〔boogie-woogie〕A style of jazz piano characterized by a repeated rhythmic and melodic pattern in the bass and a series of improvised variations in the treble.布基伍基乐曲:用钢琴演奏的爵士乐的一种,其特点是低音部有重复的旋律和节奏而最高音部则有一系列即兴变奏曲美国传统〔cadenza〕An elaborate, ornamental melodic flourish interpolated into an aria or other vocal piece.装饰乐段:加入咏叹调或其它声乐作品中精心安排的,起装饰作用的旋律美国传统〔cantilena〕A sustained, smooth-flowing melodic line.坎蒂列那:一个持续、平滑流畅的旋律的优美乐段美国传统〔counterpoint〕Melodic material that is added above or below an existing melody.配合旋律:在已有的旋律上或下加上的有旋律的东西美国传统〔counterpoint〕The technique of combining two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationship while retaining their linear individuality.对位法:把两个或多个旋律合成使其具有和谐的关系又保持各自的线条的一种方法美国传统〔figure〕Music A brief melodic or harmonic unit often constituting the base for a larger phrase or structure.【音乐】 音型:一组短而连贯的音符或和弦构成的基本音型,经常为一更大的乐曲或结构构成基础美国传统〔homophonic〕Music Having or characterized by a single melodic line with accompaniment.【音乐】 单旋律乐曲的:与伴奏旋律线一致的;或以此为特征的美国传统〔jazz〕Most jazz is in the form of melodic or rhythmic variations upon a theme.爵士乐大多采取围绕一定主题变换旋律或节奏的形式。英汉大词典〔leitmotif〕Music A melodic passage or phrase, especially in Wagnerian opera, associated with a specific character, situation, or element.【音乐】 主导主题:一段音调优美的乐曲或乐句,尤指在瓦格纳歌剧中,常和某一特定的人物、环境或因素联系在一起美国传统〔melodically〕Schubert's effortless gift for melodic invention.舒伯特驾轻就熟的谱曲天分柯林斯高阶〔melodically〕Wonderfully melodic and tuneful, his songs have made me weep.他的歌旋律优美、悦耳动听,让我潸然泪下。柯林斯高阶〔melodic〕Handel's operas contain wonderful melodic inventions.韩德尔创作的歌剧在旋律上有绝妙的创新。英汉大词典〔melodic〕His songs are wonderfully melodic and tuneful.他的歌旋律优美、悦耳动听。外研社新世纪〔melodic〕I am nervous, and fluff the melodic line.我很紧张, 演奏错了谱子。外研社新世纪〔melodic〕The melodic line is carried by the two clarinets.主旋律由两支单簧管奏出。牛津高阶〔melodic〕Their music is loud and not very melodic.他们的音乐很响,而且不很悦耳。朗文当代〔melodic〕There is very little melodic variation in the piece.乐曲的旋律变化不多。朗文当代〔melodic〕Verdi 's supreme melodic genius威尔第卓越的谱曲天赋外研社新世纪〔modulate〕To pass from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.调节:通过和谐的旋律或合弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调过到另一基调或音调美国传统〔modulation〕Music A passing from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.【音乐】 转调:通过和谐的旋律或和弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调转调到另一基调或音调美国传统〔monody〕A style of composition having or dominated by a single melodic line; monophony.单音音乐:有一种旋律或受其支配的创作风格;单声部音乐美国传统〔monophonic〕Music Having a single melodic line; monodic.【音乐】 单声部的:具有单一旋律谱线的;单曲调的美国传统〔monophony〕Music consisting of a single melodic line.单声部音乐美国传统〔mordent〕A melodic ornament in which a principal tone is rapidly alternated with the tone a half or full step below.波音:由主音与一般为低半音或全音的助音快速切换而构成的装饰音美国传统〔motion〕Music Melodic ascent and descent of pitch.【音乐】 旋律的变移:声调旋律的上升或下降美国传统〔ninth〕A harmonic or melodic interval of an octave and a second.九度音程:包含一个八度音程和第二度音程的合音或音程美国传统〔overlay〕Her song was overlaid with sad lyrics and melodic vocals.她的歌曲用词伤感,唱腔优美。韦氏高阶〔part〕One of the melodic divisions or voices of a contrapuntal composition.乐曲的一部:复调音乐中的一段乐部或一个声部美国传统〔polyphony〕Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together.复调音乐:具有同时发声的两个或多个独立旋律部分的音乐美国传统〔recitative〕A style used in operas, oratorios, and cantatas in which the text is declaimed in the rhythm of natural speech with slight melodic variation.宣叙调:歌剧、清唱剧和大合唱中用到的一种风格,其特点是台词是以有节奏地自然地叙说而出现的,其旋律变化很小美国传统〔sequence〕Music A melodic or harmonic pattern successively repeated at different pitches with or without a key change.【音乐】 模进:带主音变化或不带主音变化的旋律或和弦的音型,在不同的音调上连续重复出现美国传统〔set〕To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.作词:为给定旋律的乐谱填(词)美国传统〔string〕The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist.弦乐组为独奏乐章配上了动听的背景乐。柯林斯高阶〔sweet〕Music Of, relating to, or being a form of jazz characterized by adherence to a melodic line and to a time signature.【音乐】 甜派风格的:属于、关于或作为一种严格按旋律和拍号演奏的爵士乐的美国传统〔theme〕Music The principal melodic phrase in a composition, especially a melody forming the basis of a set of variations.【音乐】 主旋律:作品中主要旋律,尤指形成一系列变化的旋律美国传统〔variation〕A form that is an altered version of a given theme, diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony, rhythm, or key.变奏曲:一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来美国传统〔warble〕To sing (a note or song, for example) with trills, runs, or other melodic embellishments.用柔和的颤音唱歌:用颤音、连续音或其他悦耳的装饰音唱(如一支调子或歌曲)美国传统




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