

单词 lymphatic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Haversian canal〕Any of the tiny, interconnecting, longitudinal channels in bone tissue through which blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymphatics pass.哈弗斯骨管:骨组织中血管、神经纤维及淋巴管可以通过的任何细小的、相互连结的纵向通道美国传统〔Malpighian corpuscle〕A nodule of lymphatic tissue surrounding the smaller arteries in the spleen.淋巴小体:脾脏中细小动脉周围的淋巴组织结成的小瘤美国传统〔adenoid〕Of, relating to, or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.淋巴组织的:淋巴腺或淋巴组织的,与淋巴腺或淋巴组织有关的,类似于淋巴腺或淋巴组织的美国传统〔angioma〕Lymph angiomas are benign tumours of the lymphatic vessels.淋巴管瘤是在淋巴管中形成的良性肿瘤。剑桥高阶〔branch〕Anatomy An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel, or lymphatic vessel; a ramus.【解剖学】 分支:某一结构主要部分的分支或分岔,尤指神经,血管,或淋巴管的;分支美国传统〔circulatory system〕The system of structures, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, by which blood and lymph are circulated throughout the body.循环系统:由心脏、血管和淋巴管组成的结构系统,血液和淋巴经其在体内循环美国传统〔intima〕The innermost membrane of an organ or a part, especially the inner lining of a lymphatic vessel, an artery, or a vein.内膜:器官或部位最里面的膜,特指淋巴管、动脉或静脉的内里美国传统〔lymphoid〕Of or relating to lymph or the lymphatic tissue where lymphocytes are formed.淋巴的,淋巴细胞的:淋巴、生成淋巴细胞的淋巴组织的或与之有关的美国传统




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