

单词 mending
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORK HARD〕Mike's been hard at it all afternoon and he still hasn't finished mending the car. 迈克卖力地干了一个下午,还是没有修好汽车。朗文写作活用〔aground〕There were just two or three fishermen mending nets, empty canoes aground in the swamp.只有两三个渔民在补网, 空独木舟搁浅在沼泽里。外研社新世纪〔eventually〕I'll get round to mending it eventually.我最后会抽出时间来修理它的。牛津高阶〔fence〕The two countries fought a border war a decade ago, but now they are mending fences.10年前两国曾进行过边境战争, 但现在正在重修旧好。外研社新世纪〔fence〕The two countries fought a border war a decade ago, but now they are mending fences.10年前两国曾进行过边境战争,但现在正在重修旧好。柯林斯高阶〔mend fences〕After the election, he spent a lot of time mending political fences.选举结束后,他花了大量时间修复政党关系。韦氏高阶〔mend your ways〕She told her teenage son to start mending his ways.她叫她十几岁的儿子开始守规矩。韦氏高阶〔mending〕I have a pile of mending to do.我有一大堆衣服要补。剑桥高阶〔mending〕I've got a lot of mending to do.我有许多待补待修的事要做。文馨英汉〔mending〕Molly looked up from her mending.莫莉停下手中的缝补活, 抬头看了一眼。外研社新世纪〔mending〕The mending must be finished in her free time.缝补工作一定是她在空闲时间完成的。外研社新世纪〔mending〕We let the mending accumulate until Wednesday.我们让需缝补的衣服一直积存到星期三美国传统〔mend〕Fishermen were mending their nets.渔民们在修补他们的渔网。韦氏高阶〔mend〕He is mending nicely.他的病情在很快好转。英汉大词典〔mend〕He spent the evening mending socks.他花了整个晚上来缝补袜子。外研社新世纪〔mend〕He's mending slowly after the operation.手术后,他正在缓慢好转。牛津高阶〔mend〕His broken leg is mending very well.他的断腿正在很好地愈合。21世纪英汉〔mend〕His leg isn't mending as quickly as he'd expected.他的腿的愈合不像他想的那样快。朗文当代〔mend〕I'm feeling a good bit better. The cut aches, but it's mending.我感觉好多了。伤口很疼,但是正在愈合。柯林斯高阶〔mend〕I'm feeling a good bit better. The cut aches, but it's mending.我现在感觉好一点了。伤口虽然很疼, 但是正在愈合。外研社新世纪〔mend〕The fire needs mending.火需要加旺一些。外研社新世纪〔mend〕The injury is mending slowly.受伤处正在慢慢愈合。21世纪英汉〔mend〕The patient is mending well.这个病人的病情正在好转美国传统〔mend〕There is no prospect of matters mending.事态没有好转的前景。英汉大词典〔mend〕Things are mending.情况在好转。英汉大词典〔mend〕You can watch the fishermen mending their nets.你可以看着渔夫们修补渔网。外研社新世纪〔net〕The fishermen sat mending their nets.渔民们坐着织补渔网。外研社新世纪〔net〕The fishermen were mending their nets.渔民们正在补网。牛津搭配〔own〕Alan had always done his own washing and mending.艾伦总是自己洗衣、缝补。麦克米伦高阶〔pair〕When she finished the mending, she paired up the socks.她补好袜子后把它们一双双放好。英汉大词典〔set〕Try and set aside time to do some mending jobs.设法留出时间做一些修修补补的活儿。英汉大词典〔sunburned〕Fishermen with sunburned faces sat on the beach mending their nets.脸被晒得黝黑的渔民们坐在沙滩上修补渔网。剑桥高阶〔use〕I'm no use at mending things.我不擅长做修修补补的事情。麦克米伦高阶〔wizard〕He's a wizard at mending things.他很擅长修理东西。外研社新世纪Mending the lights is a priority task (= more important than other jobs).修灯更重要。剑桥国际Fishermen with sunburnt faces sat on the beach mending their nets.脸晒黑的渔夫们正坐在海滩上补鱼网。剑桥国际I always take a small mending kit with me when I travel.我旅行时总带着小缝纫包。剑桥国际I have a pile of mending to do.我有一大堆衣服要补。剑桥国际I'm going to have to take this TV apart -- there's no other way of mending it.我将不得不把电视机拆开----没有其他的修理方法。剑桥国际I'm hopelessly inefficient at mending things.我完全不会补东西。剑桥国际Most of their business involves mending mobile phones.他们的大部分业务涉及移动电话修理。牛津商务Politicians often spend so much time mending political fences in the capital that they ignore what is happening in the rest of the country.政治家们经常花很多时间在首都照顾自己的政治关系而忽视了在国家其他地区发生的事。剑桥国际Put those clothes in a pile for mending (=so that they can be mended). 将那些衣服放在一堆备缝补。剑桥国际She is mending a tear in her dress. 她在缝补洋装上的破洞。译典通The child is mending nicely. 这孩子的病情在很快好转。译典通The plumber made rather a bad job of mending our pipes.为我们修理管道的水管工技术很差。剑桥国际This kettle's had it. It's not worth mending.这个壶该扔了,它不值得一修。剑桥国际




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