

单词 misfortunes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕Miss Simms took a malicious pleasure in other people's misfortunes. 西姆斯小姐对别人幸灾乐祸。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕Jane used to gloat over other people's misfortunes. 简以前喜欢对别人的不幸幸灾乐祸。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕Despite her many misfortunes, her trust in God was never shaken. 虽然遭受了很多不幸,她对上帝的信赖却从未动摇。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕Her misfortunes worsened this year, when her company eliminated her position and she lost her job. 今年她更倒霉了,公司取消她这个职位之后,她失业了。朗文写作活用〔change〕For all Mary complained about her misfortunes, she got no change out of anybody.尽管玛丽大谈她的不幸,她还是得不到任何人的同情。英汉大词典〔come on〕Many misfortunes came on us during that harsh winter.在那个严峻的寒冬,很多倒霉事都让我们碰上了。21世纪英汉〔copestone〕This elopement was the copestone of his misfortunes.这场私奔使他的不幸达到了顶点。英汉大词典〔cry over〕He was crying over his misfortunes.他为他的不幸遭遇感到悲痛。21世纪英汉〔delight in sth〕Some people delight in the misfortunes of others.有些人拿别人的不幸取乐。剑桥高阶〔delight〕Some people seem to take great delight in hearing about the misfortunes of others.有些人似乎特别喜欢幸灾乐祸。韦氏高阶〔deprive ... of〕Those misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason.那些不幸事件几乎使他失去理智。21世纪英汉〔fortitude〕She displayed fortitude in spite of her misfortunes.她虽遭不幸,却表现得刚毅。文馨英汉〔humour〕With wry humour, they laugh at their misfortunes.他们对自己的倒霉事儿加以揶揄。牛津搭配〔insensitive〕It’s insensitive to joke about people’s misfortunes.拿别人的不幸开玩笑是无情的做法。牛津同义词〔jeer at〕Do not jeer at the misfortunes of others.不要嘲笑别人的不幸。21世纪英汉〔jeer〕Do not jeer at the misfortunes of others.不要笑话他人的不幸。英汉大词典〔misfortune〕He blamed the party's misfortunes on poor leadership.他把该政党的厄运归咎于领导不力。韦氏高阶〔misfortune〕He bore his misfortunes bravely.他勇敢地忍受所遭的灾难。英汉大词典〔misfortune〕It seems the banks always profit from farmers' misfortunes.银行似乎总是从农民的不幸中获益。朗文当代〔misfortune〕It's unfair to take advantage of other people's misfortunes.乘人之危是不当的。剑桥高阶〔misfortune〕She bore her misfortunes bravely.她勇敢地承受不幸的遭遇。牛津高阶〔misfortune〕She seemed to enjoy the misfortunes of others.她似乎喜欢幸灾乐祸。外研社新世纪〔misfortune〕She seemed to enjoy the misfortunes of others.她似乎喜欢幸灾乐祸。柯林斯高阶〔moan〕She moaned her misfortunes to anyone who would listen.她向任何乐于听的人哀叹命运不济美国传统〔ramble on〕The old woman rambled on about her misfortunes.这位老太婆谈起她的不幸遭遇东拉西扯地说个没完。21世纪英汉〔rejoice〕He often rejoices at other people's misfortunes.他常常对别人幸灾乐祸。21世纪英汉〔relate〕Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War.《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。英汉大词典〔schadenfreude〕Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.幸灾乐祸:以他人的不幸为乐美国传统〔season〕Misfortunes plague this family in season and out of season.这一家终年遭遇不幸。英汉大词典〔singly〕Misfortunes never come singly.【谚】祸不单行。文馨英汉〔spur〕His misfortunes spurred him to write.他的不幸遭遇激励着他写作。朗文当代He bore up well against all these misfortunes. 面对不幸他毫不气馁。译典通His life was full of misfortunes. 他的一生充满了不幸。译典通It's not fair to take advantage of other people's misfortunes.利用别人的不幸是不正当的。剑桥国际Man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes. 人类常把自己的不幸归咎于天。译典通She has been buffeted by misfortunes. 她不断遭到厄运的打击。译典通Some people delight in (= get pleasure from) the misfortunes of others.有些人就爱幸灾乐祸。剑桥国际The misfortunes of others are, of course, an unrivalled source of amusement.当然他人的不幸是最好的取乐源泉。剑桥国际The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那乞丐讲了个关于他不幸身世的长长的故事。译典通These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason. 这些不幸的事情几乎使他失去理智。译典通




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