

单词 moonlight
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔by〕walk by moonlight 在月光下散步英汉大词典〔dim〕the dim outline of a house in the moonlight 月光下影影绰绰的房子的轮廓牛津高阶〔enchantment〕the enchantment of a snowy field bathed in moonlight 沐浴在月光下的雪原的魅力韦氏高阶〔enchant〕moonlight that enchants the night使夜晚诱人的月光21世纪英汉〔gleam〕the gleam of moonlight on the water 水面上荡漾的月光牛津高阶〔hard〕the hard brilliance of the moonlight 刺眼的月光朗文当代〔moonlight〕moonlight as a driver 下班后开车赚外快英汉大词典〔moonlight〕a moonlight cruise down the river = a cruise down the river by moonlight 在月光下沿河游览韦氏高阶〔moonlight〕a moonlight night 月色皎洁之夜英汉大词典〔moonlight〕a single shaft of moonlight 一束月光牛津搭配〔moonlight〕in the (或by) moonlight 在月光下英汉大词典〔moonlight〕the faint moonlight filtering through the stained glass windows 透过彩色玻璃窗的淡淡月光牛津搭配〔moonlight〕to moonlight as a doctor下班后看病赚外快21世纪英汉〔moonlight〕to go for a walk by moonlight/in the moonlight 在月光下散步牛津高阶〔play〕the play of moonlight across the water 水面上月光闪烁剑桥高阶〔shimmering〕the shimmering moonlight on the lake湖面上的粼粼月光外研社新世纪〔shimmer〕moonlight shimmering on the sea 海面上闪烁的月光英汉大词典〔shimmer〕a shimmer of moonlight in the dark sky 黑暗的夜空中忽明忽暗的月光牛津高阶〔splash〕a floral pattern that was splashed with pink; moonlight splashing the deserted courtyard.粉红色斑驳的花案;空旷的院子中月色斑驳美国传统〔wash〕white sand washed with moonlight 月光下的白色沙地英汉大词典




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