

单词 made of wood
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Quaker gun〕A dummy gun made of wood.木制假炮:用木头制成的模型炮美国传统〔anything〕Anything made of wood needs to be protected from the weather.任何木制品都需要好好保存,以免受天气影响。麦克米伦高阶〔bolt〕A bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten doors and gates.门闩,插销:用木或金属制成的条,插入闩中用于固紧门美国传统〔charango〕A ten-stringed mandolin of Andean regions with a sound box traditionally fashioned from the shell of an armadillo or tortoise, now also made of wood.夏朗哥:安第斯山脉地区的十弦曼陀林,其音箱部分,传统上取材自犰狳壳或乌龟壳,但今日也有木制的美国传统〔chiefly〕It is chiefly made of wood.它主要由木头制成。文馨英汉〔jointed〕A flute is made of wood or metal in three jointed sections.长笛由木头或金属制成,分3段相接插。剑桥高阶〔made〕The house was made of wood with an iron roof.房子是木质的,有一个铁屋顶。剑桥高阶〔of〕It's made of wood.它是木头做的。外研社新世纪〔particleboard〕A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin.碎料板:由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器压成板状美国传统〔perish〕Early buildings were made of wood and have perished.早期建筑物为木质结构,已经消失殆尽。牛津高阶〔shoetree〕A form made of wood, metal, or other inflexible material inserted into a shoe to stretch it or preserve its shape.鞋楦:由木头、金属和其它不可弯曲的材料制成的物体,塞入鞋内,使之伸展或保持原来的形状美国传统〔taffrail〕The flat upper part of the stern of a vessel, made of wood and often richly carved.艉舷部:一艘船尾平坦的上部,由木头做成,经常有华美的雕刻美国传统〔tie〕One of the beams, usually made of wood, that are laid across a railroad bed to secure the rails.枕木:横放在铁路基上以固定铁轨的梁中的一根,通常为木制美国传统〔treen〕Cookware, tableware, or eating utensils made of wood.木制家用器皿:用木头制成的炊具、餐具或食具美国传统〔will〕If it's made of wood it will float.这要是木材做的就能浮在水面上。牛津高阶〔woodenware〕Articles, such as kitchenware, furniture, or ornaments, made of wood.木器:由木头制成的物品,如厨房用具、家具或装饰品美国传统〔wood〕All the furniture was made of wood.这里所有的家具都是用木料制作的。牛津高阶〔wood〕Her house was made of wood .她家的房子是木头建的。朗文当代〔wood〕It's made of wood.这是木制的。外研社新世纪〔wood〕Their dishes were made of wood.他们的盘子是木制的。柯林斯高阶A flute is made of wood or metal in three jointed sections.长笛是用木头或金属制成,有三个相连的部分。剑桥国际The floor of this room is made of wood. 这个房间的地板是木头的。译典通The house was made of wood with an iron roof.房屋是带铁屋顶的木头房子。剑桥国际The pavilion is made of wood. 这亭子是木造的。译典通




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