

单词 mongolian
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Altaic〕A language family of Europe and Asia that includes the Turkic, Tungusic, and Mongolian subfamilies.阿尔泰语系:亚欧语系,包括土耳其、坦格维西克和蒙古等次语系美国传统〔Kalmyk〕The Mongolian language of this people.卡尔梅克语:卡尔梅克人说的蒙古语美国传统〔Mogul〕A Mongol or Mongolian.一个蒙古人或蒙古语美国传统〔Mongolian〕A subfamily of the Altaic language family, Mongolian and Kalmyk being the most important members.蒙古语族:阿尔泰语族中的一亚语,主要包括蒙古语和卡尔梅克语美国传统〔Mongolian〕Until August of this year there was no complete translation of the New Testament in Mongolian.直到今年8月,还没有《新约全书》的蒙古语全译本。柯林斯高阶〔Tamerlane〕Mongolian conqueror who led his nomadic hordes from their capital at Samarkand in central Asia to overrun vast areas of Persia, Turkey, Russia, and India.帖木儿:蒙古征服者,他曾率领他的游牧部族所组成的军队从中亚的首都撒马尔罕出发横扫波斯、土耳其、俄罗斯和印度的广大地区美国传统〔deteriorate〕The Mongolian economy was deteriorating at an alarming rate.蒙古经济在以令人惊异的速度衰退。外研社新世纪〔electorally〕The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.蒙古民主党正发起运动争取选举改革。柯林斯高阶〔horseman〕His wheels were stolen by a Mongolian horseman en route to China.在去中国的途中, 他的车轮被一个骑马的蒙古人偷了。外研社新世纪〔people〕The Japanese people belong to the Mongolian race.日本民族属于蒙古人种。英汉大词典〔sheepskin-lined〕The Mongolian dress is sheepskin-lined.蒙古长袍有羊皮衬里。英汉大词典




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