

单词 moisture
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Monterey jack〕A pale semisoft cheese with a high moisture content and a mild flavor.蒙特瑞杰克奶酪:一种水分含量高而且味道柔和的浅色半软干酪美国传统〔WATER〕Moisture is essential for keeping your skin fresh and youthful. 水分对于保持皮肤清新、有活力极其重要。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕In the summer, temperatures rose to 90 or 100 degrees, and the air was constantly heavy with moisture. 夏天,气温达90或100度,空气中的水分一直很高。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕Nearby ditches and walls affect the moisture content of the soil. 附近的沟渠和墙影响土壤的水分含量。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕The Gore-tex fabric manages to be completely waterproof, and yet allows body moisture to escape. 戈尔特斯物料能做到完全防水,但仍可以排出人体湿气。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Plant roots absorb moisture.植物的根系吸收水分。韦氏高阶〔absorb〕Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳并从土壤中汲取水分。柯林斯高阶〔absorb〕The timber expands as it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.木材吸收空气中的水分后会膨胀。麦克米伦高阶〔absorb〕Towels absorb moisture.毛巾吸收水汽。剑桥高阶〔adipocere〕A brown, fatty, waxlike substance that forms on dead animal tissues in response to moisture.尸蜡,脂蜡,尸油:对潮湿起反应而形成于动物尸体组织的一个棕色蜡状油脂物质美国传统〔air mass〕A large body of air with only small horizontal variations of temperature, pressure, and moisture.气团:水平方向上温度、气压和湿度差异微小的大气团美国传统〔air-dry〕Sufficiently dry so that further exposure to air does not yield more moisture to be evaporated.晾干的:充分干燥,以使得进一步暴露于空气中也不会有水分的蒸发美国传统〔air〕This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping Earth; the atmosphere.大气:覆盖地球的不同量的湿气和特殊物质的混合物;大气美国传统〔alpha-hydroxy acid〕Any of various fruit acids that are capable of trapping moisture in the skin and initiating the formation of collagen.α羟酸:任一种果酸,能够锁住皮肤内的水份并开始形成胶原美国传统〔beaded〕The cave walls were beaded with moisture.岩洞壁上挂满水珠。外研社新世纪〔beaded〕The cave walls were beaded with moisture.这个洞穴壁上布满了水珠。柯林斯高阶〔bead〕The moisture beaded on the glass.水气在玻璃上结珠。21世纪英汉〔bone-dry〕Having no trace of moisture.干透的:丝毫没有湿气的美国传统〔case〕Climate is especially important in the case of articles that are readily affected by moisture.对容易受潮的商品来说,气候因素特别重要。英汉大词典〔certain〕Secure the edges firmly to make certain that no moisture can get in.把边缘扣紧以防潮气进去。朗文当代〔condensabilities〕Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.大气中的水分在夜间凝结成露珠。21世纪英汉〔condense〕Moisture in the air condenses to form tiny drops of water.空气中的水分凝结成细小的水滴。韦氏高阶〔condense〕Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.大气中的水汽在夜间凝成了露水。英汉大词典〔condense〕As the air rises it becomes colder and moisture condenses out of it.随着空气上升,其温度降低,凝结出水分。柯林斯高阶〔condition〕To replace moisture or oils in (hair, for example) by use of a therapeutic product.保养:用药物来促进原先湿度或油份(例如头发中)的代谢美国传统〔corroded〕Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.工程师们发现该建筑已经受潮腐蚀。柯林斯高阶〔corrode〕Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.工程师们发现该建筑物已经受潮腐蚀。外研社新世纪〔damp〕Moisture in the air; humidity.潮湿:空气中的水分;潮湿美国传统〔dehumidify〕To remove atmospheric moisture from.减低…的大气湿度美国传统〔dew〕Moisture, as in the form of tears or perspiration, that appears in small drops.露珠:湿汽形成小水滴(例如以泪或汗珠的形式)美国传统〔diffuse〕The moisture present in all foods absorbs the flavour of the smoke and eventually diffuses that flavour into its interior.所有食物中都存在的水分会吸收烟味,并最终将其散播到食物内部。柯林斯高阶〔digest〕Chemistry To soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture.【化学】 煮解:通过化学反应、加热或潮湿的方法,使变软或分解美国传统〔drank 或 drunk〕The plant drank moisture.植物吸收了水分。21世纪英汉〔draw out〕Salt will draw out moisture from the vegetables.盐将会吸收蔬菜中的水分。韦氏高阶〔drip〕Liquid or moisture that falls in drops.水滴,雨滴:滴落的液体或水气美国传统〔droplet infection〕An infection transmitted from one individual to another by droplets of moisture expelled from the upper respiratory tract through sneezing or coughing.飞沫传染:通过打喷嚏或咳嗽时从上呼吸道排出的小滴水汽而从一个人传给另一个人的感染美国传统〔dry〕The air is usually dry during the winter. [=there is very little moisture in the air] 冬天的空气通常是干燥的。韦氏高阶〔dry〕To preserve (meat or other foods, for example) by extracting the moisture.脱水保存(如肉或其它食物)美国传统〔earth〕The moisture will eventually fall to earth in the form of rain or snow.水汽最终将以雨或雪的形式降落到地面。韦氏高阶〔evaporate〕Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates.湿气被吸到织物表面从而蒸发。外研社新世纪〔evaporate〕Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates.湿气被吸到织物表面从而蒸发。柯林斯高阶〔evaporate〕The sun evaporates moisture on the leaves.太阳会蒸发叶子上的水分。朗文当代〔evaporate〕The sun is constantly evaporating the earth's moisture.太阳使地球上的湿气不断蒸发。牛津高阶〔evaporate〕To draw moisture from, as by heating, leaving only the dry solid portion.使脱水:通过加热使水气排出以留下干燥的固体部分美国传统〔exude〕Moisture exuded from the walls of the cave.潮气从洞穴的壁上渗出。韦氏高阶〔film〕The window filmed over with moisture.窗子上覆盖着水汽模糊不清美国传统〔fomentation〕The therapeutic application of warmth and moisture, as to relieve pain.热敷药剂:温暖、湿润的治疗药品,用作减轻疼痛美国传统〔form〕A change in temperature may make moisture form on the windows.温度变化会使窗户上形成水汽。麦克米伦高阶〔freezer burn〕Discoloration that appears on improperly or inadequately packaged frozen food, caused by evaporation of moisture.瑕疵包装的冷冻食品:由于水分蒸发使包装不当的冷冻食品外露美国传统〔germinate〕Warmth and moisture germinate seeds.温度和水分使种子发芽。21世纪英汉〔glint〕Moisture glinted on his moustache.他的小胡子上水珠闪亮。英汉大词典〔glint〕Moisture glinted on the leaves.树叶上的水珠闪闪发亮。21世纪英汉〔hardy〕Capable of surviving unfavorable conditions, such as cold weather or lack of moisture. Used especially of cultivated plants.耐寒的或耐旱的:能够在如寒冷的天气或干旱的气候等恶劣环境下生存的。尤用于描写植物美国传统〔haze〕Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility.雾气:造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽美国传统〔heavy〕The air is heavy with moisture.空气的湿度很大。柯林斯高阶〔heavy〕The air was heavy with moisture.空气的湿度很大。外研社新世纪〔humectant〕A substance that promotes retention of moisture.湿润剂:一种用于保持湿度的物质美国传统〔humectant〕Promoting retention of moisture.保持湿度的美国传统〔hydric〕Relating to, characterized by, or requiring considerable moisture.水生的:与丰富的水分有关的、含有丰富水分的、或需要丰富水分的美国传统〔hydrotaxis〕Movement of an organism in response to moisture.趋水性:一个有机物对水分的反应而产生的运动美国传统〔hygroscopic〕Readily absorbing moisture, as from the atmosphere.易湿的,吸湿的:容易吸收水分,比如大气中的水分美国传统〔imbibe〕A sponge imbibes moisture.海绵吸收水分。英汉大词典〔imbibe〕These plants imbibe moisture through their roots.这些植物通过根部吸收水分。21世纪英汉〔infiltration〕It is important to manage moisture infiltration into buildings.控制潮湿侵入建筑很重要。剑桥高阶〔isolate〕Pipelines are coated to isolate the steel from surrounding moisture.给管道加一层涂膜,使钢免受周围潮气的影响。英汉大词典〔joint〕Moisture was trapped in the joint.水分被锁在接缝里。外研社新世纪〔lack〕The plant died because it lacked moisture.这株植物因为缺乏水分而死。美国传统〔line〕Moisture lined the walls of the cave.湿气布满壁炉美国传统〔mesophyte〕A land plant that grows in an environment having a moderate amount of moisture.中生植物:指在中等湿度环境中生长的陆地植物美国传统〔moisture〕A great deal of moisture is given off.大量的水气被散发出来。英汉大词典〔moisture〕Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil.植物利用根从土壤中吸收水分。朗文当代〔moisture〕Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.降雨会影响空气湿度。外研社新世纪〔moisture〕Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.降雨会影响空气湿度。柯林斯高阶〔moisture〕The leaves absorb moisture from the air.树叶吸收空气中的水分。韦氏高阶〔moisture〕These flowers grow best with moisture and shade.那些花最适合在阴湿的环境中生长。韦氏高阶〔moisture〕These plants need a rich soil that retains moisture.这些植物需要一种能保持水分、养分充足的土壤。剑桥高阶〔moisture〕Tiles stop moisture from penetrating your walls.瓷砖可阻止潮气穿透墙壁。牛津搭配〔moisture〕Trees have enormous roots that can reach out for moisture far below the surface.树木有伸向地下深处吸收水分的粗大根系。英汉大词典〔moisture〕Ventilation helps prevent moisture build-up.通风有助于防止湿度上升。牛津搭配〔moisture〕When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant.土壤干燥时, 植物会流失更多水分。外研社新世纪〔moisture〕When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant.土壤干燥时,植物会流失更多的水分。柯林斯高阶〔moisture〕Wind is caused by the sun drawing up moisture from the earth.太阳从地球上吸收水汽形成了风。牛津搭配〔moisture〕Wool socks will pull moisture away from your skin.羊毛短袜能吸走皮肤上的水分。韦氏高阶〔moisture〕Your skin's moisture content varies according to weather conditions.皮肤的水分随着天气状况而变化。朗文当代〔moist〕Filled with or characterized by moisture.潮的:用湿气充满的或以湿为特征的美国传统〔nonresistant〕Not resistant, especially to a disease or an environmental factor, such as heat or moisture.易染上的:不抵抗的,尤指对疾病或环境因素,如热或湿气美国传统〔nutrient〕The roots transmit moisture and nutrients to the trunk and branches.根将水分和养料输送到干和枝。英汉大词典〔ooze〕To exude moisture.渗出露珠美国传统〔oozy〕Exuding moisture.潮湿的:散发着潮气的美国传统〔perspirability〕Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.水珠透过陶罐渗透性的罐壁渗了出来。21世纪英汉〔perspire〕Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.水珠透过陶罐渗透性的罐壁渗了出来。英汉大词典〔precipitate〕An ice-filled glass precipitates moisture from the air.盛满水的玻璃杯使空气中的水分凝结。21世纪英汉〔precipitate〕An ice-filled glass precipitates moisture from the air.装满冰的玻璃杯能使空气中的水汽凝结成水滴。英汉大词典〔press out〕Press out the excess moisture, season, and line a baking dish with the spinach.挤出多余水分, 调味, 在烤盘上摆好菠菜。外研社新世纪〔repel〕This coat has a special surface that repels moisture.这件外套面料特殊,可以防潮。剑桥高阶〔repel〕This coating repels moisture.这层涂料能防潮。英汉大词典〔repel〕This material will repel moisture.这种材料能防潮。21世纪英汉〔retain〕Limestone is known to retain moisture.石灰岩能储存水分。朗文当代〔retain〕Topping the soil with mulch will help it to retain moisture.用覆盖物盖住土壤将有助于保留水分。韦氏高阶〔rust〕The metal is rusted by moisture.金属被水气锈蚀。外研社新世纪〔seal〕A substance, especially an adhesive agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air.封口之物:一种物质,尤指似蜡或油灰的粘性剂,用来封闭、保存某物或防止潮气或空气的渗流美国传统〔slick〕Emma wiped a slick of moisture from her brow.埃玛擦去眉毛上湿漉漉的水珠。麦克米伦高阶〔soak up〕The cells will promptly start to soak up moisture.细胞会立即开始吸收水分。外研社新世纪〔soak up〕The cells will promptly start to soak up moisture.细胞会立即开始吸收水分。柯林斯高阶〔soak〕Sponges soak in moisture.海绵能吸收水分。英汉大词典〔suck〕Plants suck moisture from the earth.植物从土壤中吸收水分。21世纪英汉〔suck〕These plants suck moisture from the soil.这些植物从土壤中汲取水分。韦氏高阶〔sweat〕Condensation of moisture in the form of droplets on a surface.湿气:凝结在物体表面的水珠美国传统〔sweat〕The colorless saline moisture excreted by the sweat glands; perspiration.汗水:通过汗腺排出的无色含盐水份;汗液美国传统〔sweat〕The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.干无花果上渗出许多小水珠。21世纪英汉〔sweat〕To condense atmospheric moisture.凝结空气水份美国传统〔sweat〕To exude in droplets, as moisture from certain cheeses or sap from a tree.渗出:象树液或某些奶酪的水份一样成滴渗出美国传统〔sweat〕To release moisture, as hay in the swath.释放水气:象割草中的干草一样释放水份美国传统〔swell〕Moisture causes the timber to swell.木材受潮会膨胀。麦克米伦高阶〔tampion〕A plug or cover for the muzzle of a cannon or gun to keep out dust and moisture.枪炮塞:设在炮口或枪口内不让灰尘和水汽进入的塞子或覆盖物美国传统〔tarpaulin〕Material, such as waterproofed canvas, used to cover and protect things from moisture.柏油帆布:用来覆盖物体防止潮气进入其中的材料,如篷帆布美国传统〔thread〕A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.在粗糙不平的水泥窗台上有一条细细的发光水印。柯林斯高阶〔tightly〕My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture.我的皮肤感觉紧巴巴的,缺少水分。柯林斯高阶〔tight〕My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture.我的皮肤紧巴巴的, 缺乏水分。外研社新世纪〔warp〕The wood was warped by moisture.这块木头受潮变形了。韦氏高阶〔weatherproof〕The material is weatherproof and will not rot from moisture.这种材料耐日晒雨淋,不会发潮腐烂。韦氏高阶〔weather〕The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.天气:给定时间和地点的大气状况,牵涉到变量如温度、湿度、风速和气压美国传统〔weep〕The black stone walls wept moisture.这几堵黑石墙泛潮。外研社新世纪〔wetness〕Moisture.水汽美国传统〔wet〕Something that wets; moisture.湿的东西;潮湿美国传统〔wicking〕Wool has an excellent wicking action, that is, it carries body moisture away from your skin.羊毛有极好的毛细作用,亦即能从皮肤上吸走人体的水分。英汉大词典〔wick〕These special fabrics wick moisture from athletes' skin to keep them comfortable.这些特别的材料吸去运动员皮肤上的汗液,保持舒适。剑桥高阶〔wither〕To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.干枯,枯萎:因或似乎因失去水分而变干燥或枯萎美国传统〔wraith〕He watched the misty wraiths of moisture making patterns on the window pane.他看到朦胧的湿雾在窗格上结出不同的图案。剑桥高阶〔wrinkle〕Moisture caused the wallpaper to wrinkle and peel.潮气使墙纸起皱并剥落。韦氏高阶Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night. 大气中的水汽在夜里凝成了露水。译典通Air and moisture tarnish silver. 空气和潮湿使银子失去光泽。译典通All the cooking's caused so much moisture that it's misting up the windows.烹调中弄出许多湿气使窗上蒙了一层雾气。剑桥国际He watched the misty wraiths of moisture making patterns on the window pane.他看着水汽的朦胧幻影在窗玻璃上形成图案。剑桥国际Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds. 温度和潮湿会使种子发芽。译典通Pat the vegetables dry (= Dry them by patting) with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.用纸巾拍干蔬菜去掉多余的水分。剑桥国际Plants suck up moisture from the earth. 植物从地里吸收水分。译典通The sun will take the moisture out of the clothes. 太阳光会把衣服上的水分蒸发掉。译典通This coat has a special surface that repels moisture.这件大衣有特殊的防潮表层。剑桥国际Towels absorb moisture.毛巾吸收水汽。剑桥国际When paper is made, moisture is squeezed out of a wet mass leaving a web of dry, interlocking fibres.造纸时将水分从湿的浆状物中挤出,只留下干燥的连结在一起的网状纤维。剑桥国际




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