

单词 lu
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Sir Austin Bradford Hill led one of the first research teams to establish a link between smoking and lung cancer. 奥斯汀·布拉德福德·希尔爵士率领一个早期的研究小组证明吸烟与肺癌之间的联系。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Cigarettes are acknowledged as a serious health risk and the main cause of lung cancer. 香烟被公认为是一种对健康的严重危害,也是导致肺癌的主要原因。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕The number of people dying from lung cancer has increased at an alarming rate. 死于肺癌的人数以惊人的速度增长。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕Luis was gone, and she had no way of ever finding him again. 路易斯走了,她从此再也找不到他了。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕The doctor was worried that the broken rib might puncture the woman's lung. 医生担心那女人断裂的肋骨可能会刺入她的肺。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕It is well known that people who smoke are more likely to get lung diseases. 吸烟的人更易患肺部疾病是大家都知道的。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕Given that the patient smokes 50 cigarettes a day, it would be reasonable to assume there is some lung damage. 鉴于病人一天抽50支烟,说他肺部有一定程度的损坏是有道理的。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕His first wife Joy was a heavy smoker who died of lung cancer. 他的第一任妻子乔伊是个烟瘾很大的人,她死于肺癌。朗文写作活用〔RECOVER〕They couldn't really make any firm plans until Luis was well again. 在路易斯康复之前,他们无法安排出确定的计划。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Lung cancer is just one of the many diseases that arise from smoking too many cigarettes. 肺癌只是由吸烟太多引起的许多疾病之一。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Serious lung disease seems to be an occupational hazard of working in mines. 严重的肺病似乎是在矿井里工作的一种职业风险。朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕Sue never smoked a cigarette in her life, yet she still got lung cancer. 休一生没有抽过一支烟,但还是得了肺癌。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Luis told me how he'd been picked up by military police in the middle of the night, and taken away for questioning. 路易斯告诉我军警半夜里将他逮捕并拉去审问的经过。朗文写作活用〔X-ray〕The X-ray showed a slight irregularity in one lung.X光照片显示有一叶肺有点不正常。剑桥高阶〔abscess〕The lung abscessed.肺部形成脓肿。英汉大词典〔acknowledge〕There is an acknowledged risk of lung cancer from radon.氡被认为有诱发肺癌的危险。柯林斯高阶〔affect〕The left lung is affected by tuberculosis.左肺患了结核病。英汉大词典〔albuterol〕A beta-adrenergic stimulant used as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma and other obstructive lung diseases.舒喘灵,沙丁胺醇:β-肾上腺素受体兴奋剂,用作治疗哮喘以及其它梗阻性肺病的支气管扩张剂美国传统〔also〕Not only cancer, but also heart and lung disease are influenced by smoking.不仅是癌症,还有心脏病和肺部疾病也都会受吸烟影响。柯林斯高阶〔apex〕A chest x-ray showed an abnormality in the left lung apex.胸部透视显示左肺尖部异常。剑桥高阶〔arborize〕The airways of the lung arborize like a tree.肺的导气管分枝如树状。英汉大词典〔asbestosis〕A chronic, progressive lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of asbestos particles.石棉沉着病:由长期吸收石棉微粒而引起的慢性,日趋严重的肺病美国传统〔associated with〕He has symptoms associated with lung disease.他的症状与肺病有关。韦氏高阶〔associate〕Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.肺癌被认为与吸烟有关。21世纪英汉〔association〕Smoking has a close association with lung cancer.吸烟与肺癌紧密相关。麦克米伦高阶〔atelectasis〕Total or partial collapse of the lung.肺病:肺部全部或部分的病变美国传统〔bag〕I had to lug my bags up the stairs.我不得不费力地把包拖上楼去。牛津搭配〔born〕He was born with only one lung.他生下来就只有一叶肺。外研社新世纪〔cancer〕He died of lung cancer.他死于肺癌。麦克米伦高阶〔cancer〕Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.90%的肺癌是吸烟所致。柯林斯高阶〔cancer〕Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.90%的肺癌是吸烟引起的。外研社新世纪〔cancer〕Smoking causes lung cancer.吸烟会导致肺癌。朗文当代〔cap〕The report caps a ten-year study of lung cancer among nonsmokers.这个报告圆满完成了对不吸烟人群患肺癌者的长达十年的研究。韦氏高阶〔causal〕They long ago established a causal link between smoking and lung cancer.他们很久以前就确定吸烟和肺癌之间有因果联系。麦克米伦高阶〔causative〕Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.吸烟是包括肺癌在内的多种严重疾病形成的诱因。剑桥高阶〔cavitation〕Medicine The formation of cavities in a body tissue or an organ, especially those formed in the lung as a result of tuberculosis.【医学】 成洞:身体组织或器官内空洞的形成,尤指那种因肺结核而在肺中形成的空洞美国传统〔challenge〕No form of cancer presents a greater medical challenge than cancer of the lung.肺癌是比任何癌症都更为棘手的医学上的难题。英汉大词典〔character〕Ah Q is the principal character in one of Lu Xun's novels.阿Q是鲁迅一部小说中的主人公。英汉大词典〔choose〕I've chosen Luis a present.我为刘易斯挑了一件礼物。剑桥高阶〔choose〕I've chosen a present for Luis.我为刘易斯挑了一件礼物。剑桥高阶〔chronic obstructive pulmonary disease〕A chronic lung disease, such as asthma or emphysema, in which breathing becomes slowed or forced.慢性阻塞性肺病:为慢性肺病,例如哮喘或肺气肿,会让呼吸变慢或呼吸困难美国传统〔circulation〕Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.心、肺、血液循环有问题的人在乘坐飞机前应咨询医生。外研社新世纪〔circulation〕Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.有心肺疾病或血液循环问题的人在乘坐飞机前应寻求医生建议。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕He was rushed to hospital last week after suffering a collapsed lung.上星期,他因出现肺萎陷而被火速送进医院。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕He was rushed to hospital when his lung collapsed.他出现肺衰竭时被紧急送往了医院。外研社新世纪〔commonly〕Lung cancer is the most commonly found cancer in men.肺癌是男性最常见的癌症。朗文当代〔connect〕There was no evidence then to connect smoking and lung cancer.那时没有证据把抽烟和肺癌联系起来。麦克米伦高阶〔contributory〕Smoking is a contributory factor in lung cancer.抽烟是导致肺癌的一个因素。朗文当代〔correlation〕Researchers have found a direct correlation between smoking and lung cancer.研究人员发现吸烟与肺癌直接相关。韦氏高阶〔death rate〕Lung cancer death rates are up.肺癌死亡率上升。韦氏高阶〔develop〕Lung fever develops from flu.肺炎由流感引起。21世纪英汉〔develop〕The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer.这项检查应该可以确认哪些吸烟者更容易得肺癌。柯林斯高阶〔develop〕Those smokers were likely to develop lung cancer.那些烟民可能会得肺癌。外研社新世纪〔die〕Every working day I treat people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking.每天上班我都要医治那些因吸烟患上肺病的垂危患者。柯林斯高阶〔direct〕There is a direct link/connection between smoking and lung cancer.吸烟与肺癌有直接的联系。剑桥高阶〔disease〕He has a serious lung disease.他患有严重的肺病。牛津搭配〔disease〕She has caught/contracted (= begun to have) a lung disease/disease of the lungs.她患上了肺病。剑桥高阶〔distinct〕She was studying lung cancer, as distinct from other types of cancer.她正在研究肺癌,这不同于其他类型的癌症。牛津搭配〔do in〕He struggled with lung disease for many years, but it was a heart attack that finally did him in.他与肺病抗争了很多年,但最终夺去他生命的却是心脏病。韦氏高阶〔farmer's lung〕Some farm workers have to give up their occupation because of farmer's lung.因为患上了农民肺,一些农场的工人不得不放弃农场工作。剑桥高阶〔firm〕Some people still claim that there is no firm evidence linking smoking with lung cancer.有人仍声称没有确凿的证据表明吸烟与肺癌有关。剑桥高阶〔force〕They forced air into his lung.他们把空气吹入他的肺里。21世纪英汉〔growth〕He had a cancerous growth on his lung.他的肺上长了个恶性肿瘤。牛津搭配〔half〕The risk of developing lung cancer has been reduced by half.患肺癌的危险被降低了一半。麦克米伦高阶〔heal up〕Before too long my lung abscess healed up.没多久,我的肺脓肿就痊愈了。柯林斯高阶〔heal up〕Before too long my lung abscess healed up.没有多久, 我肺部的脓肿便痊愈了。外研社新世纪〔help〕Aircraft medical kits aren't much help in dealing with a collapsed lung.飞机医疗箱对肺萎陷没有多大用处。麦克米伦高阶〔heparin〕A complex organic acid found especially in lung and liver tissue and having the ability to prevent the clotting of blood, used in the treatment of thrombosis.肝素:一种复合的机质性酸,尤指在肺、肝器官内的这种酸,具有防止血液凝块的作用,用于治疗血栓病美国传统〔idiopathic〕Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a lung condition which causes scarring of the lungs.特发性肺纤维化是一种造成肺部形成瘢疤的疾病。剑桥高阶〔increased〕Passive smoking can lead to an increased risk of lung cancer.被动吸烟会导致患肺癌的危险增大。麦克米伦高阶〔infection〕He's suffering from an acute lung infection.他患了急性肺部感染。牛津搭配〔infection〕Heavy lung infections may result in pneumonia.严重的肺部感染可能会引起肺炎。牛津搭配〔injurant〕Some poison gases are lung injurants.有些毒气是对肺有害的东西。英汉大词典〔inoperable〕He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.他被诊断患了无法手术的肺癌。柯林斯高阶〔inoperable〕He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.他被诊断患了肺癌, 而且无法手术。外研社新世纪〔ironic〕It's ironic that her husband smoked for thirty years, and yet she's the one who died of lung cancer.具有讽刺意味的是,她丈夫吸烟三十年,而死于肺癌的却是她。朗文当代〔itself〕There is a slight infection in the lung which in itself is not serious.肺部有轻微的感染,这本身并不严重。朗文当代〔kick〕Learning that smoking has done harm to his lung, Tom now wants to kick.得知抽烟已损害了他的肺脏后,汤姆现在想戒掉恶习。21世纪英汉〔kill〕Lung cancer killed his father.他的父亲死于肺癌。21世纪英汉〔know〕Smoking is known to increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer.人们知道,吸烟会增加罹患肺癌的危险。朗文当代〔labour under〕The smoker has been labouring under lung disease for many years.吸烟者多年来一直为肺病所苦。21世纪英汉〔legendary〕The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.这座山据称是传说中的卢德王的长眠之处。柯林斯高阶〔legendary〕The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.这座山被认为是传说中卢德王的长眠之处。外研社新世纪〔link〕Doctors say that there is a strong link between smoking and lung cancer.医生们说抽烟跟肺癌之间有强大的关联。文馨英汉〔lobectomy〕Surgical excision of a lobe, as of the lung.叶切除术:用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶美国传统〔long〕Smoking has long been linked to lung cancer.长期以来人们就把吸烟和肺癌联系在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔lug〕A lug nut.机车螺帽美国传统〔lug〕Come over here and give me a kiss, you big lug.过来亲亲我,你这个大傻瓜。剑桥高阶〔lug〕He's just a big lug.他就是个傻大汉。韦氏高阶〔lug〕I don't want to lug these shopping bags around with me all day.我不想一整天到哪里都提着这些购物袋。剑桥高阶〔lug〕I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor.我只得费劲地把我的几个包拖上五楼。牛津高阶〔lug〕If you drive too slowly in third gear, you'll lug the engine.如果你在第三档时驶得太慢,你将不能很快带动引擎美国传统〔lug〕It's a huge book, not something you'd like to lug around.这是一本厚重的书,不是你想搬来搬去的东西。朗文当代〔lug〕It's great to see you again, you big lug.很高兴再见到你,傻大个。韦氏高阶〔lug〕Nobody wants to lug around huge suitcases full of clothes.谁都不想拖着个装满衣服的大箱子到处走。柯林斯高阶〔lug〕She began to lug her suitcase up the stairs.她开始把她的行李箱拖上楼。朗文当代〔lug〕She had to lug her suitcases out to the car by herself.她只得自己费劲地把行李箱拖到车上。韦氏高阶〔lung〕He had blood clots on the lung.他的肺上面有血块。牛津搭配〔lung〕Smoking can cause lung cancer.吸烟会引起肺癌。朗文当代〔moderately〕Tobacco smoking has only declined moderately since the link with lung cancer was established.自从确定吸烟与肺癌有关以来,吸烟者仅适度地减少。文馨英汉〔mortality〕Mortality from lung cancer is still increasing.死于肺癌的人数仍在上升。牛津高阶〔nice to meet you〕It's nice to see you, Luis. How have you been? 见到你很高兴,路易斯。最近怎么样?韦氏高阶〔ninetyfold〕Their chance of contracting lung cancer is increased ninetyfold.他们得肺癌的机会上升了九十倍。剑桥高阶〔nodule〕The examination revealed a nodule on his lung.检查发现他的肺上有个小结。韦氏高阶〔occupational disease〕A disease, such as byssinosis or black lung, resulting from the conditions of a person's work, trade, or occupation.职业病:由个人的工作、行业或职位等条件状况导致的一种病,如棉屑沉着病或尘肺病美国传统〔odds〕Smoking increases the odds of getting lung cancer.吸烟会增加患肺癌的可能性。韦氏高阶〔of〕He died of lung cancer.他死于肺癌。麦克米伦高阶〔of〕She died of lung cancer.她死于肺癌。文馨英汉〔once〕Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week.肺细胞约每周新老更替一次。柯林斯高阶〔operation〕She will perform an operation on him for cancer of the lung.她将为他施行肺癌切除手术。英汉大词典〔overtake〕Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US.肺癌现在已经取代乳腺癌成为美国女性的一大杀手。柯林斯高阶〔parallel〕The change in smoking habits is paralleled by a change in the incidence of lung cancer.吸烟情况的变化与肺癌发病率的变化如影随形。外研社新世纪〔parallel〕The change in smoking is paralleled by a change in the incidence of lung cancer.吸烟情况的变化与肺癌发病率的变化如影随形。柯林斯高阶〔passive smoking〕Doctors say passive smoking has caused his lung cancer.医生说被动吸烟导致他患上了肺癌。剑桥高阶〔percuss〕The doctor percussed with the ends of his fingers over the patient's lung.医生用指尖叩诊病人肺部。21世纪英汉〔perforable〕The broken ribs perforated into his lung.折断的肋骨刺穿了他的肺。21世纪英汉〔perforate〕A broken rib had perforated her lung.一根断了的肋骨刺穿了她的肺部。朗文当代〔pierce〕Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung.被子弹射穿肺部后,罗丝接受了急诊手术。朗文当代〔pierce〕The bullet pierced his lung.子弹穿透了他的肺。韦氏高阶〔pierce〕The bullet pierced through his lung.子弹穿透了他的肺。韦氏高阶〔pleura〕A thin serous membrane in mammals that envelops each lung and folds back to make a lining for the chest cavity.胸膜:哺乳动物体中包覆每一个肺脏且向后折叠形成胸腔的血浆薄膜美国传统〔pneumonectomy〕Surgical removal of all or part of a lung.肺切除术,肺部分切除术:对整个或部分肺的外科手术切除美国传统〔pneumonitis〕Inflammation of lung tissue.局部急性肺炎:肺部组织的炎症美国传统〔predispose sb to/towards sth〕Smoking predisposes you to lung cancer.吸烟易导致肺癌。剑桥高阶〔prime〕Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease.抽烟是引发肺病的首要原因。朗文当代〔puncturable〕He was taken to hospital with a punctured lung.他因肺部被刺破而送进医院。21世纪英汉〔puncture〕One bullet punctured his lung.一颗子弹穿透了他的肺部。朗文当代〔puncture〕She was taken to the hospital with broken ribs and a punctured lung.她肋骨骨折、肺部穿孔,被送往医院。牛津高阶〔puncture〕The knife went through his ribs and punctured his lung.刀子穿过他的肋骨刺穿了他的肺。剑桥高阶〔question〕There was absolutely no question about the diagnosis: she had lung cancer.业已完全确诊:她得了肺癌。英汉大词典〔raise〕Exposure to secondhand smoke raises the risk of lung cancer.吸二手烟会增加患肺癌的风险。韦氏高阶〔recur〕The name of Lu Xun recurred frequently in his conversation.在他的谈话中反复提及鲁迅的名字。英汉大词典〔relationship〕Scientists have established the relationship between lung cancer and smoking.科学家们已经证明了肺癌和吸烟之间的联系。剑桥高阶〔relation〕The study found a direct relation between smoking and lung cancer.研究发现抽烟与肺癌有直接联系。麦克米伦高阶〔responsible〕Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.因患肺癌而死亡者,约 90% 是吸烟所致。牛津高阶〔resting place〕The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.这座山应该是传说中卢德王的长眠之地。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕Smokers are at risk of heart disease as well as lung cancer.吸烟者有得心脏病和肺癌的危险。外研社新世纪〔risk〕The risk of developing lung cancer from smoking is a serious one.抽烟引发肺癌的风险是很大的。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕A cure for lung cancer would save thousands of lives each year.一种治疗肺癌的方法每年能拯救数以千计的生命。麦克米伦高阶〔say〕It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.不用说,有肺病的人不应吸烟。柯林斯高阶〔say〕It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.肺部有问题就不应该再抽烟, 这是不言而喻的。外研社新世纪〔show〕Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of getting lung cancer.吸烟已被证实会增加患肺癌的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔significantly〕People who smoke have a significantly greater risk of developing lung cancer than people who don't.吸烟的人患肺癌的风险比不吸烟的人要大得多。韦氏高阶〔single〕Cigarette smoking is the single most important cause of lung cancer.抽烟是导致肺癌的最重要的原因。朗文当代〔siphon off〕Surgeons siphoned off fluid from his left lung.外科医生抽出了他左肺中的积液。外研社新世纪〔siphon〕Surgeons siphoned off fluid from his left lung.外科医生抽出了他左肺中的积液。柯林斯高阶〔spot〕It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer.即使是训练有素的医生也很难看出肺癌的症状。朗文当代〔statistical〕Statistical evidence indicates smokers are more likely to get lung cancer than nonsmokers.统计证据表明,吸烟者比不吸烟者更容易患肺癌。韦氏高阶〔sternum〕He suffered a broken sternum and collapsed lung.他胸骨骨折, 伴有肺萎陷。外研社新世纪〔strength〕Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength.做过心肺移植手术后, 她的身体不断好转。外研社新世纪〔strength〕Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength.做过心肺移植手术后,她的身体不断好转。柯林斯高阶〔suitcase〕We had to lug our suitcases around for a week.我们不得已拖着行李箱到处跑了一个星期。牛津搭配〔survive〕Lung cancer patients are lucky to survive for five years.肺癌患者能活 5 年就算是万幸了。牛津搭配〔take〕After seeing the newsreel, Lu Xun gave up medicine and took to literature.看了那部新闻短片后,鲁迅弃医学文。英汉大词典〔terminal〕He has terminal lung cancer.他患有晚期肺癌。牛津高阶〔thoracoplasty〕Surgical removal of part of the ribs to cause the collapse of a diseased lung.胸廓成形术:手术除去引起病肺萎结缩的部分肋骨美国传统〔tie-in〕There's a tie-in between smoking and lung cancer.吸烟与肺癌有关联。文馨英汉〔tote〕To haul; lug.拖;拉美国传统〔undergo〕She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.她在去年做了一次左肺肿瘤切除手术。剑桥高阶〔vomica〕An abnormal pus-containing cavity, usually in a lung, caused by deterioration of tissue.脓腔:不正常的含脓的腔,常在肺中,由组织坏死引起美国传统〔well-known〕It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.抽烟会引起肺癌,这是一个众所周知的事实。朗文当代〔work〕The Complete Works of Lu Xun 《鲁迅全集》英汉大词典〔write〕Jung Lu wrote me a poem once.荣路有一次给我写了一首诗。柯林斯高阶Luis works for a firm of insurance brokers.路易斯在保险经纪行工作。牛津商务A high incidence of lung disease is one of the known hazards of the job.肺病的高发病率是这一工作的危险之一。剑桥国际Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer. 痰中带血可能是肺癌的征兆。译典通Come over here and give me a kiss, you big lug.过来吻我一下,大傻瓜。剑桥国际Doctors say passive smoking has caused his lung cancer.医生说被动吸烟引起了他的肺癌。剑桥国际He has only one lung functioning normally.她只有一个肺能正常发挥功能。剑桥国际He suffered from a lung infection. 他肺部受到了感染。译典通Her parents took her to the United States for a heart and lung transplant.她父母带她去美国接受心脏和肺移植手术。剑桥国际I don't want to lug these shopping bags (a)round/about with me all day.我不想整天拖着这些购物袋到处跑。剑桥国际I had to lug ten books to school. 我得带十本书上学。译典通I've chosen Luis a present/I've chosen a present for Luis.我为卢斯挑选了一件礼物。剑桥国际Many countries have limited or banned the use of asbestos because of fears that its fibres cause diseases such as lung cancer if inhaled.许多国家限制或禁止了石棉的使用,因为害怕其纤维被吸入人体后会导致肺癌等疾病。剑桥国际Mr. Lu is one of the old-timers in this company. 陆先生是这个公司的老人了。译典通Mr. Toffler has a lung condition. 托夫勒先生患肺病。译典通Non-smokers are less likely to contract lung cancer than smokers.不吸烟者感染肺癌的可能性要比吸烟者小。剑桥国际People who work with asbestos may develop lung cancer, asbestosis and other respiratory diseases years afterwards.工作中接触石棉的人若干年后会患上肺癌、石棉沉着病及其他呼吸系统疾病。剑桥国际Scientists have established the relationship between lung cancer and smoking.科学家确定了吸烟与肺癌的关系。剑桥国际Several broken ribs and a punctured lung were the worst injuries.几处肋骨骨折和肺部刺穿是最严重的伤势。剑桥国际She has caught/contracted (= began to have) a lung disease/disease of the lungs.她染上了肺部疾病。剑桥国际She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.她去年接受了一次左肺肿瘤手术。剑桥国际Smoking can lead to lung cancer. 抽烟可能导致肺癌。译典通Smoking causes lung cancer.吸烟导致肺癌。剑桥国际Smoking predisposes you to lung cancer.吸烟易患肺癌。剑桥国际Some people still claim that there is no firm evidence linking smoking with lung cancer.一些人仍声称,将吸烟与肺癌联系起来缺乏确凿的证据。剑桥国际The connection between smoking and lung cancer has been conclusively demonstrated (= proved).吸烟与肺癌的联系已经被令人信服地证实了。剑桥国际The doctor drained (off) / removed some fluid (=unwanted liquid) from her lung.医生从她的肺里排出/清除了一些液体。剑桥国际The mortality from lung cancer is increasing. 肺癌死亡人数在增多。译典通The problem with Luis is that he doesn't know his limitations -- he just assumes he can do everything.路易斯的问题在于他不知道自己的局限性,他认为自己什么都能做。剑桥国际There is a direct link between smoking and lung cancer.吸烟和肺癌之间有直接联系。剑桥国际There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer.吸烟和肺癌之间有密切联系。剑桥国际




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