

单词 mimi
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Aunt Mimi was always on his back about him ‘wasting time playing that silly guitar’. 咪咪姑妈老是盯着他不放,说他是在“浪费时间拨弄那把愚蠢的吉他”。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Who knows whether Mimi ever made it to Paris. 谁知道咪咪是否已经到了巴黎。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him. 他发现自己的监护人美美姨妈并没有依法领养他。朗文写作活用〔hula〕A Polynesian dance characterized by undulating hips, miming movements of the arms and hands, and usually accompanied by rhythmic drumbeats and chants.呼拉图舞:一种波利尼西亚舞,以臀部的起伏来模仿手臂和手的运动,通常用有节奏的鼓点或歌唱来伴奏美国传统〔mime〕He was miming something at me across the room.他在房间的另一头对着我做口型想告诉我什么。剑桥高阶〔mime〕Richey's not miming, he's playing very quiet guitar.里奇并没有假装演奏, 他是在很轻地弹吉他。外研社新世纪〔mime〕Richey's not miming, he's playing very quiet guitar.里奇并非在摆样子,只是他的吉他弹得声音很小罢了。柯林斯高阶〔mime〕Stan put a finger to his mouth, miming 'shush'.斯坦把手指放在嘴边,比划着示意安静。朗文当代〔mime〕The band was miming to a backing tape.乐队在用录音带播放歌曲的情况下模拟演唱。牛津高阶〔pique〕Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.米米已不再为苏姗拒绝接受这份工作的事生气了。柯林斯高阶〔pique〕Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.米米已不再为苏珊拒绝接受这份工作的事生气了。外研社新世纪〔private eye〕Harmon plays a private eye hired by Mimi Rogers to investigate her husband's disappearance.哈蒙扮演一个被咪咪·罗杰斯雇来调查她丈夫失踪事件的私家侦探。柯林斯高阶〔rejoin〕Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.米米和她的家人前往突尼斯与父亲团聚。柯林斯高阶〔resolve〕She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。柯林斯高阶〔splitsville〕Within three months of the honeymoon, it was splitsville for Ron and Mimi.罗恩和米米蜜月之后不到三个月就散伙了。牛津高阶〔take〕Mimi became jealous when Jack's career started taking off .杰克的事业开始起飞,米米就妒忌起来。朗文当代He was miming something at me across the pub but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.在酒吧的另一边,他对我做手势,但是我不明白他的意思。剑桥国际




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