

单词 metaphysic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aesthetics〕In Kantian philosophy, the branch of metaphysics concerned with the laws of perception.审美学:康德哲学中有关感知规律的形而上学分支美国传统〔divagate〕Natural science divagated more and more from metaphysics.自然科学跟形而上学愈来愈分道扬镳了。英汉大词典〔metaphysical〕Of or relating to metaphysics.形而上学的:形而上学的或关于形而上学的美国传统〔metaphysician〕One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.玄学家:专攻玄学或精通玄学的人美国传统〔metaphysics〕I was not all interested in metaphysics.我对玄学毫无兴趣。文馨英汉〔metaphysic〕Metaphysics.形而上学,玄学美国传统〔metaphysic〕A system of metaphysics.形而上学的一体系美国传统〔monad〕Philosophy An indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance viewed as the basic constituent element of physical reality in the metaphysics of Leibnitz.【哲学】 单子:莱布尼兹学说理论中认为是构成物质世界存在的最基本的和不可分的单位美国传统〔monism〕The view in metaphysics that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to or described by a single concept or system.一元论:一种形而上学理论,认为现实世界是一个整体,所有存在的事物可以被归结或描述为一个单一的概念或系统美国传统〔ontological〕Kant's work on the critique of experience became ultimately indistinguishable from ontology and metaphysics.康德关于经验的评论著作最终与本体论和形而上学混为一谈。柯林斯高阶〔ontology〕The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being.本体论:对自然存在的研究,属于形而上学理论的分支美国传统〔philosophy〕The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.哲学:由逻辑学、伦理学、美学、文学和认识论组成的学科美国传统〔psychology〕Philosophy The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.【哲学】 心灵学:形而上学的一支,研究灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之间的关系美国传统〔sophist〕A Greek philosopher of pre-Socratic times who inquired about and speculated on theology, metaphysics, mathematics, and the natural and biological sciences.诡辩哲学家:前苏格拉底时代对神学、形而上学、数学以及自然和生物科学进行探索和思考的希腊哲学家美国传统〔tuition〕All students receive tuition in logic and metaphysics.所有学生都学习逻辑学和玄学。剑桥高阶




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