

单词 loops
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brussels carpet〕A machine-made carpet consisting of small, colored woolen loops that form a heavy, patterned pile.布鲁塞尔地毯:用彩色羊毛线拉成的小圈构成图案的机织地毯美国传统〔Wilton〕A carpet woven on a jacquard loom and having a velvety surface formed by the cut loops of a pile.威尔顿机织绒头地毯:用提花机织成的一种地毯,其丝绒表面是由一堆线圈切割而成的美国传统〔aerobatics〕Spectacular stunts, such as rolls and loops, performed in an airplane or glider.飞行特技:在飞机或滑翔机上表演的惊人特技动作,例如侧滚或翻斤斗美国传统〔bandoleer〕A belt fitted with small pockets or loops for carrying cartridges and worn across the chest by soldiers.子弹带:战士斜挂胸前的用来装子弹的有许多小口袋或环的带子美国传统〔bodkin〕A blunt needle for pulling tape or ribbon through a series of loops or a hem.粗针:用于将带或带状物拉过环或圈的钝针美国传统〔bowknot〕A knot with large, decorative loops.蝴蝶结:一种带有大的,装饰性环的结美国传统〔bow〕A knot usually having two loops and two ends; a bowknot.蝴蝶结:一种有两环并有两端的结;蝴蝶结美国传统〔cartridge belt〕A belt with loops or pockets for carrying ammunition or other kinds of equipment.子弹带:用来携带弹药或其它种类的器械的带有环或口袋的带子美国传统〔chain stitch〕A decorative sewing stitch in which loops are connected like the links of a chain.链状线圈:一种装饰性的缝纫线圈,其圆环象链环一样连接在一起美国传统〔correspond〕These metal loops should be spaced to correspond with the curtain hooks.这些金属环应该留出和窗帘钩相匹配的空间。麦克米伦高阶〔costrel〕A flat, pear-shaped drinking vessel with loops for attachment to the belt of the user.坛:一种平的,梨状喝水容器,为系在拴用者的皮带上而带有圈状物美国传统〔fasten〕Velcro has tiny hooks which fasten on to equally tiny loops and hairs in fabric.尼龙搭扣带有小钩子, 能固定在搭扣上同样小的圈环和毛状纤维上。外研社新世纪〔holster〕A belt with loops or slots for carrying small tools or other equipment.皮带上有可装一些小工具或装备的环或槽美国传统〔knit〕To make (a fabric or garment) by intertwining yarn or thread in a series of connected loops either by hand with knitting needles or on a machine.编织:通过把纱或线缠结成一连串相连的环,或用手工织针或机器制作(织物或衣服)美国传统〔light show〕A display of colored lights in shifting patterns, often accompanied by slides and film loops.灯光表演:各种颜色的光作快速旋转,通常伴有幻灯和影片片断美国传统〔link〕One of the rings or loops forming a chain.环:组成链状物的环或节美国传统〔loop back〕The Circuit continues on to Fumel, then loops back to Vire.赛道延伸至菲梅勒, 然后打了个圈又回到维尔。外研社新世纪〔looped〕Formed into or having a loop or loops.环的:形成环的或有一个或几个环的美国传统〔looper〕One that makes loops.做环的人美国传统〔loopy〕Consisting of or covered with loops.多环的:由环组成的或被环覆盖的美国传统〔loop〕She did big loops on the letters ‘g' and ‘y'.她把字母g和y写成带有大圆圈的字体。麦克米伦高阶〔loop〕The brook loops around the farm.小河环绕农场流过。英汉大词典〔loop〕The river loops around the town.该河绕城镇流过。21世纪英汉〔loop〕The river loops around the valley.那条河顺着山谷绕了个大弯儿。牛津高阶〔loop〕The road loops around the pond.那条路沿池塘绕了一圈。韦氏高阶〔loop〕To fasten, join, or encircle with loops or a loop.以环固定:用一个或几个环拴牢、系紧或环绕美国传统〔loop〕Turn left where the road loops round the farm buildings.在这条路绕过农场房屋的地方向左转。剑桥高阶〔mail〕Flexible armor composed of small overlapping metal rings, loops of chain, or scales.铠甲:由相互叠加的小金属环、环状链子或金属鳞片构成的可弯曲的盔甲美国传统〔picot〕To trim with small embroidered loops.用花边小圈装饰美国传统〔pile〕Cut or uncut loops of yarn forming the surface of certain fabrics, such as velvet, plush, and carpeting.绒毛,绒头:剪开或未剪开的纱线环,组成某些织物、如天鹅绒、长毛绒和地毯织料的表面美国传统〔sistrum〕A percussion instrument of ancient Egypt consisting of metal rods or loops attached to a metal frame.叉铃:古埃及打击乐器,由金属棒附在金属框上组成美国传统〔terry〕One of the uncut loops that form the pile of a fabric.毛圈:形成织物叠状花纹的相连的线圈美国传统〔thread〕The wire threaded through small loops.金属丝穿过许多小环。英汉大词典His writing was childish with large loops on the letters.他的字还带着孩子气,字母的圈圈写得很大。剑桥国际The freeway loops around clusters of discount marts.高速公路环绕着成群的折价市场。剑桥国际The path loops around the pond. 这条小路沿池塘绕一圈。译典通Turn left where the road loops (= curves) round the farm buildings.在道路绕过农场建筑的地方向左拐。剑桥国际Wind the wire in loops and put it away in the toolshed. 把铁丝绕成圈圈,放到工具棚里。译典通




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