

单词 measured
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AMOUNT〕a measured amount of goods 货品的定量朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕able to be measured 可以测量的朗文写作活用〔airline〕distance measured by airline 按直线测量的距离英汉大词典〔benchmark〕a stock whose performance is a benchmark against which other stocks can be measured 对其他股票的走势有参考价值的股票韦氏高阶〔considered〕my considered opinion; a considered policy involving a measured response to provocations.我经过深思熟虑得出如下意见:一项涉及到对挑衅所作出的审慎反应的经过深思熟虑的政策美国传统〔earthquake〕an earthquake measured 6.2 on the Richter scale 里氏6.2级地震英汉大词典〔graded〕tests that measured the response to graded doses of the drug 对渐进药物剂量的反应所做的测试麦克米伦高阶〔mask〕conceal one's annoyance with a mask of measured politeness 以适度的礼貌来掩盖心中的不快英汉大词典〔measured〕measured beats 有节奏的拍子英汉大词典〔measured〕measured lines of poetry 有韵脚的诗句英汉大词典〔measured〕measured portions of food 数量均等的各份食物英汉大词典〔measured〕measured words 几经推敲(或斟酌)的言辞英汉大词典〔measured〕a measured capacity for action 有限的活动能力英汉大词典〔measured〕a measured response to the problem 对问题作出的慎重答复朗文当代〔measured〕a measured rhythm.有节奏的韵律。牛津同义词〔measured〕a measured welcome 恰如其分的欢迎英汉大词典〔measured〕go about one's work with measured steps 从容不迫地干自己的工作英汉大词典〔measured〕spoke in measured words.说话很有分寸美国传统〔measured〕take measured steps 采取审慎的步骤英汉大词典〔measured〕the measured march of soldiers 士兵们整齐的步调英汉大词典〔measured〕the free and the measured forms of verse 自由诗和格律诗英汉大词典〔measured〕walk with a measured tread 步伐整齐地行走英汉大词典〔measured〕with measured irony.恰如其分的讥讽美国传统〔measure〕measured the height of the ceiling.测量了天花板的高度美国传统〔measure〕mental abilities measured by IQ testing 通过智商测试测量出的心智能力韦氏高阶〔pinpoint〕measured the line with pinpoint accuracy.以细微的精度测量线条美国传统〔planetary〕measured the planetary tilt in degrees.测量地球倾斜的角度美国传统〔trap〕traps A measured length of roadway over which electronic timers register the speed of a racing vehicle, such as a dragster. traps 计速路段:一段测量过长度的路段,上面有电子计时器记录比赛车辆的速度,如改装的高速汽车的速度美国传统




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