

单词 of age
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔account〕resign on account of age 因年迈而辞职英汉大词典〔age〕children from 5–10 years of age *5 至 10 岁的儿童牛津高阶〔age〕the wisdom of age 老年人的智慧英汉大词典〔coming of age〕postwar Germany's final coming of age as an independent sovereign state德国在战后得以成为一个独立的主权国家外研社新世纪〔coming of age〕the coming of age of democracy in the country 国家民主的日臻完善剑桥高阶〔coming of age〕the country's coming of age as an industrial and financial power 这个国家作为工业和金融大国的成熟阶段麦克米伦高阶〔die at〕to die at sixty years of age 60岁时去世21世纪英汉〔effect〕a face cream designed to combat the effects of age 设计用于抗衰老的面霜牛津搭配〔infirmity〕the infirmities of age 老年疾病英汉大词典〔infirmity〕those incapable of supporting themselves by reason of age and infirmity 因为年老体弱不能养活自己的那些人牛津搭配〔insidious〕the insidious approach [advance] of age 不觉日渐年老文馨英汉〔patina〕the patina of age 古色文馨英汉〔rank〕cater for everyone regardless of age or social rank 为所有人服务而不计其年龄或社会地位英汉大词典〔resignation〕a smile which the peace of resignation alone can bring to the face of age 只有达观的平静心境才能使老年人在脸上呈现的一种微笑英汉大词典〔sex〕without distinction of age or sex 不分男女老幼地英汉大词典〔victim〕victims of age discrimination 年龄歧视的受害者朗文当代〔year〕a man of thirty years of age 30岁的男子英汉大词典discrimination on the grounds of age 基于年龄的歧视牛津商务




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