

单词 metamorphosed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Daphne〕A nymph who metamorphosed into a laurel tree as a means of escaping from Apollo.达佛涅:为逃避阿波罗而变成一颗月桂树的女神美国传统〔Pleiades〕Greek Mythology The seven daughters of Atlas (Maia, Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Merope, Alcyone, and Sterope), who were metamorphosed into stars.【希腊神话】 普勒阿得斯:变成星星的阿特拉斯的七个女儿(迈亚、伊莱克特拉、塞拉伊诺、泰来塔、梅罗普、亚克安娜和斯泰罗普)美国传统〔fault〕They comprised a complex of Lower Palaeozoic rocks variously folded, faulted, or metamorphosed.它们由一个下古生界的岩石复合体构成, 有的被折叠, 有的产生了断层, 有的发生了变质。外研社新世纪〔metamorphose〕From an easy going young girl, she had metamorphosed into a neurotic middle-aged woman.她从一个随和的年轻女孩变成了一个神经质的中年妇女。朗文当代〔metamorphose〕She had been metamorphosed by the war.她被战争彻底改变了。外研社新世纪〔metamorphose〕She had been metamorphosed by the war.她被这场战争彻底改变了。柯林斯高阶〔metamorphose〕She has metamorphosed from a shy schoolgirl into a self-confident young businesswoman.她已从一个羞涩的女学生变成自信的年轻商人。韦氏高阶〔metamorphose〕The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal.带妆彩排的时候,演员们变幻出一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。柯林斯高阶〔metamorphose〕The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal.彩排的时候, 演员们幻化成一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。外研社新世纪〔metamorphose〕The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall, confident man.我所认识的那个笨拙男孩已经脱胎换骨,变成了一个高大自信的男人。剑桥高阶〔metamorphose〕The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince.巫师将青蛙变成了王子。21世纪英汉〔metamorphose〕The skyline metamorphosed into a sea of lights.天际成为一片灯的海洋。麦克米伦高阶〔metamorphose〕The tadpole has metamorphosed into a frog.蝌蚪已变成青蛙。英汉大词典〔metamorphose〕The witch metamorphosed people into animals.那巫婆将人变成了动物。英汉大词典〔metamorphose〕This once-small company has metamorphosed into an industrial giant.昔日的小公司已变身成为业界巨头。韦氏高阶〔metamorphose〕You are so metamorphosed I can hardly recognize you.你完全变了样,我简直认不出你了。英汉大词典〔metamorphose〕Young girls are metamorphosed into stunning stars of the screen.年轻的姑娘们变成了绝色的电影明星。21世纪英汉The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall, handsome man.我认识的那个笨拙的男孩已经变成了一个又高又英俊的男人了。剑桥国际




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