

单词 nutrient
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕A deficiency of soil nutrients can cause the resulting crop to be disease-ridden and of very poor quality. 土壤缺少养分可导致生长的作物病害多、质量差。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕Over-intensive farming had exhausted the supply of nutrients in the soil. 过度密集的耕作已耗尽了土壤中的养分。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Vegetarians reject the idea that you must eat meat to get all the nutrients you need. 素食主义者不相信要获取全面的营养就必须吃肉的想法。朗文写作活用〔TDN〕Total digestible nutrients.可消化的养分总量美国传统〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕To obtain the nutrients you need, vary the foods you eat. 为获得身体所需的营养,要吃各种不同的食物。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.营养成分被吸收进血液中。牛津搭配〔absorb〕Our bodies absorb nutrients from our food.我们的身体从食物里吸收养料。牛津同义词〔absorb〕Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.植物从土壤中吸收养分。朗文当代〔absorption〕Exercise can promote absorption of nutrients by the body.锻炼能促进肌体对营养成分的吸收。麦克米伦高阶〔absorption〕Very little absorption of nutrients takes place in the stomach.胃部对营养的吸收甚少。外研社新世纪〔algal〕Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.污水中的营养物确实会加快港口的海藻生长。柯林斯高阶〔algal〕Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.污水里的营养物质确实会促进港口内藻类的生长。外研社新世纪〔assimilate〕To consume and incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion.吸收:消化后把营养消耗并吸收在体内美国传统〔assimilation〕Poor assimilation of vitamins and nutrients can cause health problems.对维生素和营养的吸收不良均可能导致健康问题。剑桥高阶〔blood agar〕A nutrient culture medium that is enriched with whole blood and used for the growth of certain strains of bacteria.血培养基:用全血培育的一种营养培养基,用于某些细菌的生长美国传统〔carnivorous〕Botany Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them; insectivorous.【植物学】 食虫的:能够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并能从其中吸取营养的;食虫的美国传统〔colony〕Microbiology A visible growth of microorganisms, usually in a solid or semisolid nutrient medium.【微生物学】 一种可看得见的微生物的发育生长,通常在固体或半固体的营养媒质中美国传统〔competition〕Ecology The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light.【生态学】 生态环境:两个或多个物种同时对有限环境资源的需求,如营养、生存空间或光照美国传统〔compost〕A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.堆肥:腐烂有机体的混合物,如树叶或粪便,用来改善土壤结构并增加土壤养分美国传统〔conjunction〕Since iron destroys vitamin E, these two nutrients should not be taken in conjunction.由于铁会破坏维生素E, 因此这两种营养物质不应同时摄取。外研社新世纪〔conjunction〕Since iron destroys vitamin E, these two nutrients should not be taken in conjunction.铁会破坏维生素E,所以这两种营养物质不应该同时摄取。柯林斯高阶〔culture medium〕A liquid or gelatinous substance containing nutrients in which microorganisms or tissues are cultivated for scientific purposes.培养基:一种含有营养成分的液体或胶状物质,在其中培养微生物或组织并用于科学目的美国传统〔culture〕The growing of microorganisms, tissue cells, or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrient medium.培养:在经过特殊准备的营养培养基中的微生物、组织细胞或其它生物的培养美国传统〔culture〕To grow (microorganisms or other living matter) in a specially prepared nutrient medium.培养:在特殊制备的营养培养基中培养(微生物或其它生物)美国传统〔decomposed〕The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。柯林斯高阶〔decomposer〕An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.腐生菌;腐生物:一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分美国传统〔deplete〕Alcohol interferes with blood-sugar levels and can deplete the body of essential nutrients.酒精会使人体内的血糖浓度失调, 也会消耗人体所必需的营养成分。外研社新世纪〔digest〕Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood.消化的食物中的营养成分能够被吸收到血液中去。柯林斯高阶〔digest〕Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood.食物消化后的营养成分可以被吸收到血液。外研社新世纪〔formula〕A liquid food for infants, containing most of the nutrients in human milk.婴儿食品:用来哺育婴儿的液体食物,含有人奶中的大部分营养物美国传统〔function〕When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function normally.营养不足时,身体就不能正常运转。牛津搭配〔hydroponics〕Cultivation of plants in nutrient solution rather than in soil.水耕法:一种耕作方法,不用土地而只在含有养分之溶液中栽培蔬菜等美国传统〔impoverish〕Fast-growing trees remove nutrients and impoverish the soil.速生林吸收了营养使土地贫瘠。朗文当代〔intravenous〕A drug, nutrient solution, or other substance administered into a vein.静脉注射物:注入静脉的药物、营养液、或其它物质美国传统〔leach〕The nutrient is quickly leached away.养分很快就被滤掉了。牛津高阶〔malabsorption〕Defective or inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract.吸收不良:肠道吸收营养不良或不足美国传统〔malassimilation〕Incomplete or imperfect assimilation of nutrients by the body.同化不良:身体同化营养不全面或不完美美国传统〔marker〕Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food.维生素C的存在是冷冻食品里存在其他维生素和营养成分的很好说明。柯林斯高阶〔mash〕A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl.麦麸:由谷糠和营养物质调成的混合物,用以饲养牲畜和家禽美国传统〔nearly〕Minerals in general are not nearly so well absorbed as other nutrients.总体来说,矿物质远远不如其他营养成分好吸收。柯林斯高阶〔no-till〕A system for planting crops without plowing, using herbicides to control weeds and resulting in reduced soil erosion and the preservation of soil nutrients.不整地种植:不犁地而以除草剂控制杂草,以减少土壤侵蚀并保持地力的耕耘谷物系统美国传统〔non-fat〕Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories.脱脂乳制品能提供身体所需的营养,而不含过多的热量。柯林斯高阶〔nutrient〕A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients.健康的饮食应该提供所有必需的营养。剑桥高阶〔nutrient〕Fruits and vegetables have important nutrients.水果和蔬菜有重要的营养成分。韦氏高阶〔nutrient〕It's good soil - full of nutrients.这土壤肥沃——养分很足。剑桥高阶〔nutrient〕Magnesium is the nutrient element in plant growth.镁是植物成长所需的营养要素。英汉大词典〔nutrient〕Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.植物从土壤中吸取矿物质和其他养分。牛津高阶〔nutrient〕Provide plants with their proper nutrients.把适当的养料供应给植物。牛津同义词〔nutrient〕The disease is caused by nutrient deficiencies.这种疾病是营养缺乏造成的。韦氏高阶〔nutrient〕The plant absorbs nutrients from the soil.这种植物从土壤中吸取养分。朗文当代〔nutrient〕The roots transmit moisture and nutrients to the trunk and branches.根将水分和养料输送到干和枝。英汉大词典〔nutrient〕The soil is low in nutrients.这片土壤很贫瘠。韦氏高阶〔nutrient〕You need more nutrients in your diet.你的日常饮食需要加强营养。韦氏高阶〔oligotrophic〕Lacking in plant nutrients and having a large amount of dissolved oxygen throughout. Used of a pond or lake.贫营养的:缺乏植物养料并含大量溶氧的,用于池塘或湖美国传统〔organ〕The colon is an important organ for the absorption of nutrients.结肠是吸收营养的重要器官。牛津搭配〔peptone〕Any of various compounds obtained by acid or enzyme hydrolysis of natural protein and used as nutrients in culture media.胨:各种从天然白蛋白酸或酶水解中得到的合成物,用做培养细菌的营养培养基美国传统〔perfusion〕The injection of fluid into a blood vessel in order to reach an organ or tissues, usually to supply nutrients and oxygen.灌注法:为了进入器官或组织把液体注入血管,多用以提供营养和氧美国传统〔poor〕Junk food is poor in vitamins and nutrients.垃圾食品中各种维生素和营养成分含量很少。韦氏高阶〔sieve tube〕A series of cells joined end to end, forming a tube through which nutrients are conducted in flowering plants and brown algae.筛管:一系列细胞尾对尾连接成的一条管子,在有花植物及褐藻中养分经此传送美国传统〔soak out〕Nutritionists now say that this soaks out all the nutrients.现在营养学家说这样做会把所有营养成分都浸泡掉。外研社新世纪〔sprue〕A chronic, chiefly tropical disease characterized by diarrhea, emaciation, and anemia, caused by defective absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract.口炎性腹泻:一种慢性的热带疾病,以腹泻、消瘦、贫血为特征,由肠道营养吸收不良引起美国传统〔supply〕The falling leaves provide a good supply of nutrients to the soil.落叶给土壤提供了很好的养料。麦克米伦高阶〔tell〕While most of us feel fairly complacent about the nutrients we're getting from our diets, the facts tell a very different story.虽然我们大多数人对于从饮食中获取的营养成分感到相当满足,实际情况却不是这样。柯林斯高阶〔terra alba〕Finely pulverized gypsum used in making paper, paints, and as a nutrient for growing yeast.白土:可粉碎的很细的石膏,用于造纸、颜料和正在发酵的酵母的营养剂美国传统〔undernutrition〕Inadequate nutrition resulting from lack of food or failure of the body to absorb or assimilate nutrients properly.营养不良:由于缺乏食物或身体不能恰当地吸收营养而引起的营养不足美国传统〔uptake〕Plants in their growth stage exhibit an increased uptake of nutrients.植物在其生长阶段通常会吸收更多的养分。剑桥高阶〔vegetation〕Removal of the natural vegetation has resulted in a loss of nutrients in the soil.破坏天然植被造成了土壤养分的流失。牛津搭配〔vital〕These nutrients are absolutely vital to good health.这些营养成分对健康绝对必不可少。牛津搭配〔waste material〕Blood flows through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste materials from the tissues.血液在身体内流动, 输送氧气和养分, 清除组织里的垃圾。外研社新世纪It's good soil--full of nutrients.这是好土壤----充满了养分。剑桥国际Land that has been fertilized is richer in nutrients.施过肥的土地养分更丰富。剑桥国际Plants in their growth stage generally exhibit an increased uptake of nutrients.植物在生长期间总是增加摄取养料。剑桥国际Sheep have been introduced onto the land to add nutrients to the soil in the form of their urine and faeces.把羊引入到这片土地上是为了用它们的尿和粪便增加这里的土壤的养分。剑桥国际The plants are showing signs of nutrient deficiency.这些植物显出缺少养料的症状。剑桥国际These plants have devised ingenious ways of snatching nutrients from the air.这些植物形成了绝妙的方法从空气中提取营养素。剑桥国际This meal may not fit your taste, but it contains many nutrients. 这顿饭也许不合你的胃口,但它却含有许多营养。译典通This soil contains valuable nutrients. 这种土壤含有宝贵的养料。译典通




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