

单词 marching
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕There will be marching bands and plenty of flag-waving.届时将会彩旗飘扬并伴有军乐游行。柯林斯高阶〔END〕For the grand finale there was a marching band and fireworks. 仪式在行进乐队的演奏和烟火表演中隆重结束。朗文写作活用〔SPEED〕The soldiers were marching at a steady pace. 士兵们正在稳步行进。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕New recruits are instructed in marching and the handling of weapons. 新兵在接受齐步走和武器操作的训练。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕The soldiers were suffering from exhaustion after long days and nights of marching. 不分昼夜的行军让士兵们精疲力竭。朗文写作活用〔banner〕Banners were carried by members of each group marching in the parade.每支游行队伍中的成员都举着横幅。韦氏高阶〔cadence〕The measure or beat of movement, as in dancing or marching.步调:舞蹈或行军中的步调和节拍美国传统〔close-order drill〕A military drill in marching, maneuvering, and formal handling of arms in which the participants perform at close intervals.紧密队形操练,近距离军事操练:一种军事操练,包括行军、演习及正式持有武器的操练,参加者在近距离内演习美国传统〔debouchment〕The act or an instance of marching from a narrow, confined area into the open.(军队)前出:从狭隘的地区向开阔地区的行进美国传统〔double-quick〕A marching cadence; double time.快步;跑步美国传统〔do〕We did 32 miles that day, marching over rough mountain roads.我们那天在崎岖不平的山路上走了32英里。麦克米伦高阶〔drill〕The training of soldiers in marching and the manual of arms.操练士兵:对士兵进行前进和使用武器的训练美国传统〔drill〕To train (soldiers) in marching and the manual of arms.练兵:训练(士兵),行进和使用武器美国传统〔drum major〕A man who leads a marching band or drum corps, often twirling a baton.军乐队指挥或领队:带领行进中管乐队或鼓乐队的人,通常挥动一个指挥棒美国传统〔end with〕The parade will end with a marching band.游行乐队将排在游行队伍的最后。韦氏高阶〔end〕A marching band will end the parade.游行乐队将排在游行队伍的最后。韦氏高阶〔fife〕A small, high-pitched, transverse flute used primarily to accompany drums in a military or marching band.横笛:一支小的高音度横笛,主要用于军乐队中为军鼓伴奏美国传统〔file〕They were horrified to see files of ants marching through the kitchen.他们惊恐地发现一队队蚂蚁正在穿过厨房。剑桥高阶〔fire〕The speaker fired the crowd into marching to Parliament with their de-mands.演讲者激起了群众拥向议会去提要求。21世纪英汉〔formation〕The soldiers were marching in formation.士兵们正在列队前进。韦氏高阶〔lock step〕A way of marching in which the marchers follow each other as closely as possible.密集步伐:行进者彼此紧跟的行进方式美国传统〔lockstep〕Politicians and the media are marching in lockstep on this issue(= they agree).政界和媒体在这一问题上保持一致。牛津高阶〔marching orders〕Five minutes into the second half, Cartwright got his marching orders.下半场开赛5分钟,卡特赖特被罚下场。麦克米伦高阶〔marching orders〕He was waiting for new marching orders from the White House.他正在等待来自白宫的新命令。剑桥高阶〔marching orders〕She was called into the boss's office and given her marching orders.她被叫到老板的办公室,收到了解雇通知。剑桥高阶〔marching orders〕The boss called a meeting and gave the new employees their marching orders.老板召集会议,给新员工下达了工作指令。韦氏高阶〔marching orders〕The boss gave him his marching orders this morning.老板今天早上解雇了他。麦克米伦高阶〔marching orders〕Three players got their marching orders last week.3名球员上周收到了解雇通知。剑桥高阶〔march〕A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.苏格兰军队的一个营正沿街行进。外研社新世纪〔march〕American invasion forces were marching on the city.美国侵略军正向这个城市推进。外研社新世纪〔march〕Health workers are today marching through the centre of London in protest at government cuts.医疗卫生工作者今天将在伦敦中心游行以抗议政府削减开支。麦克米伦高阶〔march〕Hundreds of activists marked the holy day by marching for peace and disarmament.数百名积极分子以呼吁和平与裁军的游行纪念了这个神圣的日子。柯林斯高阶〔march〕Hundreds of activists were marching for peace and disarmament.数百名积极分子游行示威, 呼吁和平与裁军。外研社新世纪〔march〕Music A composition in regularly accented, usually duple meter that is appropriate to accompany marching.【音乐】 进行曲:一种有规则节拍适于作行军伴奏的音乐,通常为两拍美国传统〔march〕Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.士兵在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。牛津高阶〔march〕Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.士兵们在政府大楼外来回齐步走。牛津搭配〔march〕The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.冰不够厚,承受不了行军士兵的重量。柯林斯高阶〔march〕The soldiers were lined up and ordered to begin marching.士兵们排列整齐,听到口令,开始向前行进。韦氏高阶〔march〕They were marching for peace.他们为争取和平而游行。牛津搭配〔march〕They've had their marching orders.他们已经收到了辞退的通知。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕To move the feet alternately in the rhythm of a marching step without advancing.踏步:按行进的节奏交替移动两脚但并不前进美国传统〔mellophone〕A brass wind instrument, similar to the French horn, often used in military or marching bands.梅洛风号:一铜管乐器,与法国号相似,通常用于军乐团或行曲乐团中美国传统〔merge〕The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged.两支行进的行列靠得更近了,最终合二为一。21世纪英汉〔out of sync〕Some of the soldiers were marching out of sync.有些士兵行进时与其他士兵步伐不一致。韦氏高阶〔parade〕The marching band lined up for the homecoming parade.行进乐队为校友返校节游行一字排开。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕The boys were marching in two parallel lines.男孩子们正排成两行平行队列行进。外研社新世纪〔place〕While marching in place, the band played a popular tune.乐队在原地踏步,并奏起流行乐曲美国传统〔practice〕The marching band has/holds practice every Wednesday afternoon.这个军乐队每个星期三下午都进行排练。韦氏高阶〔rank〕They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window.他们看着步兵列队从窗前走过。牛津高阶〔resound〕The street resounded to the thud of marching feet.街道上回荡着行进步伐的铿锵声。牛津高阶〔respond〕He responded by marching off and slamming the door behind him.他的反应是大步走出房间,狠狠甩上了门。剑桥高阶〔restless〕Anna was growing restless, marching up and down the platform.安娜越来越焦躁不安,在站台上不停地走来走去。麦克米伦高阶〔seethe〕The streets of London seethed with a marching, cheering, flag-waving crowd.伦敦街头到处是摇旗呐喊的游行人群。英汉大词典〔sound〕To count cadence when marching in military formation.报数:喊行军齐步走口令美国传统〔sousaphone〕A large brass wind instrument, similar in range to the tuba, having a flaring bell and a shape adapted to being carried in marching bands.苏萨号:一种大型铜管乐器,音域与大号相类似,有喇叭状口以及便于军乐队携带的形状美国传统〔street〕There were soldiers marching down the main street .有士兵在大街上行进。朗文当代〔throw ... out〕They threw their chests out when marching in parade.他们在列队行进时都挺起了胸膛。21世纪英汉〔tow〕Alice went marching off with her husband and kids in tow.艾丽斯出发了,后面跟着她的丈夫和孩子。麦克米伦高阶〔tramp〕I could hear the tramp of marching feet.我能听见行进时发出的沉重脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔tramp〕The sound produced by heavy walking or marching.由重重的行走或行军产生的声音美国传统〔tramp〕Troops in full marching kit tramped through the streets.士兵们背着装满东西的行军背囊,踏着重重的步伐走过街道。英汉大词典〔trash〕The marching turned to trashing.游行队伍开始动手捣毁东西了。英汉大词典〔turn back〕Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.警方试图迫使向艾尔沙德总统官邸进发的抗议者原路返回。柯林斯高阶〔twirler〕The baton twirlers preceded the marching band in the parade.游行队伍中走在行进乐队前面的是挥举着指挥仗的领队。韦氏高阶During the war, the newspapers printed patriotic and stirringly heroic pictures of soldiers marching off to fight.战争期间,报纸刊登了士兵们向战场进发的爱国主义英雄题材照片,非常激动人心。剑桥国际He got his marching orders when they found out that he'd been working for another company as well.当他被发现在另一家公司兼职时,即遭到了解雇。剑桥国际He responded by marching off and slamming the door behind him.他大步走了出去,并将门从身后重重地关上作为回答。剑桥国际I like watching American football, but I can't be bothered with all those ridiculous cheerleaders, and the marching bands and all that malarkey.我喜欢看美式足球,但不能忍受那些可笑的啦啦队长,行进乐队及类似的无聊行为。剑桥国际She could hear the approach of marching soldiers.她能听到士兵正在走近。剑桥国际The band improvised on “When the saints go marching in”.这乐队即兴表演了《当圣徒行进时》。剑桥国际The border was within a day's march (= could be reached by marching for a day).走一天便能到达边境。剑桥国际We heard the tramp of marching soldiers. 我们听见行进中的士兵发出沉重的脚步声。译典通We watched the soldiers drilling (= practising movements, marching, etc.) 我们看着士兵们进行军事操练。剑桥国际




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