

单词 link
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔JOIN〕a telephone link between the two presidents 两位总统之间的一条电话连线朗文写作活用〔between〕a link between unemployment and crime 失业与犯罪之间的关联牛津高阶〔between〕the link between serious sunburn and deadly skin cancer 皮肤严重晒伤和致命的皮肤癌之间的联系朗文当代〔disagreement〕a disagreement centring / centering on the link between crime and unemployment 围绕犯罪与失业之间的关系的争论牛津搭配〔discoverability〕ways to improve link discoverability 提升链接曝光度的方法剑桥高阶〔indissoluble〕the indissoluble link between language and culture 语言和文化的紧密关系朗文当代〔industrial〕a link between industrial chemicals and cancer.化工制品与癌症的联系柯林斯高阶〔industrial〕a link between industrial chemicals and cancer化工制品与癌症的联系外研社新世纪〔large-scale〕the first large-scale study to link the drugs with nerve damage首次将毒品和神经损伤联系起来的大型研究外研社新世纪〔link〕link a thing to another.将某物连接于他物。文馨英汉〔link〕link sausages 串起的一节节香肠英汉大词典〔link〕link things together 将诸物连起来英汉大词典〔link〕a link between two groups.两团体的联系。牛津同义词〔link〕a link between two things.把两事物连接的事物。牛津同义词〔link〕a link of hair 一小圈儿头发英汉大词典〔link〕a link of sausage (香肠串的)一节香肠英汉大词典〔link〕a link of sausage 一节香肠文馨英汉〔link〕a link road 连接路牛津高阶〔link〕a link to my website 与我的网站的链接牛津搭配〔link〕a link with the past 连接过去的纽带英汉大词典〔link〕a high-speed rail link 高速的铁路交通牛津高阶〔link〕a rail link to the nearby city 一条通向附近城市的铁路连络线英汉大词典〔link〕a road/rail link 公路线/铁路线麦克米伦高阶〔link〕a satellite/video link 卫星/视频传输线路韦氏高阶〔link〕a scheme to link Irish and British schools一项将爱尔兰和英国的学校联系起来的计划外研社新世纪〔link〕a tangible link with the past 与过去的确凿联系牛津搭配〔link〕a video link 视频线路牛津高阶〔link〕a weak link in the evidence 证据中的薄弱环节英汉大词典〔link〕grandparents, our link with the past.祖辈们,我们与过去的纽带美国传统〔link〕links of sausage; one link in a molecular chain.香肠串;分子链的一段美国传统〔link〕seek a link between smoking and cancer 寻找吸烟与癌症间的关连英汉大词典〔link〕take on a link role between A and B 在甲与乙之间起连接作用英汉大词典〔link〕the link between drug use and crime 吸毒和犯罪之间的联系朗文当代〔link〕the city's traditional link with opera 这个城市与歌剧的传统渊源牛津搭配〔link〕the close link between teacher and student 师生之间的紧密关系朗文当代〔link〕the high-speed rail link between London and the Channel Tunnel.伦敦与海峡隧道间的高速铁路连接线柯林斯高阶〔link〕the missing link in the search for the causes of cancer 致癌原因研究中必要的一环牛津搭配〔link〕the weak link in our organization我们这个组织的薄弱环节外研社新世纪〔link〕to link one idea with another.把某个想法和另一个结合起来。牛津同义词〔link〕to link one object with another.把两件东西联系起来。牛津同义词〔masculinity〕a project on the link between masculinity and violence.关于男性与暴力之间关系的研究项目柯林斯高阶〔masculinity〕a project on the link between masculinity and violence有关男性与暴力之间关系的研究项目外研社新世纪〔occurrence〕a link between the occurrence of skin cancer and the use of computer monitors 皮肤癌的发生与使用电脑显示器之间的关联牛津高阶〔point-to-point〕a point-to-point data link 定点数据传输线英汉大词典〔port〕the bridges which link the port area to the city centre.连接港区和市中心的桥梁柯林斯高阶〔port〕the bridges which link the port area to the city centre连接港口区和市中心的桥梁外研社新世纪〔radiation〕the link between exposure to radiation and childhood cancer 接触辐射与儿童恶性肿瘤之间的联系牛津高阶〔rail〕the Channel Tunnel rail link 英法海底隧道铁路交通牛津搭配〔rail〕the electric rail link between Manchester and Sheffield.曼彻斯特和谢菲尔德之间的电气化铁路线柯林斯高阶〔rail〕the electric rail link between Manchester and Sheffield连接曼彻斯特和谢菲尔德的电气化铁路线外研社新世纪〔rapid transit〕a rapid transit link with the City and London's underground system.和伦敦城及伦敦地铁网连接的高速交通网柯林斯高阶〔sanitation〕the direct link between disease and lack of adequate sanitation 疾病与缺乏足够卫生设施之间的直接关系牛津搭配〔site〕the number of sites that link to your website 与你的网站有链接的网站个数牛津搭配〔symbiosis〕the link between bacteria, symbiosis, and the evolution of plants and animals.细菌、共生和动植物进化之间的联系柯林斯高阶〔weak〕a weak link in a chain.链条中薄弱的一环美国传统a link road 连接公路牛津商务a high-speed rail link 高速铁路线牛津商务a hypertext link on the Internet 互联网上的超文本链接牛津商务a telephone/video link 电话/视频线路牛津商务the link between rising unemployment and falling consumer confidence 日益上升的失业率和消费者信心下滑之间的关系牛津商务




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