

单词 monitor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-placed〕Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.基金管理人不适合监管公司。柯林斯高阶〔ATTACH〕The doctor will attach a monitor to your stomach so that she can listen to the baby's heart. 医生将在你腹部接一个监测器,这样她就能听到胎儿的心跳了。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕The doctor attached a tiny monitor to the baby's head. 医生把一台微型监测器固定在婴儿的头上。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Fans who couldn't get into the stadium watched the match on banks of TV monitors outside. 无法进入体育场的球迷就在场外一排排的电视监视上观看比赛。朗文写作活用〔PET scan〕The researchers carried out a PET scan to monitor his brain activity.研究人员采用正电子计算机断层摄片来监看他的大脑活动。剑桥高阶〔QWERTY〕Most computers come equipped with a monitor and a full QWERTY keyboard.大多数计算机都配备显示器和标准键盘。韦氏高阶〔SECRET〕We're able to operate covertly to monitor the situation. 我们可以采取秘密行动,监视事态的发展。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕Doctors monitored her progress during the night. 医生们整晚监测她的病情发展。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕Military observers have been allowed into the area to monitor the ceasefire. 军事观察员获准进入那个地区监督停火协议的执行情况。朗文写作活用〔access〕You can now access and monitor your account even when you are travelling.现在, 即使你在旅行, 也能访问并监控自己的账户。外研社新世纪〔accurately〕This may provide a quick and accurate way of monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.这也许能提供一个监测空气中二氧化碳含量的既快又准的方法。柯林斯高阶〔activity〕The police are now monitoring criminal/gang/drug activity in the area.警方正在监视这一地区的犯罪/帮派/毒品活动。韦氏高阶〔antilock〕Of or being a motor vehicle braking system that electronically monitors and adjusts individual wheel speeds during braking to prevent the wheels from locking.防锁的,抗锁的:汽车刹车系统的或是汽车刹车系统的,刹车时该系统电子监控和调整每个车轮的速度以防止车轮被锁美国传统〔arrival〕Check the airport monitors for arrivals and departures.检查一下机场监控器,看看到港和出发的航班。麦克米伦高阶〔at-home〕She uses an at-home blood test to monitor her blood levels.她用一种家用血液测试法监测她的各项血液指标。韦氏高阶〔bank〕She sat calmly in the control room, studying the bank of computer monitors.她平静地坐在控制室内, 审视着那组电脑监视器。外研社新世纪〔biosensor〕A device that uses biological materials to monitor the presence of various chemicals in a substance.利用生物物质监视物质中各种化学制品的装置美国传统〔bleep〕The monitor bleeped.监测器发出了哔哔声。韦氏高阶〔blood pressure〕Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure.医生会监测你的血压。外研社新世纪〔cartridge〕The printer has a monitor which displays the ink levels of each cartridge.这种打印机上有个监视器, 可以显示各墨盒里的墨量。外研社新世纪〔chatter〕Experts monitor internet chatter for the government.政府雇用的专家监视人们在网上的交流内容。剑桥高阶〔check〕He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure.他被实时监测,定时量血压。柯林斯高阶〔closed-circuit〕The store uses closed-circuit television to monitor the activities of shoppers.这家商店使用闭路电视对购物者进行监控。韦氏高阶〔closely〕Pollution levels are closely monitored.污染等级受到严密的监控。剑桥高阶〔compliance〕The staff involved should be monitored to ensure compliance with the policy.应该监督有关员工,确保他们遵守这一规定。朗文当代〔computer-aided manufacturing〕The process of using specialized computers to control, monitor, and adjust tools and machinery in manufacturing.计算机支持制造:在制造时,使用专门计算机来控制、监视、调整工具和机械的过程美国传统〔condition〕These tools can also be used to monitor the condition of the moving parts within a printer.这些工具也可用来监控打印机内活动部件的状态。外研社新世纪〔control〕This device monitors room temperature and humidity.这个仪器用来监测房间的温度和湿度。朗文当代〔cowed〕You can initiate policies until the cows come home, but unless they're monitored at a senior level, you won't get results.你可以花很长时间来制定政策,但除非高层对之进行监管,否则不会有效果。柯林斯高阶〔dedicate〕The country health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.该国卫生机构已指定一名检查员监测各疗养院的情况。21世纪英汉〔deeply〕A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors.里里外外三层的人群看到显示屏上的画面似乎全都惊呆了。柯林斯高阶〔demur〕The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,but she demurred.同班同学想推选她当班长,可是她不愿意。21世纪英汉〔development〕A UN team is monitoring the development of the peace process.一个联合国小组正在监督和平进程的推进。牛津搭配〔dummy〕A surveillance camera supposedly monitoring the site was actually a dummy.那个被认为是监视该地点的监视摄像头其实是假的。外研社新世纪〔electrode〕The patient's brain activity is monitored via electrodes taped to the skull.病人的大脑活动通过固定在其头骨上的电极进行监控。柯林斯高阶〔end product〕Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.生产的每一个步骤,从原材料的购进到最终产品的回收利用,都要进行环境影响监控。剑桥高阶〔examiner〕A bankruptcy-court judge yesterday ordered the appointment of a financial examiner to monitor cash flows at Enron North America.昨天破产法院法官下令指派一名金融问询员监控安然北美公司的现金流。外研社新世纪〔fade〕George saw the monitor black out and then a few words faded in.乔治看见屏幕变暗,接着出现了几个字。牛津高阶〔feed〕The camera feeds the images to a monitor.相机把图像传送到显示器上。韦氏高阶〔fidelity〕He had to monitor the printing and colouring for fidelity.他得监察印刷和着色,以求精确无误。英汉大词典〔finish〕Finish off by cleaning the monitor and the keyboard.最后要清洁显示器和键盘。朗文当代〔fitness〕The director has to monitor their fitness to hold a licence.主管必须密切注视他们是否适合持有执照。麦克米伦高阶〔flow meter〕An instrument for monitoring, measuring, or recording the rate of flow, pressure, or discharge of a fluid, as of a gaseous fuel.流量计:一种用于监视、测量或记录汽态燃料等液体的流量、压力或排放的仪器美国传统〔gatekeeper〕One who monitors or oversees the actions of others.一个监视或监督别人的举动的人美国传统〔ground〕We will be monitoring the situation on the ground.我们会在现场追踪事态的发展。麦克米伦高阶〔hydrophone〕An electrical instrument for detecting or monitoring sound under water.水听器,水下测音器:一种电子仪器,用来探测或监听水底声音美国传统〔incoming〕All incoming phone calls are monitored for quality control.所有打入电话都要经过质量控制检测。韦氏高阶〔incoming〕Incoming calls were monitored.打进来的电话受到监听。朗文当代〔independent〕An independent body (=group of people who work together) has been set up to monitor government spending.成立了一个独立团体来监督政府开支。朗文当代〔indicate〕We'll monitor closely in case early delivery of the baby is indicated.一旦出现婴儿早产的迹象,我们将密切监控。麦克米伦高阶〔intensive care unit〕A specialized section of a hospital containing the equipment, medical and nursing staff, and monitoring devices necessary to provide intensive care.重病特别护理病区:医院中备有重病特别护理必需的装置,医护人员和监控设备的特别病区美国传统〔intensive care〕Continuous and closely monitored health care that is provided to critically ill patients.对重病患者的特别护理:为重病患者提供的连续的严密的临控的健康护理美国传统〔interview〕I wanted to interview him for the Monitor about his research work.我要代表《箴言报》采访他,了解有关他研究工作的情况。英汉大词典〔kerflooey〕It was impossible to tell what key he was singing in - maybe the monitors went kerflooey.根本就听不出他唱的是什么, 也许是监听器出了问题。外研社新世纪〔machine〕The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.这台机器可以远程操作和监控。柯林斯高阶〔machine〕The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.这台机器能远程操控。外研社新世纪〔matron〕A woman who acts as a supervisor or monitor in a public institution, such as a school, hospital, or prison.女舍监,女看护:在公共机构做监督工作的女性,如在学校、医院或监狱美国传统〔mode〕Set the monitor to 256 colour mode.把显示器调成 256 色彩模式。朗文当代〔monitorial〕Of, relating to, or performed by monitors.班长的、与之有关的或起班长作用的美国传统〔monitoring〕Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.政府监督员将继续陪同记者。柯林斯高阶〔monitoring〕Information about the illness, the medication, monitoring of health, etc is required.需要有关疾病、药物、健康监护等的信息。外研社新世纪〔monitoring〕It is a problem that requires constant monitoring.这是个需要始终关注的问题。牛津搭配〔monitoring〕Many employers are resorting to electronic monitoring of their workforce.许多雇主采用电子设备监控员工。牛津搭配〔monitoring〕Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.以前不允许官员监督投票。柯林斯高阶〔monitoring〕Peter Murray is in London and has been monitoring reports out of Monrovia.彼得·默里一直在伦敦监听来自蒙罗维亚的新闻报道。柯林斯高阶〔monitoring〕The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监测器显示患者神志不清。柯林斯高阶〔monitoring〕The machine is to be used for heart monitoring.这台机器将用于心脏监护。外研社新世纪〔monitoring〕The problem was discovered during routine monitoring.这个问题是在常规监测中发现的。牛津搭配〔monitoring〕UN monitors overseeing Namibian independence.监督纳米比亚独立情况的联合国核查员柯林斯高阶〔monitoring〕You need feedback to monitor progress.你需要利用反馈信息来监控进展。柯林斯高阶〔monitor〕Monitors ensured that the food was distributed fairly.监督员保证食物公平分发。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕Monitors have been part of Australian folklore since the beginning of European settlement.自欧洲移民定居伊始, 巨蜥就成了澳大利亚民间故事的一部分。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Doctors watched the old man's heartbeat on a monitor.医生们通过显示器监测这个老人的心跳。剑桥高阶〔monitor〕Each student's progress is closely monitored.每一位同学的学习情况都受到密切的关注。牛津高阶〔monitor〕Flight engineers monitor the engines, fuel consumption, and functioning of aircraft systems during flight.飞行工程师在飞行过程中监控发动机的运行、燃料消耗情况和飞机系统的运转。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.政府核查员将继续陪同各位记者。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Government agents have been monitoring the enemy's radio communications.政府特工一直在监听敌方的无线电通信。韦氏高阶〔monitor〕He sits in front of a computer monitor as words and images flash on the screen.当文字和图像在屏幕上闪现时他正坐在计算机显示器前。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕He suspected that his phone calls were being monitored.他怀疑他的电话被人监听。朗文当代〔monitor〕He was fined and suspended by the NBA for destroying a video monitor after a game.他曾因赛后毁坏视频显示器而被美国篮球协会罚款并停赛。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕He will monitor and review company policy.他将监督和审查公司政策。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕I was playing in the studio off monitors because I can't play with headphones.我在录音棚演奏时没开监听器, 因为我无法戴着耳机演奏。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Nurses constantly monitored the patient's heart rate.护士们不断地监测这个病人的心率。韦氏高阶〔monitor〕Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.官员们没有获得允许监督投票。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕On stage, he hears a completely different mix, coming out of speakers called stage monitors.他从被称作舞台监听器的扬声器里听到一种完全不同的混音。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕One senior European election monitor criticized the organization of the voting process.一位欧洲选举高级监督员批评了投票过程的组织工作。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Our son was made the milk monitor for the younger children.我们儿子被安排监督年纪较小的孩子喝牛奶。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.用了这种新药的病人将被要求监测身体的好转情况。朗文当代〔monitor〕Police officers have been closely monitoring the organization's activities.警官们一直在严密监视该组织的活动。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕She was staring at her computer monitor.她注视着计算机显示屏。朗文当代〔monitor〕The CIA were monitoring (= secretly listening to) his phone calls.中央情报局正在对他的电话进行监听。剑桥高阶〔monitor〕The authorities will continue to monitor the situation.当局将继续密切关注形势。牛津搭配〔monitor〕The board are monitoring the situation on a regular basis.董事会对情况变化进行定期监控。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕The details of today's flights are displayed on the monitor.今天航班的详细资料都显示在屏幕上。牛津高阶〔monitor〕The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监护器显示患者神志不清。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.心脏监测仪可以测出脉搏跳动的强度。牛津搭配〔monitor〕The noise monitor recorded 98 decibels.噪音监测器测到 98 分贝。朗文当代〔monitor〕The patient was connected to the monitor.病人身上连着监护器。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕The security police monitored all of Steve's phone calls.秘密警察监听史蒂夫的所有电话通话。英汉大词典〔monitor〕The security staff can see the outside of the building on their CCTV monitors.安全保卫人员可以在闭路电视监控器上看到大楼外的情况。牛津搭配〔monitor〕The software will track music usage during broadcasts by monitoring inaudible audio 'watermarks'.这个软件将通过监测听不到的音频“水印”跟踪广播期间音乐的使用情况。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕The temperature is carefully monitored .温度得到仔细监控。朗文当代〔monitor〕They connected an array of sensors to a diesel engine and monitored its performance while burning regular diesel fuel.他们给柴油机连接了一排传感器, 并监测其燃烧普通柴油时的情况。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕They watched the press conference on a video monitor in a back room.他们在密室里利用视频监视器观看新闻发布会。韦氏高阶〔monitor〕They were getting news by monitoring BBC broadcasts.他们通过监听英国广播公司的广播来获得新闻。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats.这台仪器监听病人的心跳。21世纪英汉〔monitor〕U.N. weapons monitors and inspectors 联合国武器监察员和巡查员韦氏高阶〔monitor〕UN monitors declared the referendum fair.联合国监督员宣布全民公决是公正的。牛津搭配〔monitor〕UN monitors will remain in the country to supervise the elections.联合国监督员将留在该国监督选举。朗文当代〔monitor〕United Nations monitors were not allowed to enter the area.联合国核查员未被允许进入这一地区。剑桥高阶〔monitor〕Water flow will be monitored by computer.水流将由计算机来监测。英汉大词典〔monitor〕We monitor the enemy's radio broadcasts for the information.我们为了收集情报而监听敌方的电台广播。21世纪英汉〔monitor〕We could watch what was happening on the TV monitor.我们可在电视监视器上观看发生的情况。朗文当代〔monitor〕We need a better system for monitoring what is going on.我们需要一个更好的系统来监视发生的情况。朗文当代〔monitor〕We put a baby monitor in the nursery.我们在托儿所放了一台婴儿监护器。韦氏高阶〔monitor〕We will now be able to monitor its progress more closely.我们现在能够更密切地监控其进展情况。牛津搭配〔monitor〕We're in a good position to monitor and respond to customer concerns.我们能很好地关注和回答顾客关心的问题。韦氏高阶〔monitor〕You must monitor the old man's illness.你一定要监察这位老人的病情。21世纪英汉〔monitor〕You'll have to monitor your eating constantly.你一定要经常注意控制饮食。英汉大词典〔mount〕Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.“地球之友”正在发起监督非法伐木的运动。朗文当代〔movement〕Their job is to monitor the movements of suspected terrorists.他们的任务是监视恐怖嫌疑分子的行动。麦克米伦高阶〔movement〕They monitor the movement of the fish going up river.他们在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。外研社新世纪〔movement〕They are monitoring the movement of animals in and out of the country.他们正在监视出没于该国境内各种动物的行踪。牛津搭配〔not be in the business of sth〕The intelligence agency is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.情报机关通常不会监控守法公民的活动。剑桥高阶〔observer〕Independent observers monitored the elections.独立观察员对大选进行监督。朗文当代〔observer〕Independent observers will monitor the elections.独立观察员将监督选举。牛津搭配〔observer〕UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。剑桥高阶〔on hand〕A 1,200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire.将有一支1200人的部队在现场监督停火。剑桥高阶〔panel〕The equipment was extremely sophisticated and was monitored from a central control-panel.这台设备极为复杂,由中央控制面板进行监控。柯林斯高阶〔peak flow meter〕A portable instrument that detects minute decreases in air flow, used by people with asthma to monitor small changes in breathing capacity.峰流表:一种检测气流细微流动的袖珍式仪器,气喘病人用来监测呼吸量微小变化美国传统〔periodically〕Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress.定期召开会议以监督进度。外研社新世纪〔period〕Changes were monitored over a period of two months.对变化的检测历时两个月。牛津搭配〔phonocardiograph〕An instrument consisting of microphones and recording equipment used to monitor and record heart sounds and murmurs.心音描记图:由话筒和记录装置组成的仪器,用来监测和记录心脏声音和杂音美国传统〔play〕The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火方面会发挥重要作用。柯林斯高阶〔play〕The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火的过程中会发挥主要作用。外研社新世纪〔prefect〕A student monitor or officer, especially in a private school.教务长,院长:尤指私立学校中的学生班长或官员美国传统〔quantity〕They monitor both the quantity and quality of materials used.他们监督所用材料的数量和质量。麦克米伦高阶〔rate〕Doctors monitor the patient's heart rate.医生监控病人的心跳速度。麦克米伦高阶〔re-elect〕We re-elected him monitor.我们再一次选举他为班长。21世纪英汉〔recess into〕The monitors are recessed into the walls of his office.监控器都装在他办公室墙壁的凹处。外研社新世纪〔recognition〕The monitoring system allows recognition of pollution hot spots.监测系统可以识别出污染严重的地区。牛津搭配〔regime〕It will be necessary to create a regime to monitor compliance with the agreements.有必要建立一个机制来监控协议的遵守情况。牛津搭配〔relay〕This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer.这个系统不间断地监控辐射水平,并将信息传送到中央计算机。柯林斯高阶〔remotely〕They can remotely monitor the building.他们可以远程监视这栋建筑。韦氏高阶〔resolution〕The monitor has excellent resolution.这种显示器有极高的分辨率。韦氏高阶〔scan〕Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.研究人员对他们的大脑加以扫描,以监察病情的发展。牛津高阶〔screen〕Electronics The phosphorescent surface on which an image is displayed, as on a television, computer monitor, or radar receiver.【电子学】 荧光屏:可以显示图象的磷光表面,如电视、计算机显示器或者雷达接收机美国传统〔sea〕All transport operations, whether by sea, rail or road, are closely monitored at all times.所有的交通活动,无论是通过海路、铁路还是公路,都时刻受到密切监视。柯林斯高阶〔select〕We selected him as our monitor.我们选他作我们的班长。21世纪英汉〔shortage〕A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.资金短缺使联合国无法督导救援工作。柯林斯高阶〔system〕Under the new system, all children will be monitored by a social worker.在新制度下,所有儿童都将由一名社会工作者监护。牛津搭配〔tag〕The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。牛津高阶〔telematics〕In vehicles, telematics can be used to monitor hours used and miles driven, each of which can be recorded in real time.在车辆中,远距离传送可用来监测所用的时间和驶过的里程,两个都是可以实时记录的数据。剑桥高阶〔touchscreen〕A monitor screen that can detect and respond to something, such as a finger or stylus, pressing on it.触碰式屏幕:用手指或尖笔等物触碰时可进行侦测并作出反应的显示器屏幕美国传统〔tower〕The desk is large enough to accommodate a monitor or PC tower.这张桌子足以放下一台显示器或者一台个人计算机机箱。外研社新世纪〔track〕To observe or monitor the course of (aircraft, for example), as by radar.监看:观察或监测(如飞机)的航道,如通过雷达美国传统〔undertake〕She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.她承担了监督选举的艰巨任务。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕How much upset will the new monitoring procedures cause? 新的监控程序将会带来多大的混乱?剑桥高阶〔violation〕The group monitors human rights violations.这一团体负责监督侵犯人权的行为。韦氏高阶〔visitor〕The baby's weight is monitored by the health visitor.婴儿的体重由家访护士跟踪记录。牛津搭配〔vital signs〕The babies in this unit have various devices attached to them that monitor the vital signs.住在这个病房的婴儿都与各种仪器相连,这些仪器可以监控他们的生命特征。剑桥高阶〔water softener〕A device that monitors and reduces the hardness of the water.软水装置:可以监视及减少水质硬度的装置美国传统〔wearable〕Wearable technology such as "smart clothes" can be used to monitor heart rate.像“智能衣服”这样的可穿戴产品将可以用来监测心跳频率。剑桥高阶〔wiretap〕To install a concealed listening or recording device or use it to monitor communications.从电话线路上窃取:搭线窃听,或偷录装置或用它监视通话内容美国传统〔wire〕A short black wire connects the computer's monitor to its keyboard.电脑显示器和键盘是用一根短的黑色电线连接的。韦氏高阶〔wire〕She was wired up to a heart monitor.她身上连着一个心脏监护仪。牛津搭配〔work out〕How is the new monitoring procedure working out? 新的监督程序运行得如何?剑桥高阶〔work〕The centre carries out work to monitor trends in housing management.该中心展开了对监测物业管理动向的研究。朗文当代A 1200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the cease-fire and voting.一支1200 人组成的军事力量将到场监督停火和选举。剑桥国际A court-appointed monitor had to approve the new CEO 's pay package.新任首席执行官的薪酬计划须由法院指定的核查员批准。牛津商务A flat-screen monitor would save you a lot of desk space.平面显示器可以节省大量的桌面空间。牛津商务A new video technique has enabled physiotherapists to predict potential injury problems in sports people by monitoring their limb movements.一个新的视频技术可使理疗师通过监测运动员的四肢活动预测他们可能会受到的伤害。剑桥国际Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.生产的每一阶段,从获取原料到回收最终产物,其对环境的影响都受到监察。剑桥国际Flight boarding times are displayed on the overhead monitors.登机时间显示在头顶上方的显示器上。牛津商务His job is to monitor quality and ensure it is up to our high standards.他的工作就是监督质量并保证达到我们的高标准。牛津商务It is important to monitor production levels.监测生产水平十分重要。牛津商务It is said that the police monitored his phone calls during that period. 据说警方在那段时间监听了他的电话。译典通It was judged to be lawful for the company to monitor employees' emails.公司监视员工的电子邮件获裁定是合法的。牛津商务It will be interesting to see how the new monitoring procedure works out.看看新的监督程序如何实施将会很有趣。剑桥国际My computer has a colour monitor (= it shows things in different colours).我的电脑配有一台彩色显示屏。剑桥国际The monitor rapped the meeting to order. 班长啪啪敲击宣布开会。译典通The 17-inch monitor is a good buy (= is worth the money you pay for it). 这部 17 英寸的显示器物美价廉。牛津商务The Fed has to closely monitor discount window borrowing.联邦储备局必须密切监控贴现窗口借款。牛津商务The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.情报部门的职责不在于例行公事地监视守法公民的活动。剑桥国际The machine is designed for foetal monitoring (=watching the foetus carefully) during labour.这种机器是为生产时监控胎儿而设计的。剑桥国际The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.新的发现建议妇女应该密切注视她们的胆固醇水平。剑桥国际The officers’vans are equipped with video monitors which can receive pictures from police helicopters.警车上面都安装了图像显示器,可以接收警察直升机上传来的图像。剑桥国际The plane arrivals are shown on large monitors in different parts of the air terminal.到达航班显示分布在航站候机室内的大监视器上。剑桥国际The room contained a lot of equipment including several TV monitors.这间屋子装备了包括几架电视监视器在内的许多设备。剑桥国际The situation is being closely monitored.局势得到严密监视。牛津商务The software enables companies to monitor employees' Internet use.这款软件使公司能够监测员工使用互联网的情况。牛津商务The system allows us to monitor shipments as they move through the supply chain.这个系统有助于我们监视货物在供应链上的运送情况。牛津商务They monitored the traffic flow rigorously.他们严密地监控着交通流量。剑桥国际This is a simpler system that requires fewer engineers to monitor it.这是一个更为简单的系统,不需要像以前那么多的工程师来对它进行监测。牛津商务UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员监视这次停火。剑桥国际United Nations monitors were not allowed to enter the area.联合国监督人员不被允许进入这一地区。剑桥国际Using small electrical shocks applied to her feet, they were able to monitor sensory nerves.用小的电震动作用于她的脚上,他们便能监测感觉神经。剑桥国际We conducted a tracking study by phone to monitor awareness of our ads.为了监测广告的认知度,我们用电话进行了跟踪研究。牛津商务We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。译典通We need to monitor sales returns to find out why goods are being returned.我们必须监测退货情况以便找出退货原因。牛津商务




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