

单词 mounting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mounted〕A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.一位戴头盔的男子正跨上摩托车。柯林斯高阶〔-mounted〕He ignored his mounting debts.他对日益增加的债务置之不理。柯林斯高阶〔-mounted〕Llewelyn was mounting the stairs up into the keep.卢埃林登上台阶,走进城堡主楼。柯林斯高阶〔-mounted〕The ANC announced it was mounting a major campaign of mass political protests.非洲人国民大会宣布他们正在开展一次大规模政治抗议活动。柯林斯高阶〔-mounted〕The decibel level was mounting.噪音在增强。柯林斯高阶〔-mounted〕There was mounting concern in her voice.她的声音里流露出越来越多的担心。柯林斯高阶〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕For many years the South African government remained intransigent, despite mounting world opposition to apartheid. 许多年来,尽管全世界反对种族隔离制度的呼声日益高涨,南非政府还是持不妥协态度。朗文写作活用〔Canada balsam〕A viscous, yellowish, transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides.加拿大香脂:从香脂冷杉中获取的一种有粘性的、淡黄色的透明树脂,用作玻璃透镜的胶合剂或将标本粘贴在显微薄片上美国传统〔INCREASE〕Amid mounting excitement, an official came forward to announce the result of the election. 人们愈来愈兴奋,这时一位官员上前来宣布选举结果。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Another year of mounting losses proved too much for Pepperdine's basketball coach. 对佩珀代因篮球队的教练来说,又一年的再度失利是怎么也说不过去了。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕As the dispute continues, tension is mounting on the border between the two countries. 随着争端的持续,两国边境上的紧张气氛在加剧。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕He struggled on in the face of mounting debts, 面对不断增加的债务,他勉强硬撑着。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕She finally had to go back to work to pay the bills that were mounting up. 她最后只得回去工作,以支付不断增加的账单。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The decision has been the cause of mounting tension in the capital. 这一决定是造成首都局势更趋紧张的原因。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕There are reports of mounting violence in the village tribes. 有报道说村部落间的暴力行动愈演愈烈。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕What are the reasons for mounting unemployment in the Arab countries? 是什么原因造成了阿拉伯国家的失业人数不断增加?朗文写作活用〔altazimuth〕A mounting for astronomical telescopes that permits both horizontal and vertical rotation.经纬仪:天文望远镜的底座,可以使望远镜水平和垂直旋转美国传统〔altazimuth〕A telescope having such a mounting.地平经纬仪:有这种底座的望远镜美国传统〔arrears〕The arrears have been mounting in recent months最近几个月到期未付的拖欠款一直在增加。外研社新世纪〔assault gun〕A turretless armored vehicle having the chassis of a tank but mounting a larger gun, used in antitank combat and infantry support.迫击炮装甲车:带坦克底盘的无炮塔装甲车,但配有大型炮,用于反坦克战和步兵支援美国传统〔attack〕Local schools are mounting an attack on racism.当地学校正在努力消除种族歧视。韦氏高阶〔augur〕Mounting sales augur a profitable year.不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。21世纪英汉〔buildup〕Tension is mounting in the build-up to the elections.备选期间气氛越来越紧张。牛津搭配〔burn〕Evidence is mounting that vigorous exercise does more than burn fat.越来越多的证据表明剧烈运动不仅会消耗脂肪。外研社新世纪〔chape〕A metal tip or mounting on a scabbard or sheath.扣钩:匕首套或剑鞘的金属包头或底托美国传统〔conformity〕Pressure appears to be mounting for conformity in how people speak English.要求人们讲规范英语的压力似乎越来越大。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕A part or piece made to fit on a corner, as in mounting or for protection.角落处:使适合角落的一部分或一块,如用于安装或保护美国传统〔day〕Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable.面对着不断增加的债务, 作出停业的决定是在所难免的。外研社新世纪〔day〕Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable.面对着不断增加的债务,最终难免作出将其结束的决定。柯林斯高阶〔debt〕Faced with a mounting burden of debt, he sold off the company.他面临着越来越重的债务负担,只得卖掉了公司。牛津搭配〔deflect〕The prime minister deflected mounting criticism today by announcing tax cuts.今天首相宣布减税,从而平息了越来越多的批评声音。剑桥高阶〔demount〕To remove (a motor, for example) from a position on a mounting or other support.卸下,拆下:从座架或其他支持物上移走(例如发动机)美国传统〔dislike〕A mounting wave of dislike rose within me.一股越来越强烈的厌恶情绪涌上我的心头。外研社新世纪〔dismay〕I felt a mounting dismay at the prospect.我对前景感到越来越灰心。牛津搭配〔dismount〕To remove from a support, setting, or mounting.从支撑物、底板、底座取下,卸下美国传统〔doom〕Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure.债台高筑使工厂无法逃脱关闭的命运。剑桥高阶〔dwindle〕Exports are dwindling and debts are mounting.出口在缩减, 债务在上升。外研社新世纪〔emplacement〕A prepared position, such as a mounting or silo, for a military weapon.武器架,武器库:一个放武器的位置,例如底架或仓库美国传统〔exhibition〕The library has a policy of mounting changing exhibitions.图书馆有一项更换展品的政策。牛津搭配〔exhibit〕The library has a policy of mounting changing exhibits.图书馆有一项更换展品的政策。牛津搭配〔gobble sth up〕The mounting legal costs quickly gobbled up their savings.日益增加的诉讼费很快耗尽了他们的积蓄。剑桥高阶〔heat〕They turned up the heat in the second half mounting attack after attack on the City goal.他们在下半场加强了攻势, 向城市队的球门发起了一波又一波进攻。外研社新世纪〔inflationary〕The bank is worried about mounting inflationary pressures.银行对不断上升的通胀压力感到担忧。外研社新世纪〔inflationary〕The bank is worried about mounting inflationary pressures.银行对日趋加大的通货膨胀压力感到担忧。柯林斯高阶〔job〕He said the job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.他说有必要通过裁员来覆盖攀升的成本。外研社新世纪〔loss〕Tory losses are mounting up in the south-west.保守党在西南部控制的势力范围越来越小。麦克米伦高阶〔love〕There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis.在一场日益严峻的危机面前, 本应和睦协作的这两个男人却势同水火。外研社新世纪〔love〕There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis.在一场日益严峻的危机面前,本应和睦共处、通力合作的这两个男人却势同水火。柯林斯高阶〔modern〕The social problems in modern society are mounting.现代社会的社会问题正在日益增多。英汉大词典〔mount up〕My savings are mounting up gradually.我的积蓄在逐渐增加。外研社新世纪〔mounting〕He ignored his mounting debts.他对自己日积月累的债务视而不见。外研社新世纪〔mounting〕Job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.需要裁员以应对成本不断上升的压力。外研社新世纪〔mounting〕Technicolor gives the picture a fairly handsome mounting.彩色使这部电影产生相当美的艺术效果。英汉大词典〔mounting〕The engine came loose from its mountings.发动机从托架上松开了。牛津高阶〔mounting〕The engine is supported by four rubberized mountings.发动机由四个橡胶座架支撑着。朗文当代〔mounting〕The government has come under mounting criticism in the press.政府在报纸上遭到越来越多的批评。朗文当代〔mounting〕There is mounting evidence against him.对他不利的证据越来越多。外研社新世纪〔mounting〕There is mounting evidence of serious effects on people's health.有越来越多的证据表明对人的健康有严重影响。牛津高阶〔mounting〕There was mounting pressure on him to resign.要求他辞职的压力越来越大。朗文当代〔mounting〕There's mounting evidence of a link between obesity and some forms of cancer.越来越多的证据表明肥胖和某些癌症有关联。朗文当代〔mounting〕They faced mounting debts .他们的债务越来越多。朗文当代〔mount〕A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.一个戴着防撞头盔的男子骑着一辆摩托车。外研社新世纪〔mount〕Evidence is mounting that only a small minority of cases are caused by oxygen deprivation.越来越多的证据显示, 只有少数病例是缺氧所致。外研社新世纪〔mount〕Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.“地球之友”正在发起监督非法伐木的运动。朗文当代〔mount〕Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.同时,我的债务还在不断增加。牛津高阶〔mount〕Pollution is mounting up.污染日益严重。英汉大词典〔mount〕Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law.迫使政府修改法律的压力不断增加。牛津高阶〔mount〕Prices are mounting steeply.物价正急剧上涨。21世纪英汉〔mount〕Prices are mounting.物价正上涨。文馨英汉〔mount〕Problems began mounting.问题多起来了。英汉大词典〔mount〕Production costs are steadily mounting (up).生产成本在不断增加。英汉大词典〔mount〕Tension here is mounting , as we await the final result.我们等待着最终结果,这里的气氛越来越紧张。朗文当代〔mount〕The act or manner of mounting.攀,登:攀登的行为或方式美国传统〔mount〕The attacks of pain kept mounting.疼痛一阵比一阵加剧。英汉大词典〔mount〕The children's excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer.随着圣诞临近,孩子们越来越兴奋。剑桥高阶〔mount〕The cost of living is mounting steadily.生活费用在持续上涨。21世纪英汉〔mount〕The decibel level was mounting.分贝数在上升。外研社新世纪〔mount〕The museum is mounting an exhibition of his paintings.美术馆正在举办他的画展。韦氏高阶〔mount〕The pressure is mounting as the concert draws near.随着音乐会的临近, 压力越来越大。外研社新世纪〔mount〕They're mounting a publicity campaign.他们正进行宣传活动。外研社新世纪〔mount〕We are mounting a campaign to recruit more volunteers.我们正在开展一个活动来招募更多的自愿者。麦克米伦高阶〔opposition〕The opposition is/are mounting a strong challenge to our business.对方正对我方企业逐渐形成强大的挑战。牛津高阶〔perceptible〕The tension was mounting perceptibly.紧张状况明显在加剧。柯林斯高阶〔perceptibly〕The tension was mounting perceptibly.紧张局势明显在加剧。外研社新世纪〔pile〕She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.她惶恐地望着桌子上堆积如山的信函。牛津高阶〔plaque〕A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information.匾额,铭碑,饰板:被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料美国传统〔regretfully〕Regretfully, mounting costs have forced the museum to close.遗憾的是,成本不断增加,博物馆不得不关闭。牛津高阶〔scrapbook〕A book with blank pages used for the mounting and preserving of pictures, clippings, or other mementos.剪贴簿:有空白页的书薄,用于粘贴和保存图片、剪报或其它纪念物美国传统〔sense〕Beth read Jake's letter with a mounting sense of panic.贝思读着杰克的信,恐惧感越来越强烈。麦克米伦高阶〔setting〕A mounting, as for a jewel.镶座:镶嵌宝石等的镶座美国传统〔shake〕The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose.支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕He ignored the warning signs of mounting health problems.他忽视了接二连三的健康问题带来的警示信号。牛津搭配〔slide〕A small glass plate for mounting specimens to be examined under a microscope.载波片:一种玻璃板,用于放置在显微镜下观察的样本美国传统〔speculation〕Speculation is mounting that a new tax will be introduced.越来越多的人猜测新税就要开征了。牛津搭配〔stem〕The tubular glass structure mounting the filament or electrodes in an incandescent bulb or vacuum tube.晶体管管座:将灯丝或电极装入白炽灯泡或真空管的管状玻璃结构美国传统〔stirrup〕A flat-based loop or ring hung from either side of a horse's saddle to support the rider's foot in mounting and riding; a stirrup iron.马镫:从马鞍两边悬挂下来的供骑马人上下马时支撑脚用的平底套或环;马蹬美国传统〔stuff〕To fill (an animal skin) to restore its natural form for mounting or display.(为制作标本)剥制:往(动物皮囊里)塞东西使之恢复原来形状,用于演出或展览美国传统〔taxidermy〕The art or operation of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of dead animals for exhibition in a lifelike state.动物标本剥制术:准备、剥制和安装死动物皮用于酷似实物状态的展览的艺术或操作方法美国传统〔tendency〕The army has become increasingly restless over the mounting separatist tendencies of the northern republics.军方对于北方几个共和国不断加剧的分裂倾向感到越来越不安。柯林斯高阶〔tension〕There is mounting tension along the border.边境局势日趋紧张。牛津高阶〔unscrew〕The base of the lamp unscrews for wiring and mounting.台灯底座可以拧开来布线和安装。外研社新世纪〔unscrew〕The base of the lamp unscrews for wiring and mounting.台灯的底座可以拧开来进行布线和安装。柯林斯高阶〔weakly〕The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive.随着对政府软弱和优柔寡断的批评愈演愈烈,情况终于有了变化。柯林斯高阶Mounting debts are adding to the company's problems.日益增加的债务给公司处境雪上加霜。牛津商务Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure (= made it unavoidable).不断高筑的债台注定了工厂的倒闭。剑桥国际Mounting overcapacity in the steel industry is driving prices down.钢铁行业生产能力日益过剩正促使价格下降。牛津商务Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.同时,我的债务还在不断增加。牛津商务Pressure is mounting for tax allowances on childcare.对儿童医疗实行税收优惠的呼声越来越高。牛津商务Prices are mounting. 物价在上涨。译典通Sally waited for her examination results with mounting (= gradually growing) anxiety.赛莉越发焦急地等着她的考试结果。剑桥国际Science museums have tried to shake off their somewhat starchy image by mounting exhibitions designed to draw in the crowds.科学博物馆举办旨在吸引观众的展览以改变多少有点的刻板的形象。剑桥国际The Prime Minister deflected mounting criticism today by announcing tax cuts.总理宣布减税以引开日渐增多的指责声。剑桥国际The children's excitement is mounting (= increasing) as Christmas gets nearer.随着圣诞临近,孩子们越来越兴奋。剑桥国际The library is mounting a display/an exhibition of old photographs of the city.图书馆在举办一次城市旧照片的展览。剑桥国际The union is mounting a challenge to the management.工会准备向经理方发起一次挑战。剑桥国际There is high inflation and mounting frustration over price rises for food and utilities like heating and telephone calls.当前存在着高通货膨胀以及因食品和暖气、电话等公用事业价格的上涨而产生的越来越大的失望。剑桥国际We're faced with mounting debts.我们面临越来越多的负债。剑桥国际When mounting a military attack, many generals overlook the importance of logistics. 在执行军事攻击的时候,许多将军忽视了后勤的重要。译典通




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