

单词 advertised
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕The concert was advertised in all the national newspapers. 这场音乐会在所有的全国性报纸上都做了广告。朗文写作活用〔ADVERTISING〕Young smokers tend to buy the brands that are most heavily advertised. 年轻烟民一般都购买广告做得最多的牌子。朗文写作活用〔ANSWER〕We advertised for a secretary in the local paper and got 24 replies. 我们在当地的报纸上登了招聘秘书的广告,收到了24封应聘信。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕The job will only be advertised internally. 这份工作只在公司内部招聘。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕A Walt Disney film is being shown in place of the advertised programme. 现在放映一部沃尔特·迪斯尼的电影来代替事先预告的那个节目。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of Sales Executive advertised in yesterday's ‘Times’. 亲爱的先生:昨日贵公司在《泰晤士报》上刊登招聘销售经理的广告,本人特写此信应聘。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Kids have to learn that toys they see advertised on TV might not be as much fun as they look. 要让孩子们知道,他们在电视广告中看到的玩具可能不像看起来那么好玩。朗文写作活用〔advertisable〕I advertised him of my intention.我把我的打算告知他。21世纪英汉〔advertisable〕The company advertised goods for sale.这家公司为推销产品而做广告。21世纪英汉〔advertisable〕The institute advertised on a bulletin-board.学院在布告牌上登公告。21世纪英汉〔advertisable〕They advertised that a position was open.他们公布有一个职位空缺。21世纪英汉〔advertise for〕She advertised for a situation.她登了一则找工作的广告。21世纪英汉〔advertise〕His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose.他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。柯林斯高阶〔advertise〕In 1991, the house was advertised for sale at $49,000.1991年, 这套房子以49,000美元的价格登广告出售。外研社新世纪〔advertise〕It turned out to be exactly as advertised.结果和广告宣传完全相符。韦氏高阶〔advertise〕It was a job he had seen advertised in the paper.这个工作职位他在报纸广告中看到过。外研社新世纪〔advertise〕Jobs are advertised in the paper.报纸上登有招工广告。外研社新世纪〔advertise〕She advertised her presence by wearing a skimpy dress.她穿了一件暴露的连衣裙,吸引了大家的注意。韦氏高阶〔advertise〕She had seen them advertised on television.她在电视上看到过它们的广告。外研社新世纪〔advertise〕The cruise was advertised as the ‘journey of a lifetime’.这次航行被宣传为“终生难得的旅行”。牛津高阶〔advertise〕The inn is advertised as being from the early 16th century.这家小旅馆被宣传为创办于 16 世纪早期。朗文当代〔advertise〕The perfume has been advertised in all the major women's magazines.这种香水在所有主要的女性杂志上都做了广告。麦克米伦高阶〔advertise〕The vacation was advertised as a week in paradise.这次度假被广告宣传成在天堂的一周。韦氏高阶〔advertise〕These products have been advertised very heavily.这些产品已做了大量的广告。牛津搭配〔advertise〕This job was advertised in the local paper.这份工作在当地报纸上登有广告。麦克米伦高阶〔advertise〕We advertised for staff in a local newspaper.我们在一家地方报纸上刊登了招聘广告。柯林斯高阶〔advertise〕We advertised our car in the local newspaper.我们在当地报纸上登了广告出售我们的轿车。剑桥高阶〔advertise〕We advertised the concert quite widely.我们为这次音乐会作了相当广泛的宣传。牛津高阶〔advertise〕We advertised the job in the paper.我们在报纸上刊登了这份工作的招聘广告。韦氏高阶〔apply〕By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.我看到招聘广告的时候,已经太晚了,错过了应聘时机。剑桥高阶〔apply〕We advertised three jobs, and over 50 people applied.我们为3份工作登了广告,有50多个人申请。麦克米伦高阶〔appointment〕Internal appointments are advertised on the noticeboard.内部职位在通告栏中公布。麦克米伦高阶〔business〕They advertised to increase business.他们登了广告,以此来提高业务量。韦氏高阶〔doubt〕The contract for this will no doubt be widely advertised.关于这个的合约无疑会受到广泛宣传。柯林斯高阶〔enticement〕Among other enticements, they advertised that they would take guests to Ramsgate for the day.除了其他诱人之处, 他们还宣传说会带客人去拉姆斯盖特玩一天。外研社新世纪〔everlasting〕These tyres are advertised as being everlasting.广告说这些轮胎耐磨经用。英汉大词典〔external〕The job should be advertised internally and externally.这份工作应该内外征聘。朗文当代〔filter out〕The news of his appointment filtered out before it was officially advertised.关于他的任命尚未正式宣布,消息就已经泄露了出去。21世纪英汉〔internal〕The new posts were only advertised internally.新职位仅限于内部招聘。牛津高阶〔internal〕The posts have been advertised internally.这些职位的宣传已经深入人心。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕I saw the house advertised in the local paper.我看见这栋房子在当地报纸上登了广告。麦克米伦高阶〔job〕I saw the job advertised on the Internet.我在网上看到这个招聘广告。牛津搭配〔locally〕He advertised locally.他在当地刊登了广告。外研社新世纪〔make〕The book's advertised as "navigation made easy".这本书的广告宣传词是“航海不再难”。剑桥高阶〔measure〕The new flats are advertised as being made to measure for the modern housewife and all her needs.广告说这种新的公寓套间非常适合于现代主妇及其一切需要。英汉大词典〔offer〕All special offers advertised in this brochure are subject to availability.这本小册子上宣传的所有特价商品售完即止。朗文当代〔personnel〕We've advertised for extra security personnel.我们已经登了招聘额外保安人员的广告。外研社新世纪〔place〕In place of our advertised programme, we will have live coverage of the special memorial service.我们将对这次特别纪念仪式作现场报道,取代原本预告要播出的节目。朗文当代〔poor〕This car is advertised as the poor man's Rolls Royce.这种车被广告宣传成穷人的劳斯莱斯。麦克米伦高阶〔post〕Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper.星期二的报纸上有招聘教师的广告。剑桥高阶〔presale〕An exclusive or private sale held before an advertised sale.在通告销售之前进行的包销和私人销售美国传统〔presentation〕Improving the product's presentation(= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.)should increase sales.改进产品的呈现方式会提高销售量。牛津高阶〔ring〕I'm ringing about the vacancy you advertised.我打电话询问你们登出的空缺职位的事情。麦克米伦高阶〔second〕We advertised for a second guitarist.我们登广告再招聘一个吉他手。朗文当代〔see〕I saw the offer advertised in the newspaper.我在报纸上看到这个减价的广告。朗文当代〔shell〕The shell advertised bonds for sale to investors, but this offering was essentially a fraud because no bonds ever existed.空壳公司刊登广告向投资者兜售债券,但这实质上是欺诈行为,因为其实从来都没有债券可卖。剑桥高阶〔steamy〕His new novel is advertised as his steamiest yet.他的新小说被宣传为他迄今为止最为色情的一部。剑桥高阶〔telesales〕There are a wealth of telesales jobs advertised.广告里有大量电话销售岗位。外研社新世纪〔telesales〕There are a wealth of telesales jobs advertised.广告里有大量电话销售的岗位。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕Their advertised bargains are usually tied in with some product that is very much in demand.他们广告上的便宜货通常与市面上的某种抢手货搭配在一起出售。 英汉大词典〔well〕The concert was advertised well enough but ticket sales were poor.这场音乐会的宣传搞得很不错,但是票房却不好。剑桥高阶By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.等我看到这份工作的招聘广告时, 申请已经太晚了。剑桥国际Consumers complain that varieties of products which are advertised as ‘new’or ‘improved’are merely introduced as a subterfuge for raising the price.消费者抱怨广告称为“新颖”或“改良”的各种产品实际上只是为了提高价格而采用的花招。剑桥国际He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election. 他告知他们自己要退出选举的决定。译典通His new novel is advertised as his steamiest yet.他的新小说被宣传为是他迄今为止最色情的一部。剑桥国际I bought the camera and case as advertised in the catalogue.我购买了目录上广告所示的照相机和机套。牛津商务I've sent off for the details of a job I saw advertised in the paper.我已经发信索要报纸上看到的一份招聘广告中提到的那份工作的详情。剑桥国际Improving the product's presentation (= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.) should increase sales.改进产品的包装会提高销售量。牛津商务It's advertised as ‘a free-standing barbecue which neatly stows away in its own case for easy storage’.广告里说这是‘一个独立式的烤肉架,可整洁地储藏在它自己的箱子内,存放方便’。剑桥国际She's making a pitch for (= trying to get) the job as accounts manager that's been advertised. (Br) 她竭力争取广告上招聘的财会部经理一职。剑桥国际Something advertised as a toy is likely to be used by children.某产品被广告宣传为玩具,使用者很可能就是孩子。牛津商务The book's advertised as “navigation made easy.” 这本书以剑桥国际The company's new Internet service has been heavily advertised on television.这公司在电视上大做新互联网服务的广告。牛津商务The concert was well enough advertised but ticket sales were poor.这场音乐会的广告做得够好,但票却卖得很不好。剑桥国际The exhibition was advertised in the trade press.展览会在专业报刊上登了广告。牛津商务The extended news bulletin means that the remainder of this evening's programmes will be running twenty minutes later than advertised.延长的新闻公告意味着今晚剩下的节目都要比预告晚20分钟。剑桥国际The job was advertised in the classifieds.这职位的招聘广告刊登在分类广告版。牛津商务The open-air production of the opera was advertised as being the greatest spectacle of the century.这部露天制作的歌剧被广告宣传为本世纪最伟大的演出。剑桥国际There's a very plummy (= good and desirable) job advertised in the paper today.今天的报纸中有一则很好的工作的广告。剑桥国际They advertised for a nanny to take/have sole charge of their children while they were at work.他们登广告招一个在他们上班时全权照看孩子的保姆。剑桥国际We advertised the job but received very few replies.我们登广告招聘,但是反响寥寥。剑桥国际We sent (away/off) for (= sent a request for) the holiday brochure as soon as we saw it advertised.我们一看到广告就写信索取度假的小册子。剑桥国际




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