

单词 morning
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EARLY〕early in the morning 一大早朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕a beautiful sunny morning 一个阳光明媚的早上朗文写作活用〔arrival〕the arrival of the mail in the morning 上午送达的邮件牛津高阶〔bell〕a sail belling from morning wind 吃满晨风的鼓鼓船帆英汉大词典〔blues〕the Monday morning blues 星期一早晨的郁闷情绪牛津高阶〔bright〕the bright morning song of birds 清晨时分嘹亮婉转的鸟语英汉大词典〔broadcast〕watched the morning news broadcast.看早晨的新闻节目美国传统〔bulletin〕the early morning news bulletin.早间新闻简报柯林斯高阶〔cartoon〕the Saturday morning cartoons星期六早上播放的动画片外研社新世纪〔clear〕a clear June morning 六月的一个晴朗早晨朗文当代〔crisp〕a wonderful crisp spring morning 一个晴爽的春日清晨剑桥高阶〔dew〕dews glittering in the morning sun 在朝阳中闪耀的露水英汉大词典〔edition〕the morning edition; the Sunday edition.早报;周日报美国传统〔excursion〕my Saturday morning excursion into town 我周六上午进城逛的一圈麦克米伦高阶〔foggy〕a foggy morning 多雾的早晨英汉大词典〔form〕the dark forms of trees in the early morning light 晨光熹微中树木黑黝黝的轮廓英汉大词典〔fresh〕a fresh spring morning 凛冽的春天早晨英汉大词典〔fresh〕in the fresh of the morning 在清晨英汉大词典〔fresh〕the freshness of the early morning 清晨的清新感朗文当代〔from〕housewives who work from morning to night (=without stopping) 从早忙到晚的家庭主妇朗文当代〔frosty〕a beautiful frosty morning 一个美丽而严寒的早晨朗文当代〔gusty〕a gusty morning 刮风的早晨牛津高阶〔half-light〕the cold half-light of the early morning 清晨阴冷昏暗的光线朗文当代〔haze〕the morning haze 晨霾 英汉大词典〔jogger〕a jogger out for his early morning run 一大清早出去跑步的一位慢跑者朗文当代〔languorous〕languorous morning coffees on the terrace.清晨在露台上悠然自得地啜着咖啡柯林斯高阶〔lull〕the early morning lull in urban noise 清晨城市喧闹声的暂时消失英汉大词典〔memory〕the fresh memory of my momentous news this morning 对于今天上午和我有关的重大消息的清晰记忆牛津搭配〔misty〕a misty morning 薄雾弥漫的早晨牛津高阶〔misty〕a misty October morning 10月一个雾蒙蒙的早晨麦克米伦高阶〔mist〕the mists of early morning 清晨的薄雾英汉大词典〔morning〕morning coffee 上午咖啡文馨英汉〔morning〕a morning walk 晨间散步文馨英汉〔morning〕a beautiful/sunny/wet morning 美丽的/阳光明媚的/多雨的上午剑桥高阶〔morning〕early in [on] the morning of the 6th 在六日清晨文馨英汉〔morning〕in the morning 在早上,在上午;在明天早上文馨英汉〔morning〕on the morning of June 21在6月21日的上午英汉大词典〔morning〕on the morning of the 4th of April [April 4] 在四月四日早晨文馨英汉〔morning〕the morning after a storm 暴雨过后的清晨韦氏高阶〔morning〕the morning papers 晨报牛津高阶〔morning〕the fresh morning air 新鲜的早晨空气文馨英汉〔nippy〕a nippy morning 寒冷的早晨韦氏高阶〔one〕early one morning 一天清晨韦氏高阶〔overcast〕a depressing, overcast winter morning 沉闷、阴暗的冬日早晨剑桥高阶〔placidity〕the placidity of the quiet morning 早晨的寂静韦氏高阶〔post〕miss the morning post 错过上午的收信时间英汉大词典〔radiant〕a radiant morning 阳光明媚的早晨 英汉大词典〔regularly〕after a morning punctuated by regular volleys of gunfire.过了枪声阵阵的早上之后柯林斯高阶〔scan〕a quick scan of the morning post 对早晨邮件的快速浏览麦克米伦高阶〔scramble〕a scramble each morning for the bathroom 每天早上对洗漱间的争抢麦克米伦高阶〔scramble〕the usual scramble for the bathroom every morning 每天早上的抢用卫生间朗文当代〔seductive〕a seductive spring morning 富有魅力的春天早晨英汉大词典〔smoke away〕to smoke the whole morning away吸了一上午的烟21世纪英汉〔stretching〕a working day that stretches from seven in the morning to eight at night.从早上 7 点持续到晚上 8 点的工作日柯林斯高阶〔sunlight〕the early morning sunlight 清晨的阳光韦氏高阶〔sunny〕a gloriously sunny morning 一个阳光明媚的早上牛津搭配〔take〕take the train early in the morning 一大早乘火车英汉大词典〔toil〕to toil from morning till night起早贪晚地苦干21世纪英汉〔uncommonly〕an uncommonly cold morning 异常寒冷的早晨朗文当代〔worship〕morning worship(= a church service in the morning) 早晨的礼拜牛津高阶




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