

单词 marry
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(well) I'll be damned!〕She's marrying a man who she met two months ago? - Well, I'll be damned! 她要嫁给一个刚刚认识两个月的男人?——唉,这也太离谱了!剑桥高阶〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕David loves Julie but he can't get up enough courage to ask her to marry him. 戴维很爱朱莉,但他鼓不起勇气向她求婚。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕Megan was tricked out of her life savings by a smooth-talking handsome man who had promised to marry her. 梅甘被一名巧舌如簧、答应要娶她的英俊男子骗走了毕生积蓄。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕After the divorce she resolved never to marry again. 离婚后,她打定主意再也不嫁人了。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Nina seems to be set on marrying him. 尼娜好像是铁了心要嫁给他了。朗文写作活用〔EARLY〕Surely it's jumping the gun to buy the ring before you've even asked her to marry you? 你甚至还没有向她求婚就买了戒指,想必也太操之过急了吧?朗文写作活用〔EASY〕It is easy to see why she didn't marry him. 她为什么没嫁给他,原因不难理解。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Are you sure you want to marry me? I don't want to push you into anything. 你确定要娶我吗?我可不想催逼你做任何事。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕We all warned Susan not to marry that man, but she wouldn't listen to reason. 我们所有人都警告苏珊不要嫁给那个人,可她就是不肯听忠告。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕Roz said she'd never marry because she valued her independence too much. 罗兹说她一辈子不结婚,因为她太看重自立了。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Barry threatened to commit suicide if she refused to marry him. 巴里威胁说如果她拒绝嫁给他,他就要自杀。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕He kept marrying rich women and then bumping them off. 他接二连三地娶有钱的女人然后再将她们杀死。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Jane was sure that her decision to leave home and marry Joe was the right one. 简确信,她离开家嫁给乔的决定是正确的。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕Emily had refused to marry him on account of his looks. 埃米莉因为他的长相而拒绝嫁给他。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕How can you marry Adam when you're in love with someone else? 你爱的是别人,怎么可以嫁给亚当呢?朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Are you asking me to marry you? 你是在向我求婚吧?朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Stefan would like to marry into a family just like his own. 斯蒂芬想找个门当户对的对象结婚。朗文写作活用〔Merope〕Greek Mythology One of the Pleiades, who hid her face in shame after marrying a mortal.【希腊神话】 梅罗珀:阿特拉斯七个女儿中的一个,因嫁了一个凡人而羞愧得抬不起头美国传统〔PROMISE〕Despite his family's opposition, Jake stood by his promise to marry her. 尽管遭到家人反对,杰克还是履行了娶她为妻的诺言。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Most of these girls give up prostitution when they're about 30 and settle down and marry. 这些女子大多数都在30岁左右弃娼从良,安定下来结婚嫁人。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Some men will not marry a woman who is no longer a virgin. 有些男人不愿娶已经不是处女的女子为妻。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕Her previous experiences made her very unsure of the wisdom of marrying again. 她以前的经历使她犹豫不定,怀疑再一次结婚是否明智。朗文写作活用〔Stepford〕He ends up marrying a floral-frocked Stepford girlfriend.他最后娶了个打扮得花里胡哨、对他唯命是从的女朋友。外研社新世纪〔THREATEN〕She had tried to use the photographs to blackmail him into marrying her. 她想用这些照片要挟他,迫使他娶她。朗文写作活用〔Uriah〕In the Old Testament, an officer in the Israelite army and the husband of Bathsheba. He was sent to die in battle so that David could marry his wife.乌利亚:在旧约中以色列军队中的一个军官,是拔示巴的丈夫。大卫送他到战场以致于大卫能娶他的妻子美国传统〔WILLING〕No one should be forced to marry against their will. 谁都不应该被强迫结婚。朗文写作活用〔accept〕He asked me to marry him and I accepted!他要我嫁给他, 我答应了!外研社新世纪〔accept〕He asked me to marry him and I accepted.他向我求婚,我答应了。牛津高阶〔against〕She was forced to marry against her will.她被迫违背自己的心愿嫁了人。牛津高阶〔agree〕I asked her to marry me, and she agreed.我向她求婚,她答应了。麦克米伦高阶〔agree〕She agreed to marry him.她答应和他结婚。英汉大词典〔believe in〕I don't believe in marrying young.我不赞成早婚。21世纪英汉〔believe〕Beli eve it or not, he asked me to marry him! 信不信由你,他向我求婚了!牛津高阶〔bend〕He went down on bended knee to ask her to marry him.他单腿跪地向她求婚。剑桥高阶〔between〕Between ourselves, I know he wants to marry her.我们私下说说,我知道他想娶她。柯林斯高阶〔bet〕I hear you're taking bets on whether she'll marry him.我听说你在拿她是否会嫁给他的事和人打赌。牛津高阶〔beyond〕It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。牛津高阶〔blessing〕They were determined to marry, with or without their parents' blessing.不管父母同意与否,他们都决心要结婚。朗文当代〔brave〕She braved the wrath of her parents by refusing to marry the man they had chosen.她不顾父母的不满,拒绝与他们选中的男人结婚。剑桥高阶〔breach of promise〕Failure to fulfill a promise, especially a promise to marry.毁约:不履行承诺,尤指婚约美国传统〔break〕In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner.明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。柯林斯高阶〔by marriage〕He proposed marriage to his girlfriend. [=asked his girlfriend to marry him] 他向女友求婚。韦氏高阶〔catch〕Beatrice was marrying the catch of the season.比阿特丽斯即将同那个活跃于当年社交季节的红人结婚。英汉大词典〔choose〕Many people choose not to marry.许多人情愿不结婚。牛津高阶〔cold feet〕He was going to ask her to marry him, but he got cold feet and couldn't do it.他本打算向她求婚,却临阵退缩了。韦氏高阶〔company〕After keeping company for one year, Mary and John decided to marry.玛丽和约翰谈了一年恋爱之后决定结婚。英汉大词典〔consent〕Will she consent to marry him? 她会同意嫁给他吗?英汉大词典〔contempt〕How could she marry a man whom she holds in such utter contempt? 她怎么能嫁给一个自己根本瞧不起的人呢?麦克米伦高阶〔convince〕That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.在普拉茨堡的那个周末,他说服她嫁给巴德。柯林斯高阶〔countenance〕Jake would not countenance Janis's marrying while still a student.杰克不会同意贾尼斯还在上学就结婚。柯林斯高阶〔countenance〕Jake would not countenance Janis's marrying while still a student.杰克不会同意贾尼斯还是学生时就结婚。外研社新世纪〔couple〕To join as spouses; marry.成双,结婚:作为配偶结合;结婚美国传统〔court〕To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry.求爱,求婚:努力获得…的爱或感情,尤指为了与之结婚美国传统〔coverture〕If a freeman should marry a bondwoman, she would also be free during the coverture.假如一个自由男子娶一个女奴为妻,她婚后也成了自由人。英汉大词典〔crunch〕When it came to the crunch , she couldn't agree to marry him.到了关键时刻,她又不肯同意嫁给他。朗文当代〔dance〕Jack danced Marry around the ballroom.杰克带玛丽绕着舞厅跳舞。21世纪英汉〔dangle〕In“After marrying him, her trouble began, ”the participle “marrying”dangles.在“与他结婚后,她的麻烦开始了”中,“marrying”是垂悬分词。21世纪英汉〔dead〕You'll marry him over my dead body! 我死也不让你和他结婚!朗文当代〔dearly〕I would dearly love to marry.我很想结婚。柯林斯高阶〔deathbed〕He promised his mother on her deathbed that he would never marry.他在母亲临终时答应她永远不会结婚。外研社新世纪〔deluded〕Poor deluded girl, she thinks he's going to marry her.真可怜,受骗的女孩还以为他会和她结婚呢。剑桥高阶〔desolated〕She was desolated to hear that he was going to marry.她听说他要结婚而深感悲凄。文馨英汉〔difference〕There's a world of difference between liking someone and wanting to marry them.很大的差别麦克米伦高阶〔dissuade from〕The parents tried to dissuade their son from marrying the girl.父母试图劝儿子不要与那位姑娘结婚。21世纪英汉〔dissuade〕Jim's father tried to dissuade him from marrying Mary.吉姆的父亲劝他别娶玛丽。英汉大词典〔ditch〕Meg and Neil were due to marry, but she ditched him.梅格与尼尔本来是要结婚的,可她把他给甩了。朗文当代〔divorce〕I am absolutely furious that he divorced me to marry her.他为了娶她而和我离婚,我愤怒至极。柯林斯高阶〔economically〕In economically advanced countries, women marry later.在经济发达国家,女性结婚比较晚。朗文当代〔end by〕Jack will end by marrying Helen.杰克最终将娶海伦为妻。21世纪英汉〔end〕She will end by marrying a millionaire. 她最终将与一个百万富翁结婚。英汉大词典〔engage〕To pledge or promise, especially to marry.订婚:提出或允诺,尤其指结婚美国传统〔espouse〕To take in marriage; marry.出席婚礼:参加婚礼;结婚美国传统〔felicitate〕We felicitated John on his engagement to marry.我们祝贺约翰订婚。21世纪英汉〔forbid〕She was forbidden from marrying him.不许她嫁给他。韦氏高阶〔forbid〕They'll forbid you to marry.他们不会准许你结婚。柯林斯高阶〔get sb into trouble〕When he got his girlfriend into trouble, her parents wanted them to marry.他使女友未婚先孕,女友的父母想让他们赶快结婚。剑桥高阶〔get〕He got down on his knees and asked me to marry him! 他跪下来向我求婚!剑桥高阶〔give your word〕He gave his word that he would marry her and she had no cause to doubt him.他保证会与她结婚,她没有理由怀疑他。剑桥高阶〔him〕Luke wants me to marry him.卢克希望我嫁给她。麦克米伦高阶〔hope〕My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。柯林斯高阶〔hypergamy〕The practice of marrying into an equal or more prestigious social group or caste.高攀婚姻:与一个同等或甚至于更具声望的社群团体或阶层联姻美国传统〔keep〕Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job.莱森不得不在娶她和保住工作之间作出选择。柯林斯高阶〔knee〕He asked her on bended knee to marry him.他跪着向她求婚。麦克米伦高阶〔knee〕He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him.他单膝跪下向她求婚。牛津高阶〔last〕I wouldn't marry him if he was the last man on earth.即使世上只剩下他一个男人,我也不会嫁给他的。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕She said she wouldn't marry him if he was the last man on earth.她说即使世界上只剩下他一个男人,自己也不会嫁给他。韦氏高阶〔leave〕You want to marry him? Have you taken leave of your senses? 你要嫁给他? 你是不是疯了?朗文当代〔legitimize〕They intended to marry and so legitimize her child.他们打算结婚, 从而给她的孩子以婚生地位。外研社新世纪〔liberated〕Though liberated in many respects, she will marry no man who is on a social level lower than her own.她虽然在许多方面思想解放,但她却不愿意跟一个比她社会地位低的男人结婚。英汉大词典〔marry ... off〕He wants to marry off his daughter to his partner's son.他想把女儿嫁给自己合伙人的儿子。21世纪英汉〔marry money〕One way to get rich is to marry money.变富的一个方法是和有钱人结婚。剑桥高阶〔marry off〕They advised her mother to marry her off to the old man as he was very rich.他们建议她母亲把她嫁给那个老头, 因为他很有钱。外研社新世纪〔marry up (sth)〕We need to marry up the names on your list with those on my list and see what the overlap is.我们需要将各自名单上的名字对照一下,看看重复的有多少。剑桥高阶〔marry up〕Women worldwide prefer to marry up.全世界的女人都想嫁给比自己有地位的男人。外研社新世纪〔marrying〕I'm not the marrying kind.我不是想结婚的那类人。英汉大词典〔marrying〕I'm not the marrying kind.我不是适合结婚的那种人。文馨英汉〔marry〕Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.【谚】仓促结婚,慢慢后悔。文馨英汉〔marry〕He asked me to marry him but I said no.他求我嫁给他,但我拒绝了。牛津搭配〔marry〕He believes same-sex couples should be able to marry.他认为同性恋情侣应该可以结婚。牛津搭配〔marry〕He is not able to marry on his present salary.他靠目前的薪水无法结婚。文馨英汉〔marry〕He promised to marry her when he returned.他许诺等他回来就跟她结婚。牛津搭配〔marry〕He tries to marry the Canadian manufacturers with the foreign buyers.他试图为加拿大的制造厂商与外国买主牵线搭桥。英汉大词典〔marry〕He wants to marry her.他想娶她为妻。外研社新世纪〔marry〕I guess I'm not the marrying kind(= the kind of person who wants to get married).我觉得我不是那种想结婚的人。牛津高阶〔marry〕I'm going to ask her to marry me on St Valentine's Day.我打算在情人节向她求婚。朗文当代〔marry〕I'm just not the marrying kind.我就不是那种想结婚的人。朗文当代〔marry〕John asked Mary to marry him.约翰向玛丽求婚。文馨英汉〔marry〕Matt told me he was going to marry again.马特告诉我他又要结婚了。牛津搭配〔marry〕Men tend to marry later than women.男性成婚往往晚于女性。剑桥高阶〔marry〕Oh, Mother, stop it — you're always trying to marry me off.哦,妈妈,别那样做——你总是想要把我嫁出去。英汉大词典〔marry〕People are marrying later these days.如今人们结婚晚了。牛津搭配〔marry〕She ought to marry again, don't you think?她应该再婚, 你不这样认为吗?外研社新世纪〔marry〕They don't have any plans to marry at present.他们目前没打算结婚。剑桥高阶〔marry〕They plan to marry next year.他们计划明年结婚。牛津搭配〔marry〕To keep his wealthy lifestyle, he had to marry well.他要想维持富裕的生活,必须娶得好才行。牛津搭配〔may〕Any two persons may marry in Scotland provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage.在苏格兰,如果双方均年满16岁就可以结婚。柯林斯高阶〔mind〕Who in their right mind would want to marry a murderer? 脑子正常的人谁会想要和一个杀人凶手结婚?牛津搭配〔mistaken〕I think he wanted to marry her, if I am not mistaken.我认为他想要娶她, 如果我没弄错的话。外研社新世纪〔mistake〕Marrying him had been the biggest mistake of her life.嫁给他是她一生中最大的失误。麦克米伦高阶〔necessarily〕You can love someone without necessarily wanting to marry them.你可能爱一个人,但未必愿意和其结婚。剑桥高阶〔noble〕The Marquis would have to marry a woman of noble blood.那位侯爵必须和有贵族血统的女子结婚。朗文当代〔obvious〕One obvious solution was to marry her to the future Edward VI.一个十分合适的解决方法是把她嫁给未来的爱德华六世。外研社新世纪〔one-horse〕Of course, I'll marry you, even if it means living in your one-horse hometown.我当然会娶你, 就算要在你偏僻的家乡生活我也愿意。外研社新世纪〔permission〕He gave her permission to marry.他准许她嫁人了。外研社新世纪〔perversity〕She's marrying him out of sheer perversity.她嫁给他纯粹是任性。牛津搭配〔pester〕She pestered me to marry.她缠着要我结婚。英汉大词典〔piquancy〕Piquancy was added to the situation because Dr Porter was then on the point of marrying Hugh Miller.当时的情形因正赶上波特博士要和休·米勒结婚,便又多了几分趣味。柯林斯高阶〔piquancy〕Piquancy was added to the situation because Dr Porter was then on the point of marrying Hugh Miller.当时的情形因正赶上波特博士要和休•米勒结婚, 便又更加令人激动。外研社新世纪〔plainly〕She told him plainly that she had no intention of marrying him.她坦率地告诉他自己不打算嫁给他。朗文当代〔plight〕To become engaged to marry.订婚美国传统〔possessive〕If you marry him, he is only going to become even more jealous and possessive than he is now.如果你嫁给他,他的嫉妒心和占有欲只会变得比现在还要强烈。韦氏高阶〔procreate〕While priests were denied the right to marry and procreate, he said, their situation would remain impossible.他说,只要牧师们仍被剥夺结婚生子的权利,他们的处境仍将进退两难。剑桥高阶〔push〕Her parents pushed her into marrying him.她父母硬逼她嫁给他。剑桥高阶〔queen〕She became a queen upon marrying the king.她与国王结婚后成为王后。英汉大词典〔quote〕It is said that she is going to marry Mr Smith, but you mustn't quote me because I am not quite sure about it.据说她将要和史密斯先生结婚,但你千万别说是我说的,因为我对这件事还没有太大的把握。21世纪英汉〔really〕Are you really sure that you want to marry this man? 你真的肯定你想嫁给这个人吗?麦克米伦高阶〔really〕He might really be the one she's going to marry.他也许真的是她要嫁的那个人。韦氏高阶〔reck〕It recks little whether he should marry.他结婚与否没什么关系。英汉大词典〔refuse〕He asked her to marry him, but she refused.他要求她跟自己结婚,但她拒绝了。英汉大词典〔rejection〕He never asked her to marry him out of fear of rejection.他因为怕被拒绝,所以从未向她求婚。剑桥高阶〔reject〕He had rejected his daughter for marrying a Christian.他因女儿嫁了一个基督徒而一直对她很冷淡。麦克米伦高阶〔repeat〕She repeated several times that she didn't intend to marry.她几次重申她不打算结婚。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.离婚以后,她下决心永不再嫁。朗文当代〔run a mile〕He'd run a mile if I asked him to marry me.我要是提出和他结婚,他就会躲得远远的。剑桥高阶〔sense〕Why does she want to marry him? She must have taken leave of her senses.她怎么会要嫁给他呢?她准是脑子有毛病了。牛津高阶〔serious〕I was serious when I said I wanted to marry you.我说想和你结婚, 是认真的。外研社新世纪〔speak〕You can't marry Mary. She's spoken for.你不能跟玛丽结婚。她已有主了。英汉大词典〔special〕To marry a foreigner, special permission had to be obtained.与外国人结婚,须经特殊许可。英汉大词典〔speculate〕We speculated as to whether they would marry.我们推测他们会不会结婚。牛津同义词〔spot〕He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him.他把他当时向她求婚的确切地点指给我看。牛津高阶〔string along〕She's just stringing you along;she has no idea to marry you.她只不过在玩弄你,她根本不想和你结婚。21世纪英汉〔strong〕There's a strong possibility that they'll marry in the spring.他们极有可能在春季结婚。麦克米伦高阶〔suspense〕She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him.她让他焦急难耐地等了好几天,才告诉他愿意嫁给他。剑桥高阶〔taboo〕Marrying a close relative is a taboo in many cultures.近亲结婚在很多文化风俗中是个禁忌。韦氏高阶〔talk into〕He talked me into marrying him.他说服了我嫁给他。外研社新世纪〔thereupon〕Ursula had refused to marry Attila the Hun, who thereupon ordered one of his archers to shoot her.乌尔苏拉拒绝嫁给匈奴王阿提拉, 于是阿提拉命弓弩手将她射杀。外研社新世纪〔true〕It's not true that I'm going to marry him.说我要嫁给他这不是真的。朗文当代〔turn〕He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.他请求她嫁给他,但是她回绝了。牛津高阶〔type〕I am definitely not the marrying type.我绝不属于非要结婚的类型。牛津搭配〔understand〕I understand you are thinking of marrying.我看你是在考虑结婚成家了。英汉大词典〔undine〕According to Paracelsus, a female water spirit who could earn a soul by marrying a mortal and bearing his child.水中女神:根据帕拉切尔苏斯,一位女水神,她能通过与凡人结婚并为他生育小孩而获得灵魂美国传统〔uneager〕She was fresh from college and uneager for the moment to marry the boy back home.她刚从大学毕业,不想马上与家乡的那个小伙子成婚。英汉大词典〔vet〕People who marry into the Royal Family will have to be vetted much more carefully in future.那些与皇室成员结婚的人未来将受到更细致的审查。外研社新世纪〔wedding〕The act of marrying.结婚的行为美国传统〔wed〕To take as a spouse; marry.婚礼;结婚美国传统〔well〕She was determined to marry well(= marry sb rich and/or with a high social position).她决意嫁给有钱有势的人。牛津高阶〔wisely〕Wisely (enough), she didn't marry him.很明智的是,她没有嫁给他。文馨英汉〔with〕He wants to marry someone with a lot of money.他想和有钱人结婚。韦氏高阶〔wive〕To marry a woman.娶个女人美国传统〔worse〕He could do worse than marry Eleanor.他和埃莉诺结婚倒不错。朗文当代〔would〕He did not think he would marry Beth.他觉得他是不会和贝丝结婚的。柯林斯高阶Marrying Pat was the biggest mistake I ever made.和帕特结婚是我犯过的最大的错误。剑桥国际Carol recently gave birth to a daughter, but she has no plans to marry at present.卡罗尔最近生了个女儿,但她目前还不打算结婚。剑桥国际Despite all the opposition from her family, she seems set on marrying him.尽管全家都反对,但她似乎已打定主意要嫁给他。剑桥国际Even though her parents are against, she was undeterred in her determination to marry David. 即便是她的父母亲反对,她要与大卫结婚的决心仍然不受影响。译典通He asked her to marry him while they were on the train from Calais to Paris.在从加来到巴黎的火车上,他向她求婚。剑桥国际He plans to marry Playboy's ‘playmate’ for January and cover girl for August.他计划与1 月份《花花公子》上的“性伴侣”结婚。她也是该杂志8 月份的封面女郎。剑桥国际He says that he's enjoying his bachelor life and has no plans to marry yet.他说他很喜欢单身汉的生活,现在还不打算结婚。剑桥国际He wanted to marry and settle down, but the girls were only interested in one-night stand. 他想要结婚并安定下来,但是那些女孩只对露水姻缘感兴趣。译典通He was resolved to ask her to marry him the next day.他打定主意第二天向她求婚。剑桥国际He will marry the girl first or last. 他迟早会娶那姑娘的。译典通His father had just died and he didn't want to marry with indecent / unseemly haste.他父亲刚死,他不想匆忙地不合时宜地结婚。剑桥国际I could scarcely believe it when she said she wanted to marry me.当她说她愿意和我结婚时,我简直不能相信。剑桥国际I thought it was time to lay my cards on the table, so I told him that I had no intention of marrying him.我想是摊牌的时候了,于是我告诉他我并不打算同他结婚。剑桥国际I thought it was time to redeem my promises to Linda and marry the girl.我想是我履行向琳达许下的诺言同这姑娘结婚的时候了。剑桥国际I'd rather marry a man who had a good sense of humour than one who was stunningly attractive.我宁愿嫁给一个有幽默感的男人,而不是仪表非凡的男人。剑桥国际In the Indian caste system, marrying someone from a superior caste is not allowed.在印度种性等级制度中,与等级高的人结婚是不允许的。剑桥国际It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。译典通My father's trying to marry me (off) to (= make me marry) his accountant's daughter.我父亲想让我娶他会计的女儿。剑桥国际My ultimate goal is to have your consent in marrying me. 我最终的目标就是要妳答应嫁给我。译典通Samuel Johnson described marrying for a second time as a triumph of hope over experience.塞缪尔·约翰逊把第二次结婚描述为希望战胜了经验。剑桥国际She desired to marry a rich man. 她很想嫁个富翁。译典通She gave a large party in honour of the betrothed (= the two people who had promised to marry one another).她为那对刚订婚的新人举办盛大舞会。剑桥国际She is suffering from the delusion (= a false belief) that he will marry her.她错误地以为他会娶她,并受此幻念的折磨。剑桥国际She really is a half-wit -- we all told her she shouldn't marry him.她真是个傻瓜----我们都告诉她不应该嫁给他。剑桥国际She said that she had no intention of marrying him, and told him where he could stick his ring.她说她不想嫁给他,而且不想要他的戒指。剑桥国际She says she's looking for a rich husband (= she wants to marry a wealthy man).她说她正在找一个富有的丈夫。剑桥国际They are unlikely to marry. 他们不大可能结婚。译典通They had a passionate courtship, but they split up just before they were due to marry.他们曾爱得如胶似漆,但在要结婚前却分手了。剑桥国际You wouldn't believe who Ed's going to marry. 你绝想不到埃德要娶谁。剑桥国际




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