

单词 march into
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) bold as brass〕She marched into the store, as bold as brass, and demanded her money back.她厚着脸皮闯进商店要求把钱退给她。剑桥高阶〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕When revolutionary forces marched into Havana, Castro and Che Guevara took control of the army. 革命军进入哈瓦纳,卡斯特罗和切·格瓦拉掌握了军权。朗文写作活用〔START〕Martin marched into the shop and proceeded to hurl abuse at the girl behind the counter. 马丁大步走进店里,对柜台后面的那个女孩破口大骂起来。朗文写作活用〔back〕Caesar marched into Rome with an army at his back.恺撒在军队的支持下长驱直入罗马。朗文当代〔bold〕She marched into his office as bold as brass (=very confident and not showing enough respect) .她唐突放肆地直闯他的办公室。朗文当代〔compound〕The gates opened and the troops marched into their compound.大门开了,部队进入他们的大院。剑桥高阶〔encounter〕The rebels encountered no opposition on their march into the city.叛军在进城的过程中没有遇到抵抗。麦克米伦高阶〔even〕The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.部队此刻正在准备向城里开进。牛津高阶〔head〕The band of soldiers marched into the yard, their defeated captain at their head.这队士兵行进到院子内,灰心丧气的上尉走在前头。朗文当代〔into〕Hundreds of athletes marched into the stadium for the opening ceremony.数百名运动员走进这个体育场参加开幕式。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕He marched into my office without so much as a by your leave.他未经同意就大模大样地走进我的办公室。朗文当代〔liberated〕They made a triumphal march into their liberated city.他们以胜利者的姿态挺进亲手解放的城市。外研社新世纪〔liberate〕They made a triumphal march into their liberated city.他们胜利地开进了被他们解放的城市。柯林斯高阶〔march〕He marched into the kitchen without knocking.他没敲门就闯进了厨房。柯林斯高阶〔march〕He marched into the kitchen without knocking.他没有敲门就大步走进了厨房。外研社新世纪〔march〕I marched into the office and demanded an answer.我冲进办公室,要求给个答案。韦氏高阶〔march〕On 29 August the royal army marched into Inverness.八月二十九日皇家军队开进因弗内斯。朗文当代〔march〕She marched into my office and demanded to know why I hadn't written my report.她冲进我的办公室,质问我为什么没写报告。剑桥高阶〔march〕She marched into my office.她大步流星地走进我的办公室。外研社新世纪〔march〕She marched into the room without knocking.她没敲门就闯进房间。麦克米伦高阶〔march〕Soldiers marched into town.兵进了城。牛津同义词〔march〕The demonstrators marched into the square.示威者进入广场游行。外研社新世纪〔march〕They marched into [through] the town.他们整队行进入城[通过市镇]。文馨英汉〔processional〕The choir and clergy marched into the church singing the processional.唱诗班和教士们唱着列队行进赞美诗进入教堂。英汉大词典〔push〕She pushed him aside and marched into the boss's office.她把他推到一边,毅然走进了老板的办公室。韦氏高阶〔surprise〕Protesters marched into the governor's office, taking security forces by surprise.抗议者们涌进了州长办公室,让保安人员措手不及。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕I marched into his office to get a few things straight.我径直进了他的办公室,去把几件事情讲清楚。牛津搭配〔throw〕The angry man threw the door open and marched into his daughter's room.那个怒气冲冲的男子猛地把门推开,跨着大步走进女儿的房间。英汉大词典〔wildness〕They marched into town to the wild cheers of the inhabitants.他们在居民们狂热的欢呼声中迈步走进镇里。柯林斯高阶She marched into my office demanding to know why I hadn't written my report.她快步冲进我的办公室,想知道我为何没写报告。剑桥国际She marched into the shop, (as) bold as brass (= without showing any respect) , and demanded her money back.她冒冒失失地闯进商店要求取回她的钱。剑桥国际The gates opened and the troops marched into their compound.大门开了,军队进入了他们的大院。剑桥国际




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