

单词 mat
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIEND〕Terry's an old mate of mine. 特里是我的老朋友。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕You look like you need a drink, mate. 你看来需要喝一杯,老兄。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Let me give you a hand with that, mate. 老兄,让我帮你一把吧。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The birds mate in April and the eggs are hatched by June. 这些鸟儿每年4月交配,6月孵卵。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕You'll need to bring a small mat to kneel on. 你需要带一个小小的垫子,那就可以跪在上面。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Foxes become very noisy at the height of the mating season. 狐狸在交配季节的高峰期会变得很吵闹。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕A white envelope lay on the mat. Holmes felt considerable relief. 垫子上有个白色的信封,福尔摩斯大大松了口气。朗文写作活用〔allowance〕An allowed difference in dimension of closely mating machine parts.公差,容差:机器配件的公差,容差美国传统〔apply〕The term 'mat' can be applied to any small rug.mat 一词可指各种小地毯。朗文当代〔attract〕The bird uses its call to attract the attention of a mate.那种鸟用叫声吸引配偶的注意。韦氏高阶〔bachelor〕A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males.尚未交配的小雄兽:在繁殖季节中未交配的雄性动物,特别指被较年长的雄性拒于交配领地之外的年轻的雄性海豹美国传统〔bash〕If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well.如果有人想要打我最好的朋友, 那得先过我这关。外研社新世纪〔bash〕If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well.如果谁想揍我最好的朋友,那我就跟他拼了。柯林斯高阶〔bezzie〕Suddenly they were bezzie mates.忽然间他们就成了最好的朋友了。剑桥高阶〔binge〕Ken's gone on a binge with his mates.肯和他的伙伴们一起饮酒作乐去了。朗文当代〔boilerplate〕Journalistic material, such as syndicated features, available in plate or mat form.纸型材料:图版或纸型形式的新闻材料,如报业辛迪加提供的专栏美国传统〔booze〕He's out boozing with his mates.他和他的朋友们喝酒去了。牛津高阶〔breed〕To develop new or improved strains in (organisms), chiefly through controlled mating and selection of offspring for desirable traits.优生交配:培育,多指通过人工交配和选择后代而获得所期望的特征,发展新的或改良(有机体)的品种美国传统〔bunch grass〕Any of various grasses in many different genera that grow in clumplike fashion rather than forming a sod or mat.簇生草:许多种草成簇地生长在一起,但不是用来形成草皮或草垫的美国传统〔call〕The blackbird called to its mate.乌鸫呼唤它的配偶。剑桥高阶〔cap〕To attempt to attract and win as a mate.女追男,挑逗男子:竭力吸引或赢得…使成为配偶美国传统〔coaster〕A disk, plate, or small mat placed under a bottle, pitcher, or drinking glass to protect a table top or other surface beneath.杯垫:放在瓶子、水罐或酒杯下的圆盘、盘子或小衬垫,用以保护桌面或下面的其它平面美国传统〔companion〕One of a pair or set of things; a mate.成套物件之一:一对或一组事情之一;一对中的一个美国传统〔compatible〕He wants a running mate with a philosophy compatible to his own.他要一位政见和他一致的竞选伙伴。英汉大词典〔consortium〕Law The right of a spouse to the company of, help of, affection of, and sexual relations with his or her mate.【法律】 配偶权利:夫妻中一方对另一方的相伴、帮助、相爱及性交的权利美国传统〔copulate〕Some animals have complex mating rituals before they copulate.有些动物在交配之前有复杂的交配仪式。韦氏高阶〔crossbred〕Produced by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species.杂交产生的:由不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生的美国传统〔crossbreed〕An organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds.杂种:通过不同变体或品种的个体的交配而产生的生物美国传统〔crossbreed〕To mate so as to produce a hybrid; interbreed.杂交:为产生杂种而交配;杂交美国传统〔crossbreed〕To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize.使杂交:通过不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生(另一种生物);使杂交美国传统〔cycle〕Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.成年雄性和雌性交配,雌性产卵,周而复始。牛津搭配〔dealate〕Having lost the wings. Used of ants, termites, and other insects that shed their wings after a mating flight.脱翅的:脱去翅膀的。指蚂蚁、白蚁和其它昆虫等在交配飞行后脱落了翅膀的美国传统〔disrate〕The chief mate was disrated for drunkenness.大副因酗酒被降级。英汉大词典〔drip-dry〕The mats should be hand-washed gently and left to drip-dry.这种垫子应该用手轻洗后滴干。外研社新世纪〔drone〕The queen is likely to mate with two or three drones.蜂王可能与两三只雄蜂交配。外研社新世纪〔drool〕The dog lay drooling on the mat.狗躺在垫子上流着口水。剑桥高阶〔drunken〕You get home from a drunken night out with your mates.你和同伴在外面喝了一夜酒后回到家。外研社新世纪〔elevate to〕The first mate was elevated to the position (或rank) of captain.那位大副被提升为船长。21世纪英汉〔fair go〕Fair go mate, let the others have a turn! 公道些,老兄,给别人一个机会!剑桥高阶〔felt〕To become like felt; mat together.使变得象毡;粘结在一起美国传统〔foot〕Please wipe your feet(= your shoes)on the mat.请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。牛津高阶〔fuck all〕Don't blame me, mate - I had fuck all to do with it! 别责备我,哥们儿——那件事和我一点关系都没有!剑桥高阶〔gash〕That's gash, mate.那是多此一举, 老兄。外研社新世纪〔go to the mat〕They went to the mat to protect the program.他们努力保护这项计划。韦氏高阶〔grass〕You wouldn't grass up an old mate, would you? 你不会告发老朋友的,对吗?麦克米伦高阶〔head-first〕My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.我的同伴从窗口一头扎了下去,而我则沿着走廊跑。柯林斯高阶〔headstand〕A position, as in gymnastics or yoga, in which one supports oneself vertically on one's head with the hands braced for support on the floor or on a mat.倒立:体操或瑜珈功中头手垂直支撑身体于地或垫子上的一种姿势美国传统〔impecunious〕She goes and marries an impecunious plumber's mate.她走了, 嫁给了一个身无分文的水暖工助手。外研社新世纪〔implication〕The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.含意很清楚:年轻雌性如果与陌生雄性交配表现会更好。牛津搭配〔inbreed〕To breed by the continued mating of closely related individuals, especially to preserve desirable traits in a stock.近亲繁殖:近亲之间连续不断的交配繁殖,尤指为保存种族的优良品质而进行的美国传统〔inlay〕To insert (a photograph, for example) within a mat in a book.将照片放入相薄:将(例如一张照片)插入相册中的膜内美国传统〔junk mail〕I could barely get in my flat, there was so much junk mail on the mat.我差点进不了自己的公寓, 因为垫子上堆着那么多的垃圾邮件。外研社新世纪〔kickabout〕There's nothing better than having a kickabout in the park with your mates.没有比和伙伴们在公园里踢球更好玩的事了。外研社新世纪〔lap〕To hone (two mating parts) against each other until closely fitted.磨平某物(使能配起来):将(两对应部分)相互摩擦直到其紧密地合并在一起美国传统〔laugh〕They were persuaded onstage for a laugh by their mates.他们被同伴们说服,上台一乐。柯林斯高阶〔luck〕Well, hard luck, mate.哎, 真不走运, 哥们儿。外研社新世纪〔luck〕Well, hard luck, mate.唉,真不走运,哥儿们。柯林斯高阶〔maleness〕After mating the male wasps tunnel through the sides of their nursery.交配之后,雄黄峰们就从蜂房的侧面钻出去了。柯林斯高阶〔male〕After mating the male bees will die.雄蜂交配之后会死去。外研社新世纪〔mate with〕A donkey mate with a mare.驴和母马交配。21世纪英汉〔mate with〕Cats do not mate with dogs.猫和狗互不交配。21世纪英汉〔mate〕Mating a horse with a donkey produces a mule.马和驴交配后生出骡子。剑桥高阶〔mate〕A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.我的一个朋友曾效力于利物浦足球队。外研社新世纪〔mate〕A vast number of men and women who wish to marry can not find mates.许多想结婚的男女找不到对象。文馨英汉〔mate〕Camels hate leaving their mates.骆驼不愿离开自己的配偶。外研社新世纪〔mate〕Carroll Shelby had the original idea of mating Ford mechanics to an AC Ace to create the Cobra.卡罗尔•谢尔比最初想到在AC公司的Ace跑车上采用福特的机械部件, 从而组装出了眼镜蛇汽车。外研社新世纪〔mate〕Come on mate, things aren't that bad.别灰心,兄弟,事情没那么糟。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕Come on mate, things aren't that bad.别这样, 老兄, 事情没有那么糟糕。外研社新世纪〔mate〕Dad's office mates are throwing a party for him.爸爸的同事要为他搞个晚会。朗文当代〔mate〕Do foxes ever mate with dogs? 狐狸会和狗交配吗?牛津高阶〔mate〕He had worked as a ship's mate for ten years.他当了10年的大副。剑桥高阶〔mate〕He has found his ideal mate.他找到了理想的伴侣。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕He has found his ideal mate.他已经找到自己理想的伴侣。外研社新世纪〔mate〕He was finding it difficult to find a mate.他发现找老婆是件很难的事。韦氏高阶〔mate〕He's a cheat and a gambler; hardly an ideal mate.他是个骗子兼赌徒,不可能是理想的伴侣。牛津搭配〔mate〕He's got loads of mates at school.他在学校里有很多朋友。牛津搭配〔mate〕He's off drinking with his mates.他去和朋友喝酒了。外研社新世纪〔mate〕He's off drinking with his mates.他跟哥儿们出去喝酒了。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕He's over there, talking to his mates.他正在那儿和朋友说话。麦克米伦高阶〔mate〕He’s a mate of mine.他是我朋友。牛津同义词〔mate〕I can't find the mate to this glove.我找不到另一只手套了。韦氏高阶〔mate〕I didn't mate his words with deeds.他言行不一。文馨英汉〔mate〕It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.很容易辨别雌性动物何时准备交配。外研社新世纪〔mate〕It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.雌性动物何时准备交配一目了然。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕It's quite common for male birds to mate with several females.雄性鸟和多只雌性鸟交配很正常。朗文当代〔mate〕Many matchmaking sites compile lists of potential mates using basic information.许多婚介网站会利用基本信息编制潜在婚配对象名单。牛津搭配〔mate〕Me and a couple of mates of mine went round to the pub.我和几个朋友一起去酒吧了。韦氏高阶〔mate〕Most of my school mates are black.我的大多数同学都是黑人。朗文当代〔mate〕One bird remains at the nest while its mate hunts for food.一只鸟留在鸟巢时,它的配偶外出觅食。韦氏高阶〔mate〕Peacocks use their beautiful tails to attract mates.孔雀用美丽的尾巴来吸引配偶。剑桥高阶〔mate〕She was mated with this man.她与这名男子成为了夫妻。外研社新世纪〔mate〕She's my best mate.她是我最好的朋友。剑桥高阶〔mate〕Sorry mate, you'll have to wait.对不起,伙计,你得等着。牛津高阶〔mate〕The majority of amphibians mate in water.大部分两栖动物在水里交配。外研社新世纪〔mate〕The male mated with the female. = The male and the female mated.雄雌动物交配。韦氏高阶〔mate〕The males guard their mates zealously.雄性动物死死地守护着他们的配偶。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕The website is for singles who are looking for a mate.这个网站专门针对寻找伴侣的单身人士。外研社新世纪〔mate〕The widow mourned for her dead mate.那寡妇哀悼死去的丈夫。文馨英汉〔mate〕These birds have bright plumage to attract a mate.这些鸟以鲜艳的羽毛吸引配偶。牛津搭配〔mate〕They mated a horse with a donkey.他们让一匹马同一匹驴交配。英汉大词典〔mate〕They want the males to mate with wild females.他们想让雄性动物与野生雌性动物交配。外研社新世纪〔mate〕This species of bird mates in early spring.这种鸟每年开春时交尾。韦氏高阶〔mate〕Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.老虎在几天里多次交配。剑桥高阶〔mate〕We've been mates since our school days.我们从学生时代起就是朋友。剑桥高阶〔mate〕Where's the mate to this glove? 这只手套的另一只在哪里?文馨英汉〔mate〕Women become as powerful in the marketplace as their mates.在商界女性变得和她们的另一半一样强大。外研社新世纪〔mating〕He had, from his second mating, a baby girl.他第二次结婚后得一女孩。英汉大词典〔matted〕Covered with or made from mats.铺席的或用席子做成的美国传统〔matting〕The activity of making mats.编席美国传统〔mattress〕A closely woven mat of brush and poles used to protect an embankment, a dike, or a dam from erosion.(用以护堤、坝等的)柴排,沉排,沉床:荆棘和杆子的密织席,用于保护堤、坝,使不受侵蚀美国传统〔mat〕Bring a sleeping bag and foam mat.带上睡袋和泡沫垫。柯林斯高阶〔mat〕Every computer user should have a good mouse mat.每位电脑使用者都应该有块好的鼠标垫。牛津搭配〔mat〕He unrolled his mat and sat down on it.他铺开垫子坐在上面。外研社新世纪〔mat〕The food is served on polished tables with mats.食物被摆放在铺着餐具垫、擦得铮亮的桌子上。外研社新世纪〔mat〕The food is served on polished tables with mats.饭菜摆放在擦得铮亮、铺着衬垫的餐桌上。柯林斯高阶〔mat〕The man unrolled his prayer mat.那男子展开他的祈祷垫。牛津搭配〔mat〕The mayor is willing to go to the mat on this issue.市长决心对这件事全力以赴。朗文当代〔mat〕The union may go to the mat with the management over wages.工会可能和资方就工资问题进行一场争论。英汉大词典〔mat〕There was a letter on the mat.地毯上有一封信。外研社新世纪〔mat〕To put a mat around (a picture).给(照片)镶框美国传统〔mat〕Wipe your feet on the mat before you come in, please.请在垫子上擦擦脚再进来。牛津高阶〔mat〕Wipe your feet on the mat before you come inside.你进来前先在地垫上蹭蹭脚。剑桥高阶〔mat〕Wipe your feet on the mat.在地垫上蹭蹭你的脚。朗文当代〔me〕We are a hard working lot, me and my mates.我和我的伙伴都属于工作卖力的那种人。英汉大词典〔migration〕She never lost interest in the birds' morning feeding activities, migrations, mating habits.她对鸟类的早晨觅食活动、迁徙及交配习惯一直感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔mismate〕To mate or match unsuitably.使不适当地婚配或使不适当地配在一起美国传统〔monogamy〕Zoology The condition of having only one mate.【动物学】 单配性:只有一个配偶的状态美国传统〔mould〕She is clearly from a different mould from her team mate.她与队友显然不属一类。牛津搭配〔muse〕He sat musing and playing with the beer mat.他坐在那儿深思着, 手里把玩着一个啤酒杯垫。外研社新世纪〔name-dropping〕The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.那位助手继续对同伴讲个不停,搬出他认识的所有知名自行车赛手。柯林斯高阶〔officer〕A person licensed in the merchant marine as master, mate, chief engineer, or assistant engineer.商船的高级船员:一个在商船中有执照的船长、大副、总工程师或助理工程师美国传统〔outbreeding〕Anthropology The mating of persons from different groups, often as a consequence of taboos against marriage within the group.【人类学】 族外婚:分属不同群体的人之间的婚姻,常由不准族内通婚的禁忌导致美国传统〔pad〕Layers of foam mat can be used to pad the seat.泡沫垫子可以用作坐椅的衬垫。麦克米伦高阶〔pair〕To join in a pair; mate.使配对:结合成一对;使配对美国传统〔pair〕To join in marriage; mate.婚配:使成配偶;使配对美国传统〔pair〕Two mated animals.一对动物:成配偶的两只动物美国传统〔panmixia〕Random mating within a breeding population.自由交配:在一个育种群中自由交配美国传统〔parallel〕A close parallel to this mating pattern is found in dolphins.在海豚身上发现了与此极为相似的交配模式。牛津搭配〔piss down〕Let's go, mate. It's going to piss down any minute.老兄,走吧!随时都会大雨倾盆。韦氏高阶〔place mat〕A protective table mat for a single setting of dishes and flatware.餐位餐具垫:每套器具或餐具装置下垫的保护性桌垫美国传统〔polyandry〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a female mates with more than one male in a single breeding season.【动物学】 一雌多雄:一种交配方式,其中一个雌性个体在唯一的繁殖季节与一个以上的雄性个体交配美国传统〔polygyny〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a male mates with more than one female in a single breeding season.【动物学】 一雄多雌(配合):在一个交配季节里,一个雄性个体与一个以上的雌性个体进行交配的一种交配方式美国传统〔put/roll/throw out the welcome mat〕The family rolled out the welcome mat for the new exchange student.这个家庭热情接待了新来的交换生。韦氏高阶〔quaking bog〕A floating mat of thickly woven mosses, rushes, and shrubs that forms across the surface of shallow ponds and may shimmy or shake when walked on.凌风垫:用苔藓、灯芯草及灌木编织而成的厚浮垫,横跨在浅塘表面上,当走过时可能会摇晃或摇摆美国传统〔rack and pinion〕A device for the conversion of rotary and linear motion, consisting of a pinion and a mated rack.齿轮和小齿条:一种用于旋转运动和直线运动互相转换的装置,由一个齿轮和与之咬合的齿条组成美国传统〔raffia〕Some embroidered tablecloths or made raffia mats.一些人给桌布绣花或编酒椰叶纤维席子。柯林斯高阶〔result〕The results provide many insights into the mating rituals of these animals.这些结果使人们对这些动物的交配仪式有了许多新认识。牛津搭配〔running mate〕Clinton's selection of Al Gore as his running mate.克林顿选择阿尔·戈尔作为他的竞选伙伴柯林斯高阶〔running mate〕The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate.有人建议总统候选人找一位女性竞选伙伴。牛津高阶〔running mate〕When John F. Kennedy ran for president, his running mate was Lyndon Johnson.肯尼迪竞选美国总统时,他的竞选伙伴是林登·约翰逊。韦氏高阶〔rush〕The stem of one of these plants, used in making baskets, mats, and chair seats.灯心草的茎:这种植物的茎,用于编制篮子、草席或椅子底座美国传统〔rutting〕During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.大野猪到了发情期会为了交配而斗得不可开交。柯林斯高阶〔scent〕Many kinds of insect find their mates by scent.许多昆虫通过气味找到交配对象。柯林斯高阶〔sexual selection〕Selection driven by the competition for mates, considered an adjunct to natural selection.性别选择:通过性别竞争驱动的选择,该选择被认为与自然选择有关美国传统〔shove〕Shove up mate, there's no room to sit down here.朋友,挪过去一点,这里坐不下了。朗文当代〔soul mate〕Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.史蒂夫和我成了知己, 几乎形影不离。外研社新世纪〔soul mate〕Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.我和史蒂夫成了知己,几乎时刻相伴。柯林斯高阶〔soul mate〕They are ideological soul mates.他们是意识形态上志同道合的人。韦氏高阶〔straw〕Young students squat on straw mats.年轻的学生蹲坐在草垫上。外研社新世纪〔tallier〕The mate has tallied the cargo.大副已经核点了货物。21世纪英汉〔territory〕Biology An area occupied by a single animal, mating pair, or group and often vigorously defended against intruders, especially those of the same species.【生物学】 地盘:由单个动物、一对配偶或一群动物占据的区域,占有者经常对侵入这一区域者进行反击,特别是对同类侵入者美国传统〔territory〕Male birds compete for territories and mates.雄鸟会争夺地盘和爱侣。麦克米伦高阶〔too〕Too right, mate, the guy needs his head examined!太对了, 伙计, 这个小子应该检查检查自己脑子有没有问题!外研社新世纪〔under〕I slipped the key under the mat.我把钥匙塞在了垫子下面。外研社新世纪〔vocalize〕The male bird vocalizes to attract a mate.雄鸟鸣唱以吸引雌鸟。韦氏高阶〔vocal〕Foxes become more vocal during the mating season.狐狸在交配季节叫得更多。麦克米伦高阶〔wanted〕You want to look where you're going, mate.伙计,你应当看看你要去哪里。柯林斯高阶〔water〕The mate yelled to back water as the whale surfaced.当鲸露出水面时,大副大声命令倒车。 英汉大词典〔welcome mat〕A new immigration law means the US will be dusting off the welcome mat for (= will be ready to welcome) famous people who want to live in the country.一项新的移民法案意味着美国将随时欢迎那些想来美国居住的名人。剑桥高阶〔welcome mat〕The city put out the welcome mat for the new baseball team.这个城市对新的棒球队给予热烈的欢迎美国传统〔wind-up〕At first I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a wind-up by one of my mates.一开始我不相信, 以为是哪个伙伴在故意逗我。外研社新世纪〔wipe〕Please wipe your feet on the mat.请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。牛津高阶〔wipe〕Wipe your shoes on the mat.在擦鞋垫上擦擦你的鞋。英汉大词典〔work〕He worked as a bricklayer's mate.他给瓦工打下手。柯林斯高阶〔work〕This mat is my own work.这条席子是我自己编的。英汉大词典〔worry〕No worries mate, she'll be all right.不要担心, 老兄, 她不会有事的。外研社新世纪〔worry〕Thanks, mate.—No worries.谢谢你, 兄弟。——不客气。外研社新世纪Fair go mate, let the others have a turn! 公道一些,老兄,给别人一个机会。剑桥国际Give us a light, mate.伙计,给点个火。剑桥国际He lay hidden by a mat of creepers. 他躲在一簇攀缘植物后面。译典通He spread a mat on the floor. 他在地板上铺上一张席子。译典通He squealed on his mates. 他告发了他的伙伴。译典通He was apprenticed as a carpenter's/plumber's mate at the age of sixteen.他16岁就成了学徒,当木工/管道工的帮手。剑桥国际He's spent the whole of his adult life searching for a soul mate (= perfect lover).他花了整个人生来寻找至爱。剑桥国际His team mates carried him shoulder -high (= carried him on their shoulders) through the city centre.他的队友们将他抬在肩上穿过市中心。剑桥国际I usually play football with some of my mates from the office on Saturdays.我星期六常和办公室的同事一起踢足球。剑桥国际If a candidate for president wins the election, his/her running mate becomes the vice president.如果一个总统候选人当选了,那么他/她的竞选伙伴将成为副总统。剑桥国际Male stags stay at the breeding site for the whole season, whereas females mate and leave as quickly as possible.雄鹿整季都呆在繁殖地,而雌鹿一交配后便尽早离开。剑桥国际Pubs usually have beer mats to put the glasses on and protect the tables.酒吧里杯子常被放在啤酒杯垫上,保护桌面。剑桥国际Scientists have been conducting an experiment in which mice are mated with rats.科学家正在进行鼷鼠和麝鼠的交配实验。剑桥国际She put the place mats and cutlery out on the table.她拿出餐具垫和餐具放在桌上。剑桥国际She used to leave the key for the front door under the mat by the door.她以前一直将钥匙藏在前门的门垫下。剑桥国际She's my best mate.她是我最好的朋友。剑桥国际Swans keep the same mate throughout their life.天鹅一生只有一个配偶。剑桥国际The birds were performing a mating ritual.鸟儿们正在进行一场交配仪式。剑桥国际The fur collar mats when it gets wet. 毛皮领子弄湿了就会缠结起来。译典通The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 这小屋是用其上面盖草席的柱子搭成的。译典通The widow mourned for her dead mate. 那寡妇为她已故的丈夫服丧。译典通They realized immediately that they were soul mates on the issue of ecology.他们很快意识到在生态问题上他们是知音。剑桥国际We put each dish on a place mat. 我们把每个盘子放在餐具垫上。译典通




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