

单词 mothball
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔mothball〕Many navy ships were mothballed after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。韦氏高阶〔mothball〕Many ships in the navy's fleet were put in mothballs after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。韦氏高阶〔mothball〕Six coal mines were mothballed in the hope that they could be reopened in a time of better economic conditions.六个煤矿暂被封存,希望在经济形势转好的时候可以重开。剑桥高阶〔mothball〕The hospital manager said the project would be mothballed until funding became available.医院院长说,这个项目要暂时搁一搁,等到有资金了再说。朗文当代〔mothball〕The old ship is being taken out of mothballs.这条旧船在长期封存之后,重新获得启用。韦氏高阶〔mothball〕The original proposal had been mothballed years ago.最初的建议多年前就束之高阁了。牛津高阶〔mothball〕The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money.为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。柯林斯高阶〔mothball〕The space agency spent more than a billion dollars on research in the late 1960s before plans were put in mothballs.20世纪60年代末, 在计划被搁置之前, 航天局已花掉了超过10亿美元的科研经费。外研社新世纪〔mothball〕These bombers went directly into mothballs as they rolled off the production line.这些轰炸机从生产线上一下来就被打入冷宫。英汉大词典〔mothball〕With the end of the Cold War, several warships were put into mothballs.随着冷战的结束,有几艘军舰被闲置了起来。朗文当代〔mothball〕You can put that idea into mothballs and forget it.那种念头你还是收起来忘掉吧。英汉大词典A slowdown forced the company to close or mothball several plants.增长放慢迫使公司关闭或封存了几家工厂。牛津商务It's a good idea Ms Jones, but I'm afraid we're going to have to mothball it until next year at the earliest.琼斯小姐,这是个好主意,但恐怕我们不得不先将它封存起来,最早也得到明年。剑桥国际That battleship has been retired from the mothball fleet. 那艘军舰已从备役舰队中除役。译典通The plan will include the mothballing of research programs.计划中包括中止研究项目。牛津商务The six coal pits were mothballed in the hope that they could be reopened in a time of better economic conditions.这六个煤矿坑被封存,希望它们能在经济条件更好的时候重开。剑桥国际




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