

单词 logically
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOGICAL〕He explained his reasons clearly and logically. 他把他的理由解释得很清楚,很有逻辑性。朗文写作活用〔a fortiori〕For a still stronger reason; all the more. Used of a conclusion that is logically more certain than another.更加:更有理由;更加。用于表示逻辑上更有把握的结论美国传统〔compelling〕There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.没有任何逻辑上有说服力的证据来支持他们的说法。牛津搭配〔compose〕Compose yourself and deal with the problems logically.冷静下来,并且理性的处理问题美国传统〔consequent〕Logically correct or consistent.合乎逻辑的:逻辑上正确或一致的美国传统〔deduce〕The total amount can be deduced logically from the figures available.总量可以从现有的数字中按照逻辑推断出来。牛津搭配〔entail〕Such sweeping changes must logically entail a redefinition of the concept.从逻辑上说,这样彻底的改变必然要对这一概念重新定义。牛津搭配〔free association〕A spontaneous, logically unconstrained and undirected association of ideas, emotions, and feelings.自由联想:观念,情绪或感情的自发的、不受逻辑束缚且无目的的联合美国传统〔have to〕First, you have to think logically about your fears.首先,你得对你担忧的理由好好地想想。牛津高阶〔imply〕The statement logically implies a certain conclusion.这一陈述在逻辑上隐含着一个特定的结论。牛津搭配〔independent〕His system rests upon two logically independent arguments.他的体系以两个逻辑上相互独立的论据为依据。牛津搭配〔logically〕Logically, the statues belong to them.按理说, 这些雕像属于他们。外研社新世纪〔logically〕Everything has to be logically analysed.对一切事物都要进行合乎逻辑的分析。外研社新世纪〔logically〕From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.由此, 他不去见希尔德加德便是顺理成章的事了。外研社新世纪〔logically〕From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.由此,他不去见希尔德加德便是顺理成章的事了。柯林斯高阶〔logically〕He couldn't explain his decision logically.他不能对自己的决定做出合理的解释。韦氏高阶〔logically〕His argument doesn't proceed logically.他的辩论毫无逻辑。韦氏高阶〔logically〕It follows logically that one of them is lying.照道理说,他们之中总有一个人在撒谎。文馨英汉〔logically〕It follows logically that one of them is lying.由此必然得出的结论是, 他们当中有一人在说谎。外研社新世纪〔logically〕My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.专业训练使我懂得看待事物时要讲求逻辑。外研社新世纪〔logically〕My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.专业训练使我懂得看问题要讲求逻辑。柯林斯高阶〔logically〕Since she helped us before, we can logically assume that she'll help us again.她之前就帮过我们,因此我们可以合理地推测,她还会帮我们的。韦氏高阶〔logically〕This was the one possibility I hadn't taken into consideration, though logically I should have done.这是唯一一个我没有考虑过的可能性,但按道理我应该想到才是。柯林斯高阶〔logical〕He tried to think logically.他试图按照逻辑去思考。朗文当代〔logical〕She presented her ideas clearly and logically.她条理清晰地阐述了自己的想法。麦克米伦高阶〔moment〕A phase or an aspect of a logically developing process.契机:一个按逻辑发展过程的阶段或方面美国传统〔necessary〕Logically inevitable.必然的:逻辑上不可避免的美国传统〔non sequitur〕A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.不连贯的陈述:与其前面的说法毫无逻辑关系的陈述美国传统〔other〕We can't think other than logically.不用逻辑的方法,我们就无法思考。文馨英汉〔ratiocinate〕To reason methodically and logically.推理:用理性方法和逻辑进行推理美国传统〔reason〕Mike is my voice of reason. He thinks logically and points out where I'm going wrong.迈克帮我保持理智。他的思维很有逻辑性,可以指出我的错误。柯林斯高阶〔reason〕To talk or argue logically and persuasively.辩论:逻辑严密且很有说服力地谈论或辩论美国传统〔reason〕To use the faculty of reason; think logically.推论:运用推理判断的能力;作逻辑思考美国传统〔subsist〕To be logically conceivable.(逻辑上)可以理解美国传统〔superstition〕An irrational belief that an object, an action, or a circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.迷信:认为与某一系列事件没有逻辑关系的一物体、一行为或一情况,会影响此系列事件结果的荒谬信念美国传统His hypothesis, while unlikely, is neither logically nor physically impossible.他的假设虽然匪夷所思,但在逻辑上和客观上并不是不可能的。剑桥国际Judges are supposed to weigh the evidence in each case logically and objectively.法官应该合乎逻辑地客观考虑每一件案子中的证据。剑桥国际Sometimes difficult problems can be solved by acting intuitively rather than thinking logically about it.有时候凭直觉行事而不是凭逻辑思考能够解决疑难问题。剑桥国际The jury are supposed to weigh the evidence in a case logically and objectively.陪审团应从逻辑和客观的角度来判断一个案子的证据。剑桥国际There must, logically, be an end to it (= it is reasonable to think that there is) , but we haven't reached it yet.从逻辑角度来讲,这必然有一个终点,但我们现在仍未达到这一步。剑桥国际




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