

单词 mountainous region
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Black Forest〕A mountainous region of southwest Germany between the Rhine and Neckar rivers. It is a year-round resort area that is famous for its clock and toy industries.黑林山:德国西南部一山区,位于莱茵河与内卡河之间。为四季旅游区,以其钟表和玩具工业而著名美国传统〔EDGE〕It is a mountainous region, occupying a large area near the border with Nepal. 这是一片山区,面积很大,靠近尼泊尔边界。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕Fog and rain are common in the mountainous regions near the border. 靠近边境的山区雾和雨是很常见的。朗文写作活用〔Fouta Djallon〕A mountainous region of northwest Guinea. It is the source of the headwaters of the Gambia, Niger, and Senegal rivers.富塔贾隆:几内亚西北的多山地带。是冈比亚、尼日尔和塞内加尔等河上游的发源地美国传统〔Gilead〕A mountainous region of ancient Palestine east of the Jordan River in what is now northwest Jordan.基列山:古巴勒斯坦一山脉,位于约旦河东岸,即现在约旦的西北部美国传统〔Hmong〕A member of a people inhabiting the mountainous regions of southern China and adjacent areas of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand.洪族人:居住在中国南部及邻近的越南、老挝和泰国山区的民族美国传统〔flatten〕The mountainous region flattens out to a vast plateau.山区向外延伸变得平坦,成为一片广阔的高原。麦克米伦高阶〔map〕Parts of the mountainous region in the north of the country have still not been mapped.人们还未为这个国家北部的部分山区绘制地图。剑桥高阶〔subalpine〕Of, relating to, inhabiting, or growing in mountainous regions just below the timberline.亚高山带的:紧靠林木线以下之高山地带的,与这一地带有关的居住于亚高山地带的,生长于亚高山地带的美国传统〔terra〕A rough upland or mountainous region of the moon with a relatively high albedo.月面台地:反射率相对较高的月面上的地势不平的高地或多山地区美国传统〔timberline〕The elevation in a mountainous region above which trees do not grow.林木线:在山区林木生长的最高上限美国传统Parts of the mountainous region in the north of the country have still not been mapped.这国家北部的部分山区尚未绘制成地图。剑桥国际




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