

单词 on it
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Celtic cross〕A Latin cross with a circle superimposed on its center.凯尔特式十字架:一种中心处覆有一圆环的拉丁十字架美国传统〔DEFEND〕The military is continuing to work on its missile defense system. 军方在继续致力建设导弹防御系统。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕A lot of GPs are too quick to prescribe drugs, instead of letting the body get better on its own. 许多普通医生动不动就开药,而不是让身体自行康复。朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕He lit a cigar and puffed on it thoughtfully. 他点起一根雪茄,若有所思地抽着。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕Mind the table Charlotte, there are drinks on it. 当心桌子,夏洛特,上面有饮料。朗文写作活用〔back〕The UK market was flat on its back.英国市场疲软。朗文当代〔band〕Almost all hospitals use a wrist-band of some kind with your name and details on it.几乎所有的医院都用某种腕带记录名字和详细信息。柯林斯高阶〔change〕In Zaire political change was on its way.在扎伊尔,政治变革正在推进。柯林斯高阶〔earn〕The movie earned £7 million on its first day.这部电影上映第一天便获利 700 万英镑。朗文当代〔foot〕The business is finally/back on its feet.生意终于转好。韦氏高阶〔get off on sth〕Dave likes power - he gets off on it.戴夫喜欢权势——这让他很过瘾。剑桥高阶〔last〕The video is on its last legs – I'm not sure if it will record or not.这台录像机快不能用了,我没有把握它是否还能录东西。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕The builders level(l)ed the site and erected a new plant building on it.建筑者们将场地平整好,然后建造了一个新厂房。21世纪英汉〔life depends on〕He was studying as if his life depended on it.他在学习,好像不学就活不了似的。韦氏高阶〔mark〕This table marks very easily; don't put the hot cup on it.这张桌子很容易留下印痕,别在上面放热杯子。英汉大词典〔mil〕We sold our house back in Vegas—made quite a nice half-mil profit on it.我们卖掉了拉斯维加斯的房子,大大地赚了50万。柯林斯高阶〔mine〕The UN convoy was mined on its way to the border.联合国车队在驶往边界的途中触雷被炸。牛津高阶〔mingle in〕Three streams mingle in this river on its way to the sea.这条河在流入大海途中有三条小河汇入。21世纪英汉〔monorail〕A single rail serving as a track for wheeled vehicles traveling on it or suspended from it.单轨:使带轮交通工具在上面行进或暂停的单一轨道美国传统〔outfit〕Some big outfits are working on it.有些大公司正在致力于研究制造这一产品。英汉大词典〔patch〕The horse had a white mark on its head.这匹马头上有块白斑。牛津高阶〔pedigreed〕The movie made $18 million on its first weekend, though it lacked an expensive cast or a pedigreed filmmaker.电影在公映第一周的收入就达到了1800万美元,尽管没有大牌明星和知名导演。剑桥高阶〔pivot on〕The boat pivoted on its axis and headed out to sea.船原地转向, 然后驶向大海。外研社新世纪〔pleasure〕They look on it as more of a duty than a pleasure.他们认为此事责任多于乐趣。外研社新世纪〔premise〕Land and the buildings on it.房屋及地基:土地及在其上的建筑美国传统〔redouble〕The fox redoubled on its trail to escape the hunters.为了逃避猎人的追捕,狐狸循原路折回。21世纪英汉〔registered mail〕Mail that is recorded by the post office when sent and at each point on its route so as to assure safe delivery.挂号邮件:在发送到路线上每一个点都由邮局登记以保证其安全的邮件美国传统〔round on sb/sth〕The fox rounded on its pursuers.那只狐狸突然转身向追猎它的人扑来。剑桥高阶〔sit〕I gently led her to the chair and sat her on it.我小心地把她带到椅子边让她坐下。朗文当代〔sleep〕Let me sleep on it and give you an answer tomorrow.让我再考虑一下,明天给你答复。麦克米伦高阶〔spin〕The Earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。麦克米伦高阶〔spot〕A playing card with a specified number of such marks on it indicating its value.纸牌数字:在其上具有特定标志的数字以示其价值的纸牌美国传统〔squeak〕The door squeaked as it swung back and forth on its rusty hinges.门的铰链生锈了,转动起来嘎吱嘎吱作响。剑桥高阶〔stake〕I'm sure that's Jesse – I'd stake my life on it.我敢肯定那人是杰西 — 我敢以性命打赌。朗文当代〔stiffen up〕My elbow was starting to stiffen up where I'd landed on it.我用胳膊肘支撑着自己, 结果着力的地方就开始变得僵硬起来。外研社新世纪〔swag〕The cartoon showed a picture of a robber carrying a bag with "swag" written on it.这幅漫画画的是一个强盗背着一个上面写着“赃物”的袋子。剑桥高阶〔toughness〕Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet… 不管是谁赢得选举都将面对复苏经济的棘手任务。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The cat suddenly turned on its trainer.这只猫突然转而进攻它的训练者。21世纪英汉〔video〕Have we got a blank video (=one with nothing recorded on it yet) anywhere? 我们哪里还有空白的录像带吗?朗文当代〔wing〕It had white markings on its wings.它翅膀上有白色的斑点。牛津搭配I blurred my report by spilling milk on it. 我不小心把牛奶泼了出来,弄脏了报告。译典通I want to buy a card with a sixty on it for my uncle.我想为我叔叔买一张带有数字60的(生日)贺卡。剑桥国际Pax Romana (= the peace forced by Rome on its empire) 罗马帝国统治下的和平剑桥国际The Earth spins on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转。剑桥国际The fire won't burn very well if you only put slack on it.如果你只放进煤屑,火不会烧得很旺。剑桥国际The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter. 那辆摩托车倒在沟中。译典通The software company has posted a bug fix (= a program that will remove the problem) on its website.软件公司已经在其网站上公布了漏洞修复程序。牛津商务The success of the new model will depend on it being introduced at the right psychological moment (= the time when it is most likely to be accepted).新的模型的成功将取决于它在最能达到预期效果的时候被推出。剑桥国际There was one tomb more lordly than all the rest, and on it was but one word, Dracula.有一个坟墓比其他所有的坟墓更庄严肃穆,上面只有四个字,德拉库拉(吸血鬼之王)。剑桥国际When you write a cheque, you write your name on it, the amount of money you are paying and the name of the person to whom your bank will make the payment.当你开支票时,在上面写上你的名字、你付款的数目和你的银行将把款付给的那人的名字。剑桥国际




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