

单词 monarchy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔absolute〕an absolute monarchy 专制的君主麦克米伦高阶〔absolute〕the doctrine of absolute monarchy based upon divine right.以神权为基础的君主专制学说柯林斯高阶〔aim〕ambitious aims against the monarchy 推翻君主政体的雄心壮志英汉大词典〔collapse〕a monarchy that collapsed.崩溃的君主制美国传统〔constitutional〕a constitutional monarchy (=a country ruled by a king or queen whose power is limited by a constitution) 君主立宪国朗文当代〔crack〕events which deepened the cracks in the monarchy 加深君主制裂痕的事件麦克米伦高阶〔demise〕the demise of the monarchy 君主政体的灭亡英汉大词典〔dispense〕a people that has dispensed with its monarchy 废除了君主制度的民族英汉大词典〔feudal〕a feudal monarchy 封建君主国英汉大词典〔hereditary〕a hereditary monarchy 世袭君主制韦氏高阶〔insurrection〕insurrection against the monarchy 反抗君主制的起义牛津搭配〔monarchy〕a hereditary monarchy 世袭君主国英汉大词典〔monarchy〕an autocratic monarchy 专制的君主制英汉大词典〔monarchy〕plans to abolish the monarchy 废除君主政体的计划牛津高阶〔monarchy〕rebels trying to overthrow the monarchy 试图推翻君主专制政体的反叛者牛津搭配〔monarchy〕the French monarchy of the 18th century *18世纪的法国君主制韦氏高阶〔monarchy〕the abolition of the monarchy 君主制的废除朗文当代〔monarchy〕the arguments for abolishing the monarchy 废除君主制的理由牛津搭配〔overthrow〕the overthrow of the monarchy 君主制的推翻剑桥高阶〔restoration〕the restoration of democracy/the monarchy 民主制度╱君主政体的恢复牛津高阶〔restoration〕the restoration of the monarchy in Spain 西班牙君主政体的复辟朗文当代〔reversion〕the country's reversion to a traditional monarchy 该国恢复传统的君主制朗文当代〔staunch〕a staunch supporter of the monarchy 坚定地拥护君主制的人牛津高阶〔topple〕topple the feudal monarchy 推翻封建君主制度英汉大词典〔uprising〕an armed uprising against the monarchy 反对君主制度的武装起义麦克米伦高阶〔weak〕a weak monarchy 软弱的君主政权英汉大词典〔yoke〕a country under (或submitted to) the yoke of a feudal monarchy 封建君主统治下的国家英汉大词典




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