

单词 mistakes
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CAREFUL〕to try to do something correctly and not make mistakes 尽力将某事做好,避免犯错朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕careless, so that you make mistakes or do something badly 做事马虎以致出错或把事情弄糟朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕to suffer because of bad things you have done or mistakes you have made 因干了不好的事或做了错事而遭受痛苦朗文写作活用〔amount〕a large number of mistakes 大量的错误韦氏高阶〔barbarism〕grammatical mistakes and barbarisms 语法错误和不合规范的鄙俗用语英汉大词典〔bundle〕a large bundle of mistakes 一大堆错误英汉大词典〔check〕a check for spelling mistakes 检查有无拼写错误牛津高阶〔correction〕the correction of your mistakes 对你错误的纠正韦氏高阶〔defensive〕be on the defensive about one's mistakes 为自己的错误辩解英汉大词典〔expiation〕do sth. in expiation of one's mistakes 做某事以抵偿自己的过错英汉大词典〔grammatical〕grammatical mistakes (exercises) 语法错误(练习)英汉大词典〔guard〕guard against mistakes (irregularities) 警惕错误(不正当行为) 英汉大词典〔ignorance〕mistakes due to ignorance 由于无知而犯下的错误牛津搭配〔inadvertence〕mistakes made by/through inadvertence 无意间犯下的错误韦氏高阶〔issue from〕mistakes issuing from carelessness由粗心造成的错误21世纪英汉〔learn from〕to learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones惩前毖后21世纪英汉〔lose〕the mistakes which lost him his kingdom (=caused him to lose his kingdom) 使他丢掉了王国的错误朗文当代〔mistake〕learn from one's mistakes 从错误中吸取教训英汉大词典〔mistake〕spelling mistakes 拼写错误牛津高阶〔mistake〕spelling/grammar mistakes 拼写错误/语法错误麦克米伦高阶〔nomenclature〕mistakes arising from ignorance of the nomenclature of woody plants.因不了解木本植物命名法而产生的错误柯林斯高阶〔nomenclature〕mistakes arising from ignorance of the nomenclature of woody plants因不了解木本植物命名法而产生的错误外研社新世纪〔pepper〕a letter peppered with spelling mistakes 一封满篇拼写错误的信麦克米伦高阶〔proud〕a proud man who would not admit his mistakes 自以为是、不愿认错的男子朗文当代〔rectification〕mistakes needing rectification 必须改正的错误英汉大词典〔rectify〕rectify the mistakes in a bill 纠正账单上的错误英汉大词典〔replay〕a replay of the same old mistakes 重复相同的旧错误朗文当代〔sail〕sail through the difficult examination with no mistakes 毫无差错地顺利通过这场困难的考试 英汉大词典〔secure〕secure oneself from a repetition of the same mistakes 防止重犯同样的错误英汉大词典〔spelling〕an essay full of spelling mistakes 一篇满是拼写错误的文章朗文当代〔stupid〕stupid mistakes 愚蠢的错误朗文当代〔uncountable〕uncountable mistakes 无数的错误文馨英汉




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