

单词 message
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔MESSAGE〕send a message 发出信息朗文写作活用〔MESSAGE〕someone who takes a message to someone 送消息给某人的人朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕when you want to leave a message for someone 想给某人留口信朗文写作活用〔bear〕bear a message 传口信英汉大词典〔budget〕the U.S. President's budget message to Congress 美国总统向国会提出的预算咨文英汉大词典〔bumper〕a bumper sticker(= a sign that people stick on the bumper of their cars with a message on it) 贴在保险杠上的小标语牛津高阶〔clear〕a message sent in the clear 用普通文字发出的电报英汉大词典〔clear〕a clear message 易懂的信息韦氏高阶〔click〕click out a message on a telex 在电传打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地发出一封电报英汉大词典〔code〕a message in code.以代码写的口信。牛津同义词〔code〕code a message 把电报译成电码英汉大词典〔congratulatory〕a congratulatory message 贺辞牛津高阶〔convey〕convey a message 传递口信英汉大词典〔crucifixion〕the central message of the Crucifixion.耶稣受难的主旨柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕an electronic message delivery system 电子信息传送系统牛津搭配〔diplomacy〕the challenge to improve public diplomacy and define the country's message to the world 改善公共外交、向世界表明国家态度的挑战牛津搭配〔distress〕a message from a ship in distress 遇险船发出的信息麦克米伦高阶〔email〕to send a message by email 以电邮发送一条信息牛津高阶〔encode〕an encoded message 加密信息韦氏高阶〔ether〕sent a message over/through the ether 将信息通过无线电发送出去韦氏高阶〔felicitation〕a message of felicitation 庆贺的消息韦氏高阶〔flame〕flame a message by signal fires 用烽火传送讯息英汉大词典〔fulsome〕a fulsomely congratulatory message 溢美的贺词朗文当代〔garbled〕a garbled phone message 含混不清的电话留言韦氏高阶〔garbled〕the garbled telephone message 混淆不清的电话讯息文馨英汉〔give〕give a message 传口信英汉大词典〔impact〕a high-impact message aimed at changing people's attitudes 旨在改变民众态度的具有重大影响的主旨牛津搭配〔intercept〕intercepted me with a message as I was leaving.我正要走时,一条信息阻止了我美国传统〔lick〕the Chancellor's upbeat message that the Government had licked inflation大臣传递出的政府已经遏制住通货膨胀的乐观信息外研社新世纪〔message〕message back and forth over the secret radio 通过秘密电台反复进行联络英汉大词典〔message〕a message of greeting (或a congratulatory message) 贺电(或贺信) 英汉大词典〔message〕a film with a strong religious message 有强烈的宗教启示的电影牛津高阶〔message〕a novel with a serious message 有严肃寓意的小说牛津搭配〔message〕a radio message 无线电讯英汉大词典〔message〕a televised message from the President to the American people 电视播出的总统告美国人民书牛津高阶〔message〕a written message 便条英汉大词典〔message〕an oral message 口信英汉大词典〔message〕deliver a message 带信(或捎口信) 英汉大词典〔message〕go on a message 外出替人送信(或办事) 英汉大词典〔message〕if you want to post a message in an online guest book 如果你想在在线访客留言板上发布消息牛津搭配〔message〕send sb. on a message 派遣某人送信(或办事) 英汉大词典〔message〕the message cinema 有寓意的影片英汉大词典〔message〕the President's message to Congress 总统向国会提出的咨文英汉大词典〔nonsense〕a message that was nonsense until decoded.在破译之前无意义的消息美国传统〔pictorial〕a pictorial message 有插图的信息韦氏高阶〔radio〕a radio message 无线电报(或电话) 英汉大词典〔send〕send a message by radio.通过无线电发送消息美国传统〔sos〕an SOS message 紧急呼救信号牛津高阶〔subliminal〕a subliminal message 潜在的寓意朗文当代〔suggestive〕conveyed the message with a few suggestive words.用几个带有暗示性的词传递了信息美国传统〔telegraphic〕a telegraphic message 电报,电文文馨英汉〔telegraphic〕a telegraphic message 电文英汉大词典〔telegraph〕telegraph a message to sb. (或telegraph sb. a message) 打电报给某人英汉大词典〔televise〕a televised message to the nation 向全国播送的电视文稿英汉大词典〔tough〕a toughly worded message 措词强硬的信息麦克米伦高阶〔truncated〕a truncated phone message 被删节的电话信息麦克米伦高阶〔via〕send a message via a friend 通过一位朋友带信英汉大词典〔wireless〕a message sent by wireless 用无线电报发出的信息牛津高阶〔writer〕the writer of the previous message on this topic 关于这个主题前面一条留言的作者朗文当代an email message 电子邮件信息牛津商务




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