

单词 live in
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOVE〕During my last year of college, I lived in a little apartment above a grocery store. 我在读大学的最后一年,住在一家杂货店楼上的一套小公寓房里。朗文写作活用〔East〕She was born in the East but now lives in Atlanta.她生于美国东部,但现在住在亚特兰大。朗文当代〔FREE〕Sometimes you realize how lucky you are to live in a free society. 有时你会认识到生活在一个自由的社会中是一件多么幸运的事。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕We live in the century of population explosion, with the world's population doubling at least every 25 years. 我们生活在一个人口爆炸的世纪,世界人口至少每25年翻一番。!朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕Yes, I remember Janine. She lived in that house on the corner, and she had a pet rabbit. 对,我记得贾宁。她住在街角的那幢房子里,养了一只宠物兔。朗文写作活用〔anarchic〕Is it reasonable to suppose that, before the invention of government, primitive humanity lived in an anarchic state?认为政府出现以前, 早期人类生活在混乱无序的状态下, 这一猜想合理吗?外研社新世纪〔anniversary〕A man who helped save lives in Bali has shared his experiences for the first time on the anniversary of the 2002 bombings.在巴厘岛2002年爆炸事件周年纪念会上, 一名曾参与救人的男子首次讲述了他的经历。外研社新世纪〔assassinate〕He lives in constant fear of assassination.他一直提心吊胆,害怕被人暗杀。柯林斯高阶〔at〕He lives in Germany.他住在德国。朗文当代〔best〕They live in a village but it's only an hour from London so they have the best of both worlds.他们住在一个村子里,但离伦敦只有一小时的路程,所以农村和城市的好处他们都能享受得到。朗文当代〔bethink〕He lives in the past now,bethinking himself of happier days.他现在追念过去,缅怀往昔更美好的日子。21世纪英汉〔block〕She lives in a modern apartment block.她住在一个现代化的公寓大楼里。牛津搭配〔country〕She lives in the country.她住在乡下。牛津搭配〔court〕I live in the Franklin Court apartments on Main Street.我住在主街的富兰克林公寓楼。韦氏高阶〔don〕Dons at Oxford are expected to live in college.剑桥大学的导腰住在学校里。文馨英汉〔enslave〕We live in a culture that is enslaved by work.我们生活在一种被工作束缚的文化中。外研社新世纪〔expatriate oneself〕He expatriated himself and lives in France.他放弃原国籍,现居法国。21世纪英汉〔extended family〕A group of relatives, such as those of three generations, who live in close geographic proximity rather than under the same roof.亲属:一群亲属,如三代亲属,虽不住在一个屋里,却也住得很近美国传统〔good-sized〕They live in a good-sized house.他们住在一座大房子里。韦氏高阶〔grotty〕I lived in a grotty flat.我住在一所条件恶劣的公寓里。韦氏高阶〔infauna〕Aquatic animals that live in the substrate of a body of water, especially in a soft sea bottom.底内动物:生活在水体底部的水生动物,尤指栖于松软海底的水生动物美国传统〔laker〕A fish, such as the lake trout, that lives in a lake.湖鱼:一种生活在湖里的鱼,如湖红点鲑美国传统〔live〕We've been studying the plants and animals that live in this area.我们一直在研究这个地区的野生动植物。韦氏高阶〔minuscule〕He had to live in this minuscule room.他只得住在这间很小的房间里。文馨英汉〔omnipotent〕Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father.道格生活在他那似乎无所不能的父亲的阴影之下。外研社新世纪〔our〕Most of our friends live in the suburbs.我们的朋友大都住在郊区。麦克米伦高阶〔population〕The majority of the population lives in these two towns.多数人居住在这两个镇里。牛津搭配〔reprisal〕The people live in fear of political reprisals.人们生活在政治报复的恐惧中。牛津搭配〔say〕Say you could change anything about the world we live in, what would it be?假如你可以任意改变我们生活的这个世界, 你会改变什么?外研社新世纪〔scavenge〕There are people who live in the dump and scavenge garbage for a living.有人生活在垃圾场,以在垃圾堆里觅食为生。朗文当代〔seclusion〕She lived in seclusion with her husband on their farm in Panama.她和丈夫隐居在巴拿马他们的农场里。外研社新世纪〔shadow〕He's always lived in the shadow of his brother.他一直生活在哥哥的阴影中。麦克米伦高阶〔society〕We live in a multicultural society.我们生活在多元文化的社会。外研社新世纪〔sympathize〕We sympathized with each other when we lived in Europe.在欧洲居住期间,我们之间的关系十分融洽。21世纪英汉〔terror〕The three kids lived in a state of terror.三个孩子生活在恐惧之中。牛津搭配〔than〕We know he lived in Fleet Road, but other than that we don't know much about him.我们只知道他住在舰队路,除此之外,我们对他了解不多。朗文当代Any moving expenses (= costs caused by going to live in a different place) will be paid by the company.一切搬家费用由公司承担。剑桥国际Brazil has several large cities near the ocean, but not many people live in the interior. 巴西在海边有许多大城市,但是内陆人烟稀少。译典通He lives in a cottage three miles without the town. 他住在城外三英里一所村舍里。译典通He lives in a world of make-believe/a make-believe world.他生活在幻想之中。剑桥国际My family has lived in this village from/since time immemorial/time out of mind (= since long ago in the past).我们家从很久以前起就住在这个村庄里。剑桥国际My parents live in Southend-on-Sea.我的父母住在叫作(海边的)斯奥森德的地方。剑桥国际Over half of the inhabitants of this city live in slum conditions.该市一半以上的居民居住在简陋的环境里。剑桥国际She lives in the house to the right. 她住在右边的房子里。译典通The family lives in the Muslim quarter of east Jerusalem.这个家庭住在东耶路撒冷的穆斯林居住区内。剑桥国际The poor old man lived in a little wooden hut. 那个可怜的老头住在一间小木屋里。译典通They live in the apartment above ours. 他们住在我们楼上的一套公寓房间里。译典通They live in the north of Spain.他们住在西班牙北部。剑桥国际They lived in a sordid apartment. 他们住在肮脏的公寓房子里。译典通We live in a multi-faith society.我们生活在一个多种信仰并存的社会。剑桥国际




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