

单词 mooning
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔moon about〕She must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about the house.她肯定还在留恋着她的黑头发小伙子,自从他抛弃了她以后她成天只是在房子周围闲荡出神。21世纪英汉〔moon around〕I spent the rest of the day mooning around, hoping for a call from Art.那天余下的时间我一直心不在焉地闲逛, 盼着阿尔特来电话。外研社新世纪〔moon around〕Lettie was mooning around all morning, doing nothing.莱蒂无精打采地晃悠了一上午, 什么都没做。外研社新世纪〔moon around〕My working days were spent mooning around his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter.工作时间我都在他所在的部门附近晃悠, 试图偷偷地来一场偶遇。外研社新世纪〔moon around〕She was mooning around the house all weekend.整个周末她都在房子里闲呆着。剑桥高阶〔moon over sb/sth〕He spends all his time mooning over a girl at school.他把所有时间都用来无望地思念学校里的一个女孩子。剑桥高阶〔moon over〕All the girls in the class are mooning over the handsome new teacher.班里所有女生都如痴如醉地欣赏着这位英俊的新老师。韦氏高阶〔moon over〕I didn't have to endure his mooning over the woman.我不必容忍他这样痴痴地想念那个女人的行为。外研社新世纪〔moon〕He was accused of mooning in one of Faliraki's main streets.他被指控在法里拉基的一条大街上向路人露屁股。外研社新世纪〔moon〕I wish you'd stop mooning about and do something useful! 我希望你别再闲混,去做点有用的事情!朗文当代〔moon〕I've watched his face when she's around, and he does look as if he's mooning after her.她在旁边时我观察了他的脸, 他看起来确实像是对着她发呆。外研社新世纪〔moon〕Lettie was mooning around all morning, doing nothing.莱蒂混了一上午,什么也没干。柯林斯高阶〔moon〕My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter.上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。柯林斯高阶〔moon〕She sits mooning over his photograph for hours.她一坐好几个小时,对着他的照片出神。朗文当代〔moon〕She spent hours mooning over her favourite actor.她一连好几个小时痴想她喜欢的那个男演员。21世纪英汉〔moon〕She was always mooning over that bloke.她老是精神恍惚地想念那小子。英汉大词典〔moon〕Stop mooning about and do something useful for a change!别闲逛了,改一改,做点有用的事吧!21世纪英汉He's been mooning over (= looking foolishly at) those holiday photos all afternoon.整个下午他都呆呆地望着那些假期里拍的照片。剑桥国际She was mooning about/around the house all weekend.整个周末她都在房子里闲着。剑桥国际




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